PMC:1310620 / 4132-4919 JSONTXT 5 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1244 0-11 NN denotes Correlation
T1245 12-14 VBZ denotes is
T1246 15-18 CD denotes one
T1248 19-26 JJ denotes typical
T1247 27-41 NN denotes characteristic
T1249 42-44 IN denotes of
T1250 45-57 VBN denotes co-regulated
T1251 58-63 NNS denotes genes
T1252 63-64 . denotes .
T1253 64-168 sentence denotes Another is shared transcription factor recognition sites in the regulatory regions of those genes [10].
T1254 65-72 DT denotes Another
T1255 73-75 VBZ denotes is
T1256 76-82 VBN denotes shared
T1258 83-96 NN denotes transcription
T1259 97-103 NN denotes factor
T1260 104-115 NN denotes recognition
T1257 116-121 NNS denotes sites
T1261 122-124 IN denotes in
T1262 125-128 DT denotes the
T1264 129-139 JJ denotes regulatory
T1263 140-147 NNS denotes regions
T1265 148-150 IN denotes of
T1266 151-156 DT denotes those
T1267 157-162 NNS denotes genes
T1268 163-164 -LRB- denotes [
T1269 164-166 CD denotes 10
T1270 166-167 -RRB- denotes ]
T1271 167-168 . denotes .
T1272 168-474 sentence denotes Based on the above findings, it was hypothesized first, that there is inter-individual variation in regulation of key antioxidant and DNA repair genes by one or more transcription factors and second, that individuals with sub-optimal regulation are selected for development of BC if they smoke cigarettes.
T1273 169-174 VBN denotes Based
T1275 175-177 IN denotes on
T1276 178-181 DT denotes the
T1278 182-187 JJ denotes above
T1277 188-196 NNS denotes findings
T1279 196-198 , denotes ,
T1280 198-200 PRP denotes it
T1281 201-204 VBD denotes was
T1274 205-217 VBN denotes hypothesized
T1282 218-223 RB denotes first
T1284 223-225 , denotes ,
T1285 225-229 IN denotes that
T1286 230-235 EX denotes there
T1283 236-238 VBZ denotes is
T1287 239-255 JJ denotes inter-individual
T1288 256-265 NN denotes variation
T1289 266-268 IN denotes in
T1290 269-279 NN denotes regulation
T1291 280-282 IN denotes of
T1292 283-286 JJ denotes key
T1294 287-298 NN denotes antioxidant
T1295 299-302 CC denotes and
T1296 303-306 NN denotes DNA
T1297 307-313 NN denotes repair
T1293 314-319 NNS denotes genes
T1298 320-322 IN denotes by
T1299 323-326 CD denotes one
T1301 327-329 CC denotes or
T1302 330-334 JJR denotes more
T1303 335-348 NN denotes transcription
T1300 349-356 NNS denotes factors
T1304 357-360 CC denotes and
T1305 361-367 RB denotes second
T1307 367-369 , denotes ,
T1308 369-373 IN denotes that
T1309 374-385 NNS denotes individuals
T1310 386-390 IN denotes with
T1311 391-402 JJ denotes sub-optimal
T1312 403-413 NN denotes regulation
T1313 414-417 VBP denotes are
T1306 418-426 VBN denotes selected
T1314 427-430 IN denotes for
T1315 431-442 NN denotes development
T1316 443-445 IN denotes of
T1317 446-448 NN denotes BC
T1318 449-451 IN denotes if
T1320 452-456 PRP denotes they
T1319 457-462 VBP denotes smoke
T1321 463-473 NNS denotes cigarettes
T1322 473-474 . denotes .
T1323 474-787 sentence denotes To test these hypotheses, transcription factor recognition sites common to the regulatory regions of the above correlated gene pairs were identified through in silico DNA sequence analysis, and their transcript abundance measured simultaneously with an expanded group of ten antioxidant and six DNA repair genes.
T1324 475-477 TO denotes To
T1325 478-482 VB denotes test
T1327 483-488 DT denotes these
T1328 489-499 NNS denotes hypotheses
T1329 499-501 , denotes ,
T1330 501-514 NN denotes transcription
T1331 515-521 NN denotes factor
T1333 522-533 NN denotes recognition
T1332 534-539 NNS denotes sites
T1334 540-546 JJ denotes common
T1335 547-549 IN denotes to
T1336 550-553 DT denotes the
T1338 554-564 JJ denotes regulatory
T1337 565-572 NNS denotes regions
T1339 573-575 IN denotes of
T1340 576-579 DT denotes the
T1342 580-585 JJ denotes above
T1343 586-596 VBN denotes correlated
T1344 597-601 NN denotes gene
T1341 602-607 NNS denotes pairs
T1345 608-612 VBD denotes were
T1326 613-623 VBN denotes identified
T1346 624-631 IN denotes through
T1347 632-634 FW denotes in
T1348 635-641 FW denotes silico
T1350 642-645 NN denotes DNA
T1351 646-654 NN denotes sequence
T1349 655-663 NN denotes analysis
T1352 663-665 , denotes ,
T1353 665-668 CC denotes and
T1354 669-674 PRP$ denotes their
T1356 675-685 NN denotes transcript
T1355 686-695 NN denotes abundance
T1357 696-704 VBN denotes measured
T1358 705-719 RB denotes simultaneously
T1359 720-724 IN denotes with
T1360 725-727 DT denotes an
T1362 728-736 VBN denotes expanded
T1361 737-742 NN denotes group
T1363 743-745 IN denotes of
T1364 746-749 CD denotes ten
T1365 750-761 NN denotes antioxidant
T1367 762-765 CC denotes and
T1368 766-769 CD denotes six
T1370 770-773 NN denotes DNA
T1369 774-780 NN denotes repair
T1366 781-786 NNS denotes genes
T1371 786-787 . denotes .
R695 T1244 T1245 nsubj Correlation,is
R696 T1246 T1247 nummod one,characteristic
R697 T1247 T1245 attr characteristic,is
R698 T1248 T1247 amod typical,characteristic
R699 T1249 T1247 prep of,characteristic
R700 T1250 T1251 amod co-regulated,genes
R701 T1251 T1249 pobj genes,of
R702 T1252 T1245 punct .,is
R703 T1254 T1255 nsubj Another,is
R704 T1256 T1257 amod shared,sites
R705 T1257 T1255 attr sites,is
R706 T1258 T1259 compound transcription,factor
R707 T1259 T1260 compound factor,recognition
R708 T1260 T1257 compound recognition,sites
R709 T1261 T1255 prep in,is
R710 T1262 T1263 det the,regions
R711 T1263 T1261 pobj regions,in
R712 T1264 T1263 amod regulatory,regions
R713 T1265 T1263 prep of,regions
R714 T1266 T1267 det those,genes
R715 T1267 T1265 pobj genes,of
R716 T1268 T1269 punct [,10
R717 T1269 T1255 parataxis 10,is
R718 T1270 T1269 punct ],10
R719 T1271 T1255 punct .,is
R720 T1273 T1274 prep Based,hypothesized
R721 T1275 T1273 prep on,Based
R722 T1276 T1277 det the,findings
R723 T1277 T1275 pobj findings,on
R724 T1278 T1277 amod above,findings
R725 T1279 T1274 punct ", ",hypothesized
R726 T1280 T1274 nsubjpass it,hypothesized
R727 T1281 T1274 auxpass was,hypothesized
R728 T1282 T1283 advmod first,is
R729 T1283 T1274 advcl is,hypothesized
R730 T1284 T1283 punct ", ",is
R731 T1285 T1283 mark that,is
R732 T1286 T1283 expl there,is
R733 T1287 T1288 amod inter-individual,variation
R734 T1288 T1283 attr variation,is
R735 T1289 T1283 prep in,is
R736 T1290 T1289 pobj regulation,in
R737 T1291 T1290 prep of,regulation
R738 T1292 T1293 amod key,genes
R739 T1293 T1291 pobj genes,of
R740 T1294 T1293 nmod antioxidant,genes
R741 T1295 T1294 cc and,antioxidant
R742 T1296 T1297 compound DNA,repair
R743 T1297 T1294 conj repair,antioxidant
R744 T1298 T1290 prep by,regulation
R745 T1299 T1300 nummod one,factors
R746 T1300 T1298 pobj factors,by
R747 T1301 T1299 cc or,one
R748 T1302 T1299 conj more,one
R749 T1303 T1300 compound transcription,factors
R750 T1304 T1283 cc and,is
R751 T1305 T1306 advmod second,selected
R752 T1306 T1283 conj selected,is
R753 T1307 T1306 punct ", ",selected
R754 T1308 T1306 mark that,selected
R755 T1309 T1306 nsubjpass individuals,selected
R756 T1310 T1309 prep with,individuals
R757 T1311 T1312 amod sub-optimal,regulation
R758 T1312 T1310 pobj regulation,with
R759 T1313 T1306 auxpass are,selected
R760 T1314 T1306 prep for,selected
R761 T1315 T1314 pobj development,for
R762 T1316 T1315 prep of,development
R763 T1317 T1316 pobj BC,of
R764 T1318 T1319 mark if,smoke
R765 T1319 T1306 advcl smoke,selected
R766 T1320 T1319 nsubj they,smoke
R767 T1321 T1319 dobj cigarettes,smoke
R768 T1322 T1274 punct .,hypothesized
R769 T1324 T1325 aux To,test
R770 T1325 T1326 advcl test,identified
R771 T1327 T1328 det these,hypotheses
R772 T1328 T1325 dobj hypotheses,test
R773 T1329 T1326 punct ", ",identified
R774 T1330 T1331 compound transcription,factor
R775 T1331 T1332 compound factor,sites
R776 T1332 T1326 nsubjpass sites,identified
R777 T1333 T1332 compound recognition,sites
R778 T1334 T1332 amod common,sites
R779 T1335 T1334 prep to,common
R780 T1336 T1337 det the,regions
R781 T1337 T1335 pobj regions,to
R782 T1338 T1337 amod regulatory,regions
R783 T1339 T1337 prep of,regions
R784 T1340 T1341 det the,pairs
R785 T1341 T1339 pobj pairs,of
R786 T1342 T1343 amod above,correlated
R787 T1343 T1341 amod correlated,pairs
R788 T1344 T1341 compound gene,pairs
R789 T1345 T1326 auxpass were,identified
R790 T1346 T1326 prep through,identified
R791 T1347 T1348 advmod in,silico
R792 T1348 T1349 amod silico,analysis
R793 T1349 T1346 pobj analysis,through
R794 T1350 T1351 compound DNA,sequence
R795 T1351 T1349 compound sequence,analysis
R796 T1352 T1326 punct ", ",identified
R797 T1353 T1326 cc and,identified
R798 T1354 T1355 poss their,abundance
R799 T1355 T1357 nsubj abundance,measured
R800 T1356 T1355 compound transcript,abundance
R801 T1357 T1326 conj measured,identified
R802 T1358 T1357 advmod simultaneously,measured
R803 T1359 T1358 prep with,simultaneously
R804 T1360 T1361 det an,group
R805 T1361 T1359 pobj group,with
R806 T1362 T1361 amod expanded,group
R807 T1363 T1361 prep of,group
R808 T1364 T1365 nummod ten,antioxidant
R809 T1365 T1366 nmod antioxidant,genes
R810 T1366 T1363 pobj genes,of
R811 T1367 T1365 cc and,antioxidant
R812 T1368 T1369 nummod six,repair
R813 T1369 T1365 conj repair,antioxidant
R814 T1370 T1369 compound DNA,repair
R815 T1371 T1326 punct .,identified