PMC:1208879 / 159-420 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T205 0-1 DT denotes a
T207 2-17 JJ denotes transcriptional
T206 18-27 NN denotes regulator
T208 28-32 IN denotes with
T209 33-34 DT denotes a
T211 35-38 JJ denotes key
T210 39-43 NN denotes role
T212 44-46 IN denotes in
T213 47-53 JJ denotes ocular
T215 54-57 CC denotes and
T216 58-70 JJ denotes neurological
T214 71-82 NN denotes development
T217 82-83 . denotes .
T218 83-198 sentence denotes Individuals with heterozygous loss-of-function mutations in the PAX6 gene have malformations of the eye and brain.
T219 84-95 NNS denotes Individuals
T221 96-100 IN denotes with
T222 101-113 JJ denotes heterozygous
T224 114-118 NN denotes loss
T225 118-119 HYPH denotes -
T226 119-121 IN denotes of
T227 121-122 HYPH denotes -
T228 122-130 NN denotes function
T223 131-140 NNS denotes mutations
T229 141-143 IN denotes in
T230 144-147 DT denotes the
T232 148-152 NN denotes PAX6
T231 153-157 NN denotes gene
T220 158-162 VBP denotes have
T233 163-176 NNS denotes malformations
T234 177-179 IN denotes of
T235 180-183 DT denotes the
T236 184-187 NN denotes eye
T237 188-191 CC denotes and
T238 192-197 NN denotes brain
T239 197-198 . denotes .
T241 199-205 NN denotes Little
T243 206-208 VBZ denotes is
T242 209-214 VBN denotes known
T244 215-220 IN denotes about
T245 221-224 DT denotes the
T246 225-237 NNS denotes interactions
T247 238-240 IN denotes of
T248 241-245 NN denotes PAX6
T249 246-250 IN denotes with
T250 251-256 JJ denotes other
R24 T205 T206 det a,regulator
R26 T207 T206 amod transcriptional,regulator
R27 T208 T206 prep with,regulator
R28 T209 T210 det a,role
R29 T210 T208 pobj role,with
R30 T211 T210 amod key,role
R31 T212 T210 prep in,role
R32 T213 T214 amod ocular,development
R33 T214 T212 pobj development,in
R34 T215 T213 cc and,ocular
R35 T216 T213 conj neurological,ocular
R37 T219 T220 nsubj Individuals,have
R38 T221 T219 prep with,Individuals
R39 T222 T223 amod heterozygous,mutations
R40 T223 T221 pobj mutations,with
R41 T224 T223 nmod loss,mutations
R42 T225 T224 punct -,loss
R43 T226 T224 prep of,loss
R44 T227 T226 punct -,of
R45 T228 T226 pobj function,of
R46 T229 T219 prep in,Individuals
R47 T230 T231 det the,gene
R48 T231 T229 pobj gene,in
R49 T232 T231 compound PAX6,gene
R50 T233 T220 dobj malformations,have
R51 T234 T233 prep of,malformations
R52 T235 T236 det the,eye
R53 T236 T234 pobj eye,of
R54 T237 T236 cc and,eye
R55 T238 T236 conj brain,eye
R56 T239 T220 punct .,have
R57 T241 T242 nsubjpass Little,known
R58 T243 T242 auxpass is,known
R59 T244 T242 prep about,known
R60 T245 T246 det the,interactions
R61 T246 T244 pobj interactions,about
R62 T247 T246 prep of,interactions
R63 T248 T247 pobj PAX6,of
R64 T249 T246 prep with,interactions