PMC:1255741 / 64066-64213 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T15888 0-147 sentence denotes During the entire course of the experiment, the person handling the animals and operating the olfactometers was blind to the genotype of the mice.
T15889 1-7 IN denotes During
T15891 8-11 DT denotes the
T15893 12-18 JJ denotes entire
T15892 19-25 NN denotes course
T15894 26-28 IN denotes of
T15895 29-32 DT denotes the
T15896 33-43 NN denotes experiment
T15897 43-45 , denotes ,
T15898 45-48 DT denotes the
T15899 49-55 NN denotes person
T15900 56-64 VBG denotes handling
T15901 65-68 DT denotes the
T15902 69-76 NNS denotes animals
T15903 77-80 CC denotes and
T15904 81-90 VBG denotes operating
T15905 91-94 DT denotes the
T15906 95-108 NNS denotes olfactometers
T15890 109-112 VBD denotes was
T15907 113-118 JJ denotes blind
T15908 119-121 IN denotes to
T15909 122-125 DT denotes the
T15910 126-134 NN denotes genotype
T15911 135-137 IN denotes of
T15912 138-141 DT denotes the
T15913 142-146 NNS denotes mice
T15914 146-147 . denotes .
R10632 T15889 T15890 prep During,was
R10633 T15891 T15892 det the,course
R10634 T15892 T15889 pobj course,During
R10635 T15893 T15892 amod entire,course
R10636 T15894 T15892 prep of,course
R10637 T15895 T15896 det the,experiment
R10638 T15896 T15894 pobj experiment,of
R10639 T15897 T15890 punct ", ",was
R10640 T15898 T15899 det the,person
R10641 T15899 T15890 nsubj person,was
R10642 T15900 T15899 acl handling,person
R10643 T15901 T15902 det the,animals
R10644 T15902 T15900 dobj animals,handling
R10645 T15903 T15900 cc and,handling
R10646 T15904 T15900 conj operating,handling
R10647 T15905 T15906 det the,olfactometers
R10648 T15906 T15904 dobj olfactometers,operating
R10649 T15907 T15890 acomp blind,was
R10650 T15908 T15907 prep to,blind
R10651 T15909 T15910 det the,genotype
R10652 T15910 T15908 pobj genotype,to
R10653 T15911 T15910 prep of,genotype
R10654 T15912 T15913 det the,mice
R10655 T15913 T15911 pobj mice,of
R10656 T15914 T15890 punct .,was