PMC:1382200 / 82-1643 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T678 0-10 sentence denotes Background
T679 0-10 NN denotes Background
T680 10-168 sentence denotes μ-calpain and m-calpain are ubiquitously expressed proteases implicated in cellular migration, cell cycle progression, degenerative processes and cell death.
T681 11-12 NN denotes μ
T683 12-13 HYPH denotes -
T682 13-20 NN denotes calpain
T685 21-24 CC denotes and
T686 25-26 NN denotes m
T688 26-27 HYPH denotes -
T687 27-34 NN denotes calpain
T684 35-38 VBP denotes are
T689 39-51 RB denotes ubiquitously
T690 52-61 VBN denotes expressed
T691 62-71 NNS denotes proteases
T692 72-82 VBN denotes implicated
T693 83-85 IN denotes in
T694 86-94 JJ denotes cellular
T695 95-104 NN denotes migration
T696 104-106 , denotes ,
T697 106-110 NN denotes cell
T698 111-116 NN denotes cycle
T699 117-128 NN denotes progression
T700 128-130 , denotes ,
T701 130-142 JJ denotes degenerative
T702 143-152 NNS denotes processes
T703 153-156 CC denotes and
T704 157-161 NN denotes cell
T705 162-167 NN denotes death
T706 167-168 . denotes .
T707 168-342 sentence denotes These heterodimeric enzymes are composed of distinct catalytic subunits, encoded by Capn1 (μ-calpain) or Capn2 (m-calpain), and a common regulatory subunit encoded by Capn4.
T708 169-174 DT denotes These
T710 175-188 JJ denotes heterodimeric
T709 189-196 NNS denotes enzymes
T712 197-200 VBP denotes are
T711 201-209 VBN denotes composed
T713 210-212 IN denotes of
T714 213-221 JJ denotes distinct
T716 222-231 JJ denotes catalytic
T715 232-240 NNS denotes subunits
T717 240-242 , denotes ,
T718 242-249 VBN denotes encoded
T719 250-252 IN denotes by
T720 253-258 NN denotes Capn1
T721 259-260 -LRB- denotes (
T722 260-261 NN denotes μ
T724 261-262 HYPH denotes -
T723 262-269 NN denotes calpain
T725 269-270 -RRB- denotes )
T726 271-273 CC denotes or
T727 274-279 NN denotes Capn2
T728 280-281 -LRB- denotes (
T729 281-282 NN denotes m
T731 282-283 HYPH denotes -
T730 283-290 NN denotes calpain
T732 290-291 -RRB- denotes )
T733 291-293 , denotes ,
T734 293-296 CC denotes and
T735 297-298 DT denotes a
T737 299-305 JJ denotes common
T738 306-316 JJ denotes regulatory
T736 317-324 NN denotes subunit
T739 325-332 VBN denotes encoded
T740 333-335 IN denotes by
T741 336-341 NN denotes Capn4
T742 341-342 . denotes .
T743 342-563 sentence denotes Disruption of the mouse Capn4 gene abolished both μ-calpain and m-calpain activity, and resulted in embryonic lethality, thereby suggesting essential roles for one or both of these enzymes during mammalian embryogenesis.
T744 343-353 NN denotes Disruption
T746 354-356 IN denotes of
T747 357-360 DT denotes the
T749 361-366 NN denotes mouse
T750 367-372 NN denotes Capn4
T748 373-377 NN denotes gene
T745 378-387 VBD denotes abolished
T751 388-392 CC denotes both
T753 393-394 NN denotes μ
T754 394-395 HYPH denotes -
T752 395-402 NN denotes calpain
T756 403-406 CC denotes and
T757 407-408 NN denotes m
T759 408-409 HYPH denotes -
T758 409-416 NN denotes calpain
T755 417-425 NN denotes activity
T760 425-427 , denotes ,
T761 427-430 CC denotes and
T762 431-439 VBD denotes resulted
T763 440-442 IN denotes in
T764 443-452 JJ denotes embryonic
T765 453-462 NN denotes lethality
T766 462-464 , denotes ,
T767 464-471 RB denotes thereby
T768 472-482 VBG denotes suggesting
T769 483-492 JJ denotes essential
T770 493-498 NNS denotes roles
T771 499-502 IN denotes for
T772 503-506 CD denotes one
T773 507-509 CC denotes or
T774 510-514 DT denotes both
T775 515-517 IN denotes of
T776 518-523 DT denotes these
T777 524-531 NNS denotes enzymes
T778 532-538 IN denotes during
T779 539-548 JJ denotes mammalian
T780 549-562 NN denotes embryogenesis
T781 562-563 . denotes .
T782 563-771 sentence denotes Disruption of the Capn1 gene produced viable, fertile mice implying that either m-calpain could compensate for the loss of μ-calpain, or that the loss of m-calpain was responsible for death of Capn4-/- mice.
T783 564-574 NN denotes Disruption
T785 575-577 IN denotes of
T786 578-581 DT denotes the
T788 582-587 NN denotes Capn1
T787 588-592 NN denotes gene
T784 593-601 VBD denotes produced
T789 602-608 JJ denotes viable
T791 608-610 , denotes ,
T792 610-617 JJ denotes fertile
T790 618-622 NNS denotes mice
T793 623-631 VBG denotes implying
T794 632-636 IN denotes that
T796 637-643 DT denotes either
T797 644-645 NN denotes m
T799 645-646 HYPH denotes -
T798 646-653 NN denotes calpain
T800 654-659 MD denotes could
T795 660-670 VB denotes compensate
T801 671-674 IN denotes for
T802 675-678 DT denotes the
T803 679-683 NN denotes loss
T804 684-686 IN denotes of
T805 687-688 NN denotes μ
T807 688-689 HYPH denotes -
T806 689-696 NN denotes calpain
T808 696-698 , denotes ,
T809 698-700 CC denotes or
T810 701-705 IN denotes that
T812 706-709 DT denotes the
T813 710-714 NN denotes loss
T814 715-717 IN denotes of
T815 718-719 NN denotes m
T817 719-720 HYPH denotes -
T816 720-727 NN denotes calpain
T811 728-731 VBD denotes was
T818 732-743 JJ denotes responsible
T819 744-747 IN denotes for
T820 748-753 NN denotes death
T821 754-756 IN denotes of
T822 757-762 NN denotes Capn4
T824 762-763 SYM denotes -
T825 763-764 HYPH denotes /
T826 764-765 SYM denotes -
T823 766-770 NNS denotes mice
T827 770-771 . denotes .
T828 771-780 sentence denotes Results
T829 773-780 NNS denotes Results
T830 780-987 sentence denotes To distinguish between the alternatives described above, we deleted an essential coding region in the mouse Capn2 gene in embryonic stems cells and transmitted this mutant allele through the mouse germline.
T831 781-783 TO denotes To
T832 784-795 VB denotes distinguish
T834 796-803 IN denotes between
T835 804-807 DT denotes the
T836 808-820 NNS denotes alternatives
T837 821-830 VBN denotes described
T838 831-836 RB denotes above
T839 836-838 , denotes ,
T840 838-840 PRP denotes we
T833 841-848 VBD denotes deleted
T841 849-851 DT denotes an
T843 852-861 JJ denotes essential
T844 862-868 NN denotes coding
T842 869-875 NN denotes region
T845 876-878 IN denotes in
T846 879-882 DT denotes the
T848 883-888 NN denotes mouse
T849 889-894 NN denotes Capn2
T847 895-899 NN denotes gene
T850 900-902 IN denotes in
T851 903-912 JJ denotes embryonic
T853 913-918 VBZ denotes stems
T852 919-924 NNS denotes cells
T854 925-928 CC denotes and
T855 929-940 VBN denotes transmitted
T856 941-945 DT denotes this
T858 946-952 NN denotes mutant
T857 953-959 NN denotes allele
T859 960-967 IN denotes through
T860 968-971 DT denotes the
T862 972-977 NN denotes mouse
T861 978-986 NN denotes germline
T863 986-987 . denotes .
T864 987-1093 sentence denotes Breeding of heterozygous animals failed to produce homozygous mutant live offspring or implanted embryos.
T865 988-996 NN denotes Breeding
T867 997-999 IN denotes of
T868 1000-1012 JJ denotes heterozygous
T869 1013-1020 NNS denotes animals
T866 1021-1027 VBD denotes failed
T870 1028-1030 TO denotes to
T871 1031-1038 VB denotes produce
T872 1039-1049 JJ denotes homozygous
T874 1050-1056 NN denotes mutant
T875 1057-1061 JJ denotes live
T873 1062-1071 NN denotes offspring
T876 1072-1074 CC denotes or
T877 1075-1084 VBN denotes implanted
T878 1085-1092 NNS denotes embryos
T879 1092-1093 . denotes .
T880 1093-1250 sentence denotes A nested PCR genotyping protocol was established, and homozygous preimplantation mutant embryos were detected at the morula but not at the blastocyts stage.
T881 1094-1095 DT denotes A
T883 1096-1102 VBN denotes nested
T884 1103-1106 NN denotes PCR
T885 1107-1117 NN denotes genotyping
T882 1118-1126 NN denotes protocol
T887 1127-1130 VBD denotes was
T886 1131-1142 VBN denotes established
T888 1142-1144 , denotes ,
T889 1144-1147 CC denotes and
T890 1148-1158 JJ denotes homozygous
T892 1159-1174 NN denotes preimplantation
T893 1175-1181 NN denotes mutant
T891 1182-1189 NNS denotes embryos
T895 1190-1194 VBD denotes were
T894 1195-1203 VBN denotes detected
T896 1204-1206 IN denotes at
T897 1207-1210 DT denotes the
T898 1211-1217 NN denotes morula
T899 1218-1221 CC denotes but
T900 1222-1225 RB denotes not
T901 1226-1228 IN denotes at
T902 1229-1232 DT denotes the
T903 1233-1243 NNS denotes blastocyts
T904 1244-1249 NN denotes stage
T905 1249-1250 . denotes .
T906 1250-1262 sentence denotes Conclusion
T907 1252-1262 NN denotes Conclusion
T908 1262-1408 sentence denotes We conclude that homozygous disruption of the Capn2 gene results in pre-implantation embryonic lethality between the morula and blastocyst stage.
T909 1263-1265 PRP denotes We
T910 1266-1274 VBP denotes conclude
T911 1275-1279 IN denotes that
T913 1280-1290 JJ denotes homozygous
T914 1291-1301 NN denotes disruption
T915 1302-1304 IN denotes of
T916 1305-1308 DT denotes the
T918 1309-1314 NN denotes Capn2
T917 1315-1319 NN denotes gene
T912 1320-1327 VBZ denotes results
T919 1328-1330 IN denotes in
T920 1331-1347 JJ denotes pre-implantation
T922 1348-1357 JJ denotes embryonic
T921 1358-1367 NN denotes lethality
T923 1368-1375 IN denotes between
T924 1376-1379 DT denotes the
T926 1380-1386 NN denotes morula
T927 1387-1390 CC denotes and
T928 1391-1401 NN denotes blastocyst
T925 1402-1407 NN denotes stage
T929 1407-1408 . denotes .
T930 1408-1561 sentence denotes This establishes that μ-calpain and m-calpain have distinct functions, and that m-calpain is vital for development of the preimplantation murine embryo.
T931 1409-1413 DT denotes This
T932 1414-1425 VBZ denotes establishes
T933 1426-1430 IN denotes that
T935 1431-1432 NN denotes μ
T937 1432-1433 HYPH denotes -
T936 1433-1440 NN denotes calpain
T938 1441-1444 CC denotes and
T939 1445-1446 NN denotes m
T941 1446-1447 HYPH denotes -
T940 1447-1454 NN denotes calpain
T934 1455-1459 VBP denotes have
T942 1460-1468 JJ denotes distinct
T943 1469-1478 NNS denotes functions
T944 1478-1480 , denotes ,
T945 1480-1483 CC denotes and
T946 1484-1488 IN denotes that
T948 1489-1490 NN denotes m
T950 1490-1491 HYPH denotes -
T949 1491-1498 NN denotes calpain
T947 1499-1501 VBZ denotes is
T951 1502-1507 JJ denotes vital
T952 1508-1511 IN denotes for
T953 1512-1523 NN denotes development
T954 1524-1526 IN denotes of
T955 1527-1530 DT denotes the
T957 1531-1546 NN denotes preimplantation
T958 1547-1553 JJ denotes murine
T956 1554-1560 NN denotes embryo
T959 1560-1561 . denotes .
R100 T774 T772 conj both,one
R101 T775 T772 prep of,one
R102 T776 T777 det these,enzymes
R103 T777 T775 pobj enzymes,of
R104 T778 T770 prep during,roles
R105 T779 T780 amod mammalian,embryogenesis
R106 T780 T778 pobj embryogenesis,during
R107 T781 T745 punct .,abolished
R108 T783 T784 nsubj Disruption,produced
R109 T785 T783 prep of,Disruption
R110 T786 T787 det the,gene
R111 T787 T785 pobj gene,of
R112 T788 T787 compound Capn1,gene
R113 T789 T790 amod viable,mice
R114 T790 T784 dobj mice,produced
R115 T791 T790 punct ", ",mice
R116 T792 T790 amod fertile,mice
R117 T793 T784 advcl implying,produced
R118 T794 T795 mark that,compensate
R119 T795 T793 advcl compensate,implying
R12 T681 T682 compound μ,calpain
R120 T796 T795 mark either,compensate
R121 T797 T798 compound m,calpain
R122 T798 T795 nsubj calpain,compensate
R123 T799 T798 punct -,calpain
R124 T800 T795 aux could,compensate
R125 T801 T795 prep for,compensate
R126 T802 T803 det the,loss
R127 T803 T801 pobj loss,for
R128 T804 T803 prep of,loss
R129 T805 T806 compound μ,calpain
R13 T682 T684 nsubj calpain,are
R130 T806 T804 pobj calpain,of
R131 T807 T806 punct -,calpain
R132 T808 T795 punct ", ",compensate
R133 T809 T795 cc or,compensate
R134 T810 T811 mark that,was
R135 T811 T795 conj was,compensate
R136 T812 T813 det the,loss
R137 T813 T811 nsubj loss,was
R138 T814 T813 prep of,loss
R139 T815 T816 compound m,calpain
R14 T683 T682 punct -,calpain
R140 T816 T814 pobj calpain,of
R141 T817 T816 punct -,calpain
R142 T818 T811 acomp responsible,was
R143 T819 T818 prep for,responsible
R144 T820 T819 pobj death,for
R145 T821 T820 prep of,death
R146 T822 T823 nmod Capn4,mice
R147 T823 T821 pobj mice,of
R148 T824 T822 punct -,Capn4
R149 T825 T822 punct /,Capn4
R15 T685 T682 cc and,calpain
R150 T826 T822 punct -,Capn4
R151 T827 T784 punct .,produced
R152 T831 T832 aux To,distinguish
R153 T832 T833 advcl distinguish,deleted
R154 T834 T832 prep between,distinguish
R155 T835 T836 det the,alternatives
R156 T836 T834 pobj alternatives,between
R157 T837 T836 acl described,alternatives
R158 T838 T837 advmod above,described
R159 T839 T833 punct ", ",deleted
R16 T686 T687 compound m,calpain
R160 T840 T833 nsubj we,deleted
R161 T841 T842 det an,region
R162 T842 T833 dobj region,deleted
R163 T843 T842 amod essential,region
R164 T844 T842 compound coding,region
R165 T845 T842 prep in,region
R166 T846 T847 det the,gene
R167 T847 T845 pobj gene,in
R168 T848 T847 compound mouse,gene
R169 T849 T847 compound Capn2,gene
R17 T687 T682 conj calpain,calpain
R170 T850 T833 prep in,deleted
R171 T851 T852 amod embryonic,cells
R172 T852 T850 pobj cells,in
R173 T853 T852 nmod stems,cells
R174 T854 T833 cc and,deleted
R175 T855 T833 conj transmitted,deleted
R176 T856 T857 det this,allele
R177 T857 T855 dobj allele,transmitted
R178 T858 T857 compound mutant,allele
R179 T859 T855 prep through,transmitted
R18 T688 T687 punct -,calpain
R180 T860 T861 det the,germline
R181 T861 T859 pobj germline,through
R182 T862 T861 compound mouse,germline
R183 T863 T833 punct .,deleted
R184 T865 T866 nsubj Breeding,failed
R185 T867 T865 prep of,Breeding
R186 T868 T869 amod heterozygous,animals
R187 T869 T867 pobj animals,of
R188 T870 T871 aux to,produce
R189 T871 T866 xcomp produce,failed
R19 T689 T690 advmod ubiquitously,expressed
R190 T872 T873 amod homozygous,offspring
R191 T873 T871 dobj offspring,produce
R192 T874 T873 nmod mutant,offspring
R193 T875 T873 amod live,offspring
R194 T876 T873 cc or,offspring
R195 T877 T878 amod implanted,embryos
R196 T878 T873 conj embryos,offspring
R197 T879 T866 punct .,failed
R198 T881 T882 det A,protocol
R199 T882 T886 nsubjpass protocol,established
R20 T690 T691 amod expressed,proteases
R200 T883 T882 amod nested,protocol
R201 T884 T882 compound PCR,protocol
R202 T885 T882 compound genotyping,protocol
R203 T887 T886 auxpass was,established
R204 T888 T886 punct ", ",established
R205 T889 T886 cc and,established
R206 T890 T891 amod homozygous,embryos
R207 T891 T894 nsubjpass embryos,detected
R208 T892 T891 compound preimplantation,embryos
R209 T893 T891 compound mutant,embryos
R21 T691 T684 attr proteases,are
R210 T894 T886 conj detected,established
R211 T895 T894 auxpass were,detected
R212 T896 T894 prep at,detected
R213 T897 T898 det the,morula
R214 T898 T896 pobj morula,at
R215 T899 T894 cc but,detected
R216 T900 T894 conj not,detected
R217 T901 T900 prep at,not
R218 T902 T903 det the,blastocyts
R219 T903 T901 pobj blastocyts,at
R22 T692 T691 acl implicated,proteases
R220 T904 T900 dobj stage,not
R221 T905 T894 punct .,detected
R222 T909 T910 nsubj We,conclude
R223 T911 T912 mark that,results
R224 T912 T910 ccomp results,conclude
R225 T913 T914 amod homozygous,disruption
R226 T914 T912 nsubj disruption,results
R227 T915 T914 prep of,disruption
R228 T916 T917 det the,gene
R229 T917 T915 pobj gene,of
R23 T693 T692 prep in,implicated
R230 T918 T917 compound Capn2,gene
R231 T919 T912 prep in,results
R232 T920 T921 amod pre-implantation,lethality
R233 T921 T919 pobj lethality,in
R234 T922 T921 amod embryonic,lethality
R235 T923 T912 prep between,results
R236 T924 T925 det the,stage
R237 T925 T923 pobj stage,between
R238 T926 T925 nmod morula,stage
R239 T927 T926 cc and,morula
R24 T694 T695 amod cellular,migration
R240 T928 T926 conj blastocyst,morula
R241 T929 T910 punct .,conclude
R242 T931 T932 nsubj This,establishes
R243 T933 T934 mark that,have
R244 T934 T932 advcl have,establishes
R245 T935 T936 compound μ,calpain
R246 T936 T934 nsubj calpain,have
R247 T937 T936 punct -,calpain
R248 T938 T936 cc and,calpain
R249 T939 T940 compound m,calpain
R25 T695 T693 pobj migration,in
R250 T940 T936 conj calpain,calpain
R251 T941 T940 punct -,calpain
R252 T942 T943 amod distinct,functions
R253 T943 T934 dobj functions,have
R254 T944 T934 punct ", ",have
R255 T945 T934 cc and,have
R256 T946 T947 mark that,is
R257 T947 T934 conj is,have
R258 T948 T949 compound m,calpain
R259 T949 T947 nsubj calpain,is
R26 T696 T695 punct ", ",migration
R260 T950 T949 punct -,calpain
R261 T951 T947 acomp vital,is
R262 T952 T951 prep for,vital
R263 T953 T952 pobj development,for
R264 T954 T953 prep of,development
R265 T955 T956 det the,embryo
R266 T956 T954 pobj embryo,of
R267 T957 T956 nmod preimplantation,embryo
R268 T958 T956 amod murine,embryo
R269 T959 T932 punct .,establishes
R27 T697 T698 compound cell,cycle
R28 T698 T699 compound cycle,progression
R29 T699 T695 conj progression,migration
R30 T700 T699 punct ", ",progression
R31 T701 T702 amod degenerative,processes
R32 T702 T699 conj processes,progression
R33 T703 T702 cc and,processes
R34 T704 T705 compound cell,death
R35 T705 T702 conj death,processes
R36 T706 T684 punct .,are
R37 T708 T709 det These,enzymes
R38 T709 T711 nsubjpass enzymes,composed
R39 T710 T709 amod heterodimeric,enzymes
R40 T712 T711 auxpass are,composed
R41 T713 T711 prep of,composed
R42 T714 T715 amod distinct,subunits
R43 T715 T713 pobj subunits,of
R44 T716 T715 amod catalytic,subunits
R45 T717 T715 punct ", ",subunits
R46 T718 T715 acl encoded,subunits
R47 T719 T718 agent by,encoded
R48 T720 T719 pobj Capn1,by
R49 T721 T720 punct (,Capn1
R50 T722 T723 compound μ,calpain
R51 T723 T720 appos calpain,Capn1
R52 T724 T723 punct -,calpain
R53 T725 T720 punct ),Capn1
R54 T726 T720 cc or,Capn1
R55 T727 T720 conj Capn2,Capn1
R56 T728 T727 punct (,Capn2
R57 T729 T730 compound m,calpain
R58 T730 T727 appos calpain,Capn2
R59 T731 T730 punct -,calpain
R60 T732 T715 punct ),subunits
R61 T733 T715 punct ", ",subunits
R62 T734 T715 cc and,subunits
R63 T735 T736 det a,subunit
R64 T736 T715 conj subunit,subunits
R65 T737 T736 amod common,subunit
R66 T738 T736 amod regulatory,subunit
R67 T739 T736 acl encoded,subunit
R68 T740 T739 agent by,encoded
R69 T741 T740 pobj Capn4,by
R70 T742 T711 punct .,composed
R71 T744 T745 nsubj Disruption,abolished
R72 T746 T744 prep of,Disruption
R73 T747 T748 det the,gene
R74 T748 T746 pobj gene,of
R75 T749 T748 compound mouse,gene
R76 T750 T748 compound Capn4,gene
R77 T751 T752 preconj both,calpain
R78 T752 T755 nmod calpain,activity
R79 T753 T752 nmod μ,calpain
R80 T754 T752 punct -,calpain
R81 T755 T745 dobj activity,abolished
R82 T756 T752 cc and,calpain
R83 T757 T758 compound m,calpain
R84 T758 T752 conj calpain,calpain
R85 T759 T758 punct -,calpain
R86 T760 T745 punct ", ",abolished
R87 T761 T745 cc and,abolished
R88 T762 T745 conj resulted,abolished
R89 T763 T762 prep in,resulted
R90 T764 T765 amod embryonic,lethality
R91 T765 T763 pobj lethality,in
R92 T766 T762 punct ", ",resulted
R93 T767 T768 advmod thereby,suggesting
R94 T768 T762 advcl suggesting,resulted
R95 T769 T770 amod essential,roles
R96 T770 T768 dobj roles,suggesting
R97 T771 T770 prep for,roles
R98 T772 T771 pobj one,for
R99 T773 T772 cc or,one