PMC:1208879 / 24334-24519 JSONTXT 3 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T6369 0-185 sentence denotes The neurobehavioural phenotype associated with 1615del10 and the polymicrogyria associated with X423L may result from a specific effect of these unusual C-terminal extension mutations.
T6370 1-4 DT denotes The
T6372 5-21 JJ denotes neurobehavioural
T6371 22-31 NN denotes phenotype
T6374 32-42 VBN denotes associated
T6375 43-47 IN denotes with
T6376 48-57 NN denotes 1615del10
T6377 58-61 CC denotes and
T6378 62-65 DT denotes the
T6379 66-80 NN denotes polymicrogyria
T6380 81-91 VBN denotes associated
T6381 92-96 IN denotes with
T6382 97-102 NN denotes X423L
T6383 103-106 MD denotes may
T6373 107-113 VB denotes result
T6384 114-118 IN denotes from
T6385 119-120 DT denotes a
T6387 121-129 JJ denotes specific
T6386 130-136 NN denotes effect
T6388 137-139 IN denotes of
T6389 140-145 DT denotes these
T6391 146-153 JJ denotes unusual
T6392 154-155 NN denotes C
T6394 155-156 HYPH denotes -
T6393 156-164 JJ denotes terminal
T6395 165-174 NN denotes extension
T6390 175-184 NNS denotes mutations
T6396 184-185 . denotes .
R3963 T6370 T6371 det The,phenotype
R3964 T6371 T6373 nsubj phenotype,result
R3965 T6372 T6371 amod neurobehavioural,phenotype
R3966 T6374 T6371 acl associated,phenotype
R3967 T6375 T6374 prep with,associated
R3968 T6376 T6375 pobj 1615del10,with
R3970 T6377 T6371 cc and,phenotype
R3971 T6378 T6379 det the,polymicrogyria
R3972 T6379 T6371 conj polymicrogyria,phenotype
R3974 T6380 T6379 acl associated,polymicrogyria
R3975 T6381 T6380 prep with,associated
R3976 T6382 T6381 pobj X423L,with
R3978 T6383 T6373 aux may,result
R3982 T6384 T6373 prep from,result
R3983 T6385 T6386 det a,effect
R3986 T6386 T6384 pobj effect,from
R3988 T6387 T6386 amod specific,effect
R3989 T6388 T6386 prep of,effect
R3991 T6389 T6390 det these,mutations
R3992 T6390 T6388 pobj mutations,of
R3994 T6391 T6390 amod unusual,mutations
R3995 T6392 T6393 npadvmod C,terminal
R3997 T6393 T6390 amod terminal,mutations
R3998 T6394 T6393 punct -,terminal
R4000 T6395 T6390 compound extension,mutations
R4001 T6396 T6373 punct .,result