PMC:1208879 / 0-204 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T175 0-1 DT denotes A
T177 0-117 sentence denotes A screen for proteins that interact with PAX6: C-terminal mutations disrupt interaction with HOMER3, DNCL1 and TRIM11
T176 2-8 NN denotes screen
T179 9-12 IN denotes for
T180 13-21 NN denotes proteins
T181 22-26 WDT denotes that
T182 27-35 VBP denotes interact
T183 36-40 IN denotes with
T184 41-45 NN denotes PAX6
T185 45-47 : denotes :
T186 47-48 NN denotes C
T188 48-49 HYPH denotes -
T187 49-57 JJ denotes terminal
T189 58-67 NNS denotes mutations
T178 68-75 VBP denotes disrupt
T190 76-87 NN denotes interaction
T191 88-92 IN denotes with
T192 93-99 NN denotes HOMER3
T193 99-101 , denotes ,
T194 101-106 NN denotes DNCL1
T195 107-110 CC denotes and
T196 111-117 NN denotes TRIM11
T197 117-118 sentence denotes
T198 128-138 sentence denotes Background
T199 128-138 NN denotes Background
T201 139-142 DT denotes The
T203 143-147 NN denotes PAX6
T202 148-155 NN denotes protein
T204 156-158 VBZ denotes is
T205 159-160 DT denotes a
T207 161-176 JJ denotes transcriptional
T206 177-186 NN denotes regulator
T208 187-191 IN denotes with
T209 192-193 DT denotes a
T211 194-197 JJ denotes key
T210 198-202 NN denotes role
R10 T186 T187 npadvmod C,terminal
R11 T187 T189 amod terminal,mutations
R12 T188 T187 punct -,terminal
R13 T189 T178 nsubj mutations,disrupt
R14 T190 T178 dobj interaction,disrupt
R15 T191 T190 prep with,interaction
R16 T192 T191 pobj HOMER3,with
R17 T193 T192 punct ", ",HOMER3
R18 T194 T192 conj DNCL1,HOMER3
R19 T195 T194 cc and,DNCL1
R2 T176 T178 dep screen,disrupt
R20 T196 T194 conj TRIM11,DNCL1
R21 T201 T202 det The,protein
R22 T202 T204 nsubj protein,is
R23 T203 T202 compound PAX6,protein
R24 T205 T206 det a,regulator
R25 T206 T204 attr regulator,is
R250 T175 T176 det A,screen
R26 T207 T206 amod transcriptional,regulator
R27 T208 T206 prep with,regulator
R28 T209 T210 det a,role
R29 T210 T208 pobj role,with
R3 T179 T176 prep for,screen
R30 T211 T210 amod key,role
R4 T180 T179 pobj proteins,for
R5 T181 T182 dep that,interact
R6 T182 T180 relcl interact,proteins
R7 T183 T182 prep with,interact
R8 T184 T183 pobj PAX6,with
R9 T185 T178 punct : ,disrupt