PMC:1208879 / 259-368 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T222 1-13 JJ denotes heterozygous
T224 14-18 NN denotes loss
T225 18-19 HYPH denotes -
T226 19-21 IN denotes of
T227 21-22 HYPH denotes -
T228 22-30 NN denotes function
T223 31-40 NNS denotes mutations
T229 41-43 IN denotes in
T230 44-47 DT denotes the
T232 48-52 NN denotes PAX6
T231 53-57 NN denotes gene
T220 58-62 VBP denotes have
T233 63-76 NNS denotes malformations
T234 77-79 IN denotes of
T235 80-83 DT denotes the
T236 84-87 NN denotes eye
T237 88-91 CC denotes and
T238 92-97 NN denotes brain
T239 97-98 . denotes .
T241 99-105 NN denotes Little
T243 106-108 VBZ denotes is
R39 T222 T223 amod heterozygous,mutations
R41 T224 T223 nmod loss,mutations
R42 T225 T224 punct -,loss
R43 T226 T224 prep of,loss
R44 T227 T226 punct -,of
R45 T228 T226 pobj function,of
R47 T230 T231 det the,gene
R48 T231 T229 pobj gene,in
R49 T232 T231 compound PAX6,gene
R50 T233 T220 dobj malformations,have
R51 T234 T233 prep of,malformations
R52 T235 T236 det the,eye
R53 T236 T234 pobj eye,of
R54 T237 T236 cc and,eye
R55 T238 T236 conj brain,eye
R56 T239 T220 punct .,have