PMC:1208879 / 993-1127 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T360 0-134 sentence denotes Three C-terminal PAX6 mutations, previously identified in patients with eye malformations, all reduced or abolished the interactions.
T361 1-6 CD denotes Three
T363 7-8 NN denotes C
T365 8-9 HYPH denotes -
T364 9-17 JJ denotes terminal
T366 18-22 NN denotes PAX6
T362 23-32 NNS denotes mutations
T368 32-34 , denotes ,
T369 34-44 RB denotes previously
T370 45-55 VBN denotes identified
T371 56-58 IN denotes in
T372 59-67 NNS denotes patients
T373 68-72 IN denotes with
T374 73-76 NN denotes eye
T375 77-90 NNS denotes malformations
T376 90-92 , denotes ,
T377 92-95 DT denotes all
T367 96-103 VBD denotes reduced
T378 104-106 CC denotes or
T379 107-116 VBD denotes abolished
T380 117-120 DT denotes the
T381 121-133 NNS denotes interactions
T382 133-134 . denotes .
R167 T361 T362 nummod Three,mutations
R168 T362 T367 nsubj mutations,reduced
R169 T363 T364 npadvmod C,terminal
R170 T364 T362 amod terminal,mutations
R171 T365 T364 punct -,terminal
R172 T366 T362 compound PAX6,mutations
R173 T368 T362 punct ", ",mutations
R174 T369 T370 advmod previously,identified
R175 T370 T362 acl identified,mutations
R176 T371 T370 prep in,identified
R177 T372 T371 pobj patients,in
R178 T373 T372 prep with,patients
R179 T374 T375 compound eye,malformations
R180 T375 T373 pobj malformations,with
R181 T376 T362 punct ", ",mutations
R182 T377 T362 appos all,mutations
R183 T378 T367 cc or,reduced
R184 T379 T367 conj abolished,reduced
R185 T380 T381 det the,interactions
R186 T381 T379 dobj interactions,abolished
R187 T382 T367 punct .,reduced