PMC:1142324 / 4598-5001 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1385 3-9 NN denotes ADAM22
T1384 10-17 NN denotes protein
T1386 18-19 -LRB- denotes (
T1388 19-23 NN denotes Fig.
T1387 24-26 NN denotes 1C
T1389 26-27 -RRB- denotes )
T1390 27-28 . denotes .
T1391 28-178 sentence denotes Homozygous mutants showed no noticeable defects at birth and were indistinguishable from wild-type or heterozygous littermates during the first week.
T1392 29-39 JJ denotes Homozygous
T1393 40-47 NNS denotes mutants
T1394 48-54 VBD denotes showed
T1395 55-57 DT denotes no
T1397 58-68 JJ denotes noticeable
T1396 69-76 NNS denotes defects
T1398 77-79 IN denotes at
T1399 80-85 NN denotes birth
T1400 86-89 CC denotes and
T1401 90-94 VBD denotes were
T1402 95-112 JJ denotes indistinguishable
T1403 113-117 IN denotes from
T1404 118-122 JJ denotes wild
T1406 122-123 HYPH denotes -
T1405 123-127 NN denotes type
T1408 128-130 CC denotes or
T1409 131-143 JJ denotes heterozygous
T1407 144-155 NNS denotes littermates
T1410 156-162 IN denotes during
T1411 163-166 DT denotes the
T1413 167-172 JJ denotes first
T1412 173-177 NN denotes week
T1414 177-178 . denotes .
T1415 178-346 sentence denotes At postnatal day 10 (P10), most of the homozygous mutants were distinguishable by abnormalities such as reduced body weight and uncoordinated movements of their limbs.
T1416 179-181 IN denotes At
T1418 182-191 JJ denotes postnatal
T1419 192-195 NN denotes day
T1420 196-198 CD denotes 10
T1421 199-200 -LRB- denotes (
T1422 200-203 NN denotes P10
T1423 203-204 -RRB- denotes )
T1424 204-206 , denotes ,
T1425 206-210 JJS denotes most
T1426 211-213 IN denotes of
T1427 214-217 DT denotes the
T1429 218-228 JJ denotes homozygous
T1428 229-236 NNS denotes mutants
T1417 237-241 VBD denotes were
T1430 242-257 JJ denotes distinguishable
T1431 258-260 IN denotes by
T1432 261-274 NNS denotes abnormalities
T1433 275-279 JJ denotes such
T1434 280-282 IN denotes as
T1435 283-290 VBN denotes reduced
T1437 291-295 NN denotes body
T1436 296-302 NN denotes weight
T1438 303-306 CC denotes and
T1439 307-320 JJ denotes uncoordinated
T1440 321-330 NNS denotes movements
T1441 331-333 IN denotes of
T1442 334-339 PRP$ denotes their
T1443 340-345 NNS denotes limbs
T1444 345-346 . denotes .
T1446 347-352 IN denotes After
T1448 353-356 NN denotes P10
T1449 356-358 , denotes ,
T1450 358-361 DT denotes all
T1451 362-373 NNS denotes homozygotes
T1447 374-383 VBD denotes displayed
T1452 384-390 JJ denotes severe
T1453 391-397 NN denotes ataxia
T1454 398-399 -LRB- denotes (
T1455 399-403 NN denotes Fig.
R798 T1385 T1384 compound ADAM22,protein
R799 T1386 T1387 punct (,1C
R801 T1388 T1387 compound Fig.,1C
R802 T1389 T1387 punct ),1C
R804 T1392 T1393 amod Homozygous,mutants
R805 T1393 T1394 nsubj mutants,showed
R806 T1395 T1396 det no,defects
R807 T1396 T1394 dobj defects,showed
R808 T1397 T1396 amod noticeable,defects
R809 T1398 T1394 prep at,showed
R810 T1399 T1398 pobj birth,at
R811 T1400 T1394 cc and,showed
R812 T1401 T1394 conj were,showed
R813 T1402 T1401 acomp indistinguishable,were
R814 T1403 T1402 prep from,indistinguishable
R815 T1404 T1405 amod wild,type
R816 T1405 T1407 nmod type,littermates
R817 T1406 T1405 punct -,type
R818 T1407 T1403 pobj littermates,from
R819 T1408 T1405 cc or,type
R820 T1409 T1405 conj heterozygous,type
R821 T1410 T1401 prep during,were
R822 T1411 T1412 det the,week
R823 T1412 T1410 pobj week,during
R824 T1413 T1412 amod first,week
R825 T1414 T1394 punct .,showed
R826 T1416 T1417 prep At,were
R827 T1418 T1419 amod postnatal,day
R828 T1419 T1416 pobj day,At
R829 T1420 T1419 nummod 10,day
R830 T1421 T1419 punct (,day
R831 T1422 T1419 appos P10,day
R832 T1423 T1417 punct ),were
R833 T1424 T1417 punct ", ",were
R834 T1425 T1417 nsubj most,were
R835 T1426 T1425 prep of,most
R836 T1427 T1428 det the,mutants
R837 T1428 T1426 pobj mutants,of
R838 T1429 T1428 amod homozygous,mutants
R839 T1430 T1417 acomp distinguishable,were
R840 T1431 T1430 prep by,distinguishable
R841 T1432 T1431 pobj abnormalities,by
R842 T1433 T1434 amod such,as
R843 T1434 T1432 prep as,abnormalities
R844 T1435 T1436 amod reduced,weight
R845 T1436 T1434 pobj weight,as
R846 T1437 T1436 compound body,weight
R847 T1438 T1436 cc and,weight
R848 T1439 T1440 amod uncoordinated,movements
R849 T1440 T1436 conj movements,weight
R850 T1441 T1440 prep of,movements
R851 T1442 T1443 poss their,limbs
R852 T1443 T1441 pobj limbs,of
R853 T1444 T1417 punct .,were
R854 T1446 T1447 prep After,displayed
R855 T1448 T1446 pobj P10,After
R856 T1449 T1447 punct ", ",displayed
R857 T1450 T1451 det all,homozygotes
R858 T1451 T1447 nsubj homozygotes,displayed
R859 T1452 T1453 amod severe,ataxia
R860 T1453 T1447 dobj ataxia,displayed
R861 T1454 T1455 punct (,Fig.
R862 T1455 T1447 parataxis Fig.,displayed