PMC:1208879 / 8015-8670 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2350 0-2 PRP denotes We
T2351 3-15 VBD denotes hypothesised
T2352 16-20 IN denotes that
T2354 21-24 DT denotes the
T2356 25-26 NN denotes C
T2358 26-27 HYPH denotes -
T2357 27-35 JJ denotes terminal
T2355 36-43 NN denotes peptide
T2359 44-49 MD denotes might
T2360 50-52 VB denotes be
T2353 53-61 VBN denotes involved
T2361 62-64 IN denotes in
T2362 65-72 NN denotes protein
T2364 72-73 SYM denotes -
T2363 73-80 NN denotes protein
T2365 81-93 NNS denotes interactions
T2366 93-95 , denotes ,
T2367 95-98 CC denotes and
T2368 99-101 PRP denotes we
T2369 102-108 VBD denotes tested
T2370 109-113 DT denotes this
T2371 114-116 IN denotes by
T2372 117-126 VBG denotes screening
T2373 127-128 DT denotes a
T2375 129-133 NN denotes cDNA
T2374 134-141 NN denotes library
T2376 142-147 VBG denotes using
T2377 148-151 DT denotes the
T2379 152-157 NN denotes yeast
T2380 158-161 CD denotes two
T2382 161-162 HYPH denotes -
T2381 162-168 NN denotes hybrid
T2378 169-175 NN denotes system
T2383 176-180 IN denotes with
T2384 181-182 DT denotes a
T2385 183-192 NN denotes construct
T2386 193-194 -LRB- denotes (
T2387 194-201 NN denotes PAX6CTP
T2388 201-202 -RRB- denotes )
T2389 203-205 IN denotes in
T2391 206-211 WDT denotes which
T2392 212-215 DT denotes the
T2394 216-218 CD denotes 32
T2396 219-224 NN denotes amino
T2395 225-229 NN denotes acid
T2397 230-231 NN denotes C
T2399 231-232 HYPH denotes -
T2398 232-240 JJ denotes terminal
T2393 241-248 NN denotes peptide
T2400 249-252 VBD denotes was
T2390 253-258 VBN denotes fused
T2401 259-261 IN denotes to
T2402 262-265 DT denotes the
T2404 266-271 NN denotes yeast
T2405 272-276 NN denotes GAL4
T2406 277-280 NN denotes DNA
T2407 281-288 NN denotes binding
T2403 289-295 NN denotes domain
T2408 295-296 . denotes .
T2409 296-380 sentence denotes We chose to screen a mouse brain cDNA library as no human libraries were available.
T2410 297-299 PRP denotes We
T2411 300-305 VBD denotes chose
T2412 306-308 TO denotes to
T2413 309-315 VB denotes screen
T2414 316-317 DT denotes a
T2416 318-323 NN denotes mouse
T2417 324-329 NN denotes brain
T2418 330-334 NN denotes cDNA
T2415 335-342 NN denotes library
T2419 343-345 IN denotes as
T2421 346-348 DT denotes no
T2423 349-354 JJ denotes human
T2422 355-364 NNS denotes libraries
T2420 365-369 VBD denotes were
T2424 370-379 JJ denotes available
T2425 379-380 . denotes .
T2426 380-548 sentence denotes Given the fact that the amino acid sequence of the PAX6 protein is identical in man and mouse, we reasoned that a mouse brain library would yield relevant interactors.
T2427 381-386 VBN denotes Given
T2429 387-390 DT denotes the
T2430 391-395 NN denotes fact
T2431 396-400 IN denotes that
T2433 401-404 DT denotes the
T2435 405-410 NN denotes amino
T2436 411-415 NN denotes acid
T2434 416-424 NN denotes sequence
T2437 425-427 IN denotes of
T2438 428-431 DT denotes the
T2440 432-436 NN denotes PAX6
T2439 437-444 NN denotes protein
T2432 445-447 VBZ denotes is
T2441 448-457 JJ denotes identical
T2442 458-460 IN denotes in
T2443 461-464 NN denotes man
T2444 465-468 CC denotes and
T2445 469-474 NN denotes mouse
T2446 474-476 , denotes ,
T2447 476-478 PRP denotes we
T2428 479-487 VBD denotes reasoned
T2448 488-492 IN denotes that
T2450 493-494 DT denotes a
T2452 495-500 NN denotes mouse
T2453 501-506 NN denotes brain
T2451 507-514 NN denotes library
T2454 515-520 MD denotes would
T2449 521-526 VB denotes yield
T2455 527-535 JJ denotes relevant
T2456 536-547 NNS denotes interactors
T2457 547-548 . denotes .
T2458 548-655 sentence denotes For comparison we also carried out the screen using a construct containing the whole PST domain (PAX6PST).
T2459 549-552 IN denotes For
T2461 553-563 NN denotes comparison
T2462 564-566 PRP denotes we
T2463 567-571 RB denotes also
T2460 572-579 VBD denotes carried
T2464 580-583 RP denotes out
T2465 584-587 DT denotes the
T2466 588-594 NN denotes screen
T2467 595-600 VBG denotes using
T2468 601-602 DT denotes a
T2469 603-612 NN denotes construct
T2470 613-623 VBG denotes containing
T2471 624-627 DT denotes the
T2473 628-633 JJ denotes whole
T2474 634-637 NN denotes PST
T2472 638-644 NN denotes domain
T2475 645-646 -LRB- denotes (
T2476 646-653 NN denotes PAX6PST
T2477 653-654 -RRB- denotes )
T2478 654-655 . denotes .
R1369 T2350 T2351 nsubj We,hypothesised
R1370 T2352 T2353 mark that,involved
R1371 T2353 T2351 ccomp involved,hypothesised
R1372 T2354 T2355 det the,peptide
R1373 T2355 T2353 nsubjpass peptide,involved
R1374 T2356 T2357 npadvmod C,terminal
R1375 T2357 T2355 amod terminal,peptide
R1376 T2358 T2357 punct -,terminal
R1377 T2359 T2353 aux might,involved
R1378 T2360 T2353 auxpass be,involved
R1379 T2361 T2353 prep in,involved
R1380 T2362 T2363 nmod protein,protein
R1381 T2363 T2365 compound protein,interactions
R1382 T2364 T2363 punct -,protein
R1383 T2365 T2361 pobj interactions,in
R1384 T2366 T2351 punct ", ",hypothesised
R1385 T2367 T2351 cc and,hypothesised
R1386 T2368 T2369 nsubj we,tested
R1387 T2369 T2351 conj tested,hypothesised
R1388 T2370 T2369 dobj this,tested
R1389 T2371 T2369 prep by,tested
R1390 T2372 T2371 pcomp screening,by
R1391 T2373 T2374 det a,library
R1392 T2374 T2372 dobj library,screening
R1393 T2375 T2374 compound cDNA,library
R1394 T2376 T2372 advcl using,screening
R1395 T2377 T2378 det the,system
R1396 T2378 T2376 dobj system,using
R1397 T2379 T2378 nmod yeast,system
R1398 T2380 T2381 nummod two,hybrid
R1399 T2381 T2378 compound hybrid,system
R1400 T2382 T2381 punct -,hybrid
R1401 T2383 T2378 prep with,system
R1402 T2384 T2385 det a,construct
R1403 T2385 T2383 pobj construct,with
R1404 T2386 T2387 punct (,PAX6CTP
R1405 T2387 T2385 parataxis PAX6CTP,construct
R1406 T2388 T2387 punct ),PAX6CTP
R1407 T2389 T2390 prep in,fused
R1408 T2390 T2385 relcl fused,construct
R1409 T2391 T2389 pobj which,in
R1410 T2392 T2393 det the,peptide
R1411 T2393 T2390 nsubjpass peptide,fused
R1412 T2394 T2395 nummod 32,acid
R1413 T2395 T2393 nmod acid,peptide
R1414 T2396 T2395 nmod amino,acid
R1415 T2397 T2398 npadvmod C,terminal
R1416 T2398 T2393 amod terminal,peptide
R1417 T2399 T2398 punct -,terminal
R1418 T2400 T2390 auxpass was,fused
R1419 T2401 T2390 prep to,fused
R1420 T2402 T2403 det the,domain
R1421 T2403 T2401 pobj domain,to
R1422 T2404 T2403 compound yeast,domain
R1423 T2405 T2403 compound GAL4,domain
R1424 T2406 T2407 compound DNA,binding
R1425 T2407 T2403 compound binding,domain
R1426 T2408 T2369 punct .,tested
R1427 T2410 T2411 nsubj We,chose
R1428 T2412 T2413 aux to,screen
R1429 T2413 T2411 xcomp screen,chose
R1430 T2414 T2415 det a,library
R1431 T2415 T2413 dobj library,screen
R1432 T2416 T2417 compound mouse,brain
R1433 T2417 T2415 compound brain,library
R1434 T2418 T2415 compound cDNA,library
R1435 T2419 T2420 mark as,were
R1436 T2420 T2411 advcl were,chose
R1437 T2421 T2422 det no,libraries
R1438 T2422 T2420 nsubj libraries,were
R1439 T2423 T2422 amod human,libraries
R1440 T2424 T2420 acomp available,were
R1441 T2425 T2411 punct .,chose
R1442 T2427 T2428 prep Given,reasoned
R1443 T2429 T2430 det the,fact
R1444 T2430 T2427 pobj fact,Given
R1445 T2431 T2432 mark that,is
R1446 T2432 T2430 acl is,fact
R1447 T2433 T2434 det the,sequence
R1448 T2434 T2432 nsubj sequence,is
R1449 T2435 T2436 compound amino,acid
R1450 T2436 T2434 compound acid,sequence
R1451 T2437 T2434 prep of,sequence
R1452 T2438 T2439 det the,protein
R1453 T2439 T2437 pobj protein,of
R1454 T2440 T2439 compound PAX6,protein
R1455 T2441 T2432 acomp identical,is
R1456 T2442 T2432 prep in,is
R1457 T2443 T2442 pobj man,in
R1458 T2444 T2443 cc and,man
R1459 T2445 T2443 conj mouse,man
R1460 T2446 T2428 punct ", ",reasoned
R1461 T2447 T2428 nsubj we,reasoned
R1462 T2448 T2449 mark that,yield
R1463 T2449 T2428 ccomp yield,reasoned
R1464 T2450 T2451 det a,library
R1465 T2451 T2449 nsubj library,yield
R1466 T2452 T2453 compound mouse,brain
R1467 T2453 T2451 compound brain,library
R1468 T2454 T2449 aux would,yield
R1469 T2455 T2456 amod relevant,interactors
R1470 T2456 T2449 dobj interactors,yield
R1471 T2457 T2428 punct .,reasoned
R1472 T2459 T2460 prep For,carried
R1473 T2461 T2459 pobj comparison,For
R1474 T2462 T2460 nsubj we,carried
R1475 T2463 T2460 advmod also,carried
R1476 T2464 T2460 prt out,carried
R1477 T2465 T2466 det the,screen
R1478 T2466 T2460 dobj screen,carried
R1479 T2467 T2460 advcl using,carried
R1480 T2468 T2469 det a,construct
R1481 T2469 T2467 dobj construct,using
R1482 T2470 T2469 acl containing,construct
R1483 T2471 T2472 det the,domain
R1484 T2472 T2470 dobj domain,containing
R1485 T2473 T2472 amod whole,domain
R1486 T2474 T2472 compound PST,domain
R1487 T2475 T2469 punct (,construct
R1488 T2476 T2469 appos PAX6PST,construct
R1489 T2477 T2469 punct ),construct
R1490 T2478 T2460 punct .,carried