PMC:1142324 / 18943-19709 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T5499 0-7 NNP denotes Western
T5500 8-12 NN denotes blot
T5501 13-21 NN denotes analysis
T5502 21-114 sentence denotes The absence of ADAM22 protein in the Adam22 -/- mice was confirmed by Western blot analysis.
T5503 22-25 DT denotes The
T5504 26-33 NN denotes absence
T5506 34-36 IN denotes of
T5507 37-43 NN denotes ADAM22
T5508 44-51 NN denotes protein
T5509 52-54 IN denotes in
T5510 55-58 DT denotes the
T5512 59-65 NN denotes Adam22
T5513 66-67 SYM denotes -
T5514 67-68 HYPH denotes /
T5515 68-69 SYM denotes -
T5511 70-74 NNS denotes mice
T5516 75-78 VBD denotes was
T5505 79-88 VBN denotes confirmed
T5517 89-91 IN denotes by
T5518 92-99 NNP denotes Western
T5519 100-104 NN denotes blot
T5520 105-113 NN denotes analysis
T5521 113-114 . denotes .
T5522 114-351 sentence denotes Briefly, the cerebellum was isolated from a P14.5 mouse of each genotype and homogenized with a Polytron homogenizer in cell lysis buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 100 mM NaCl, 1% NP-40, Complete protease inhibitors [Roche Diagnostics]).
T5523 115-122 RB denotes Briefly
T5525 122-124 , denotes ,
T5526 124-127 DT denotes the
T5527 128-138 NN denotes cerebellum
T5528 139-142 VBD denotes was
T5524 143-151 VBN denotes isolated
T5529 152-156 IN denotes from
T5530 157-158 DT denotes a
T5532 159-164 NN denotes P14.5
T5531 165-170 NN denotes mouse
T5533 171-173 IN denotes of
T5534 174-178 DT denotes each
T5535 179-187 NN denotes genotype
T5536 188-191 CC denotes and
T5537 192-203 VBN denotes homogenized
T5538 204-208 IN denotes with
T5539 209-210 DT denotes a
T5541 211-219 NN denotes Polytron
T5540 220-231 NN denotes homogenizer
T5542 232-234 IN denotes in
T5543 235-239 NN denotes cell
T5544 240-245 NN denotes lysis
T5545 246-252 NN denotes buffer
T5546 253-254 -LRB- denotes (
T5548 254-256 CD denotes 50
T5549 257-259 NN denotes mM
T5551 260-264 NN denotes Tris
T5552 264-265 HYPH denotes -
T5550 265-268 NN denotes HCl
T5553 268-270 , denotes ,
T5554 270-272 NN denotes pH
T5555 273-276 CD denotes 7.5
T5556 276-278 , denotes ,
T5557 278-281 CD denotes 100
T5558 282-284 NN denotes mM
T5559 285-289 NN denotes NaCl
T5560 289-291 , denotes ,
T5561 291-292 CD denotes 1
T5562 292-293 NN denotes %
T5563 294-296 NN denotes NP
T5564 296-297 HYPH denotes -
T5565 297-299 CD denotes 40
T5566 299-301 , denotes ,
T5567 301-309 JJ denotes Complete
T5569 310-318 NN denotes protease
T5568 319-329 NNS denotes inhibitors
T5570 330-331 -LRB- denotes [
T5571 331-336 NNP denotes Roche
T5547 337-348 NNP denotes Diagnostics
T5572 348-349 -RRB- denotes ]
T5573 349-350 -RRB- denotes )
T5574 350-351 . denotes .
T5575 351-492 sentence denotes After removal of cell debris by centrifugation, the supernatant was separated on 10% SDS-PAGE, and transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane.
T5576 352-357 IN denotes After
T5578 358-365 NN denotes removal
T5579 366-368 IN denotes of
T5580 369-373 NN denotes cell
T5581 374-380 NN denotes debris
T5582 381-383 IN denotes by
T5583 384-398 NN denotes centrifugation
T5584 398-400 , denotes ,
T5585 400-403 DT denotes the
T5586 404-415 NN denotes supernatant
T5587 416-419 VBD denotes was
T5577 420-429 VBN denotes separated
T5588 430-432 IN denotes on
T5589 433-435 CD denotes 10
T5590 435-436 NN denotes %
T5592 437-440 NN denotes SDS
T5593 440-441 HYPH denotes -
T5591 441-445 NN denotes PAGE
T5594 445-447 , denotes ,
T5595 447-450 CC denotes and
T5596 451-462 VBN denotes transferred
T5597 463-465 IN denotes to
T5598 466-467 DT denotes a
T5600 468-482 NN denotes nitrocellulose
T5599 483-491 NN denotes membrane
T5601 491-492 . denotes .
T5602 492-600 sentence denotes The blot was then incubated with polyclonal antibody against the cytoplasmic domain of ADAM22 (at 1:1,000).
T5603 493-496 DT denotes The
T5604 497-501 NN denotes blot
T5606 502-505 VBD denotes was
T5607 506-510 RB denotes then
T5605 511-520 VBN denotes incubated
T5608 521-525 IN denotes with
T5609 526-536 JJ denotes polyclonal
T5610 537-545 NN denotes antibody
T5611 546-553 IN denotes against
T5612 554-557 DT denotes the
T5614 558-569 JJ denotes cytoplasmic
T5613 570-576 NN denotes domain
T5615 577-579 IN denotes of
T5616 580-586 NN denotes ADAM22
T5617 587-588 -LRB- denotes (
T5618 588-590 IN denotes at
T5619 591-592 CD denotes 1
T5620 592-593 SYM denotes :
T5621 593-598 CD denotes 1,000
T5622 598-599 -RRB- denotes )
T5623 599-600 . denotes .
T5624 600-766 sentence denotes Bound antibodies were visualized with horseradish peroxidase-labelled second antibody and a ECL-plus chemiluminescence detection system (Amersham Biosciences Corp.).
T5625 601-606 VBN denotes Bound
T5626 607-617 NNS denotes antibodies
T5628 618-622 VBD denotes were
T5627 623-633 VBN denotes visualized
T5629 634-638 IN denotes with
T5630 639-650 NN denotes horseradish
T5632 651-661 NN denotes peroxidase
T5634 661-662 HYPH denotes -
T5633 662-670 VBN denotes labelled
T5635 671-677 JJ denotes second
T5631 678-686 NN denotes antibody
T5636 687-690 CC denotes and
T5637 691-692 DT denotes a
T5639 693-696 NN denotes ECL
T5641 696-697 HYPH denotes -
T5640 697-701 NN denotes plus
T5642 702-719 NN denotes chemiluminescence
T5643 720-729 NN denotes detection
T5638 730-736 NN denotes system
T5644 737-738 -LRB- denotes (
T5646 738-746 NNP denotes Amersham
T5647 747-758 NNP denotes Biosciences
T5645 759-764 NNP denotes Corp.
T5648 764-765 -RRB- denotes )
T5649 765-766 . denotes .
R3411 T5499 T5500 compound Western,blot
R3412 T5500 T5501 compound blot,analysis
R3413 T5503 T5504 det The,absence
R3414 T5504 T5505 nsubjpass absence,confirmed
R3415 T5506 T5504 prep of,absence
R3416 T5507 T5508 compound ADAM22,protein
R3417 T5508 T5506 pobj protein,of
R3418 T5509 T5504 prep in,absence
R3419 T5510 T5511 det the,mice
R3420 T5511 T5509 pobj mice,in
R3421 T5512 T5511 nmod Adam22,mice
R3422 T5513 T5512 punct -,Adam22
R3423 T5514 T5512 punct /,Adam22
R3424 T5515 T5512 punct -,Adam22
R3425 T5516 T5505 auxpass was,confirmed
R3426 T5517 T5505 prep by,confirmed
R3427 T5518 T5519 compound Western,blot
R3428 T5519 T5520 compound blot,analysis
R3429 T5520 T5517 pobj analysis,by
R3430 T5521 T5505 punct .,confirmed
R3431 T5523 T5524 advmod Briefly,isolated
R3432 T5525 T5524 punct ", ",isolated
R3433 T5526 T5527 det the,cerebellum
R3434 T5527 T5524 nsubjpass cerebellum,isolated
R3435 T5528 T5524 auxpass was,isolated
R3436 T5529 T5524 prep from,isolated
R3437 T5530 T5531 det a,mouse
R3438 T5531 T5529 pobj mouse,from
R3439 T5532 T5531 compound P14.5,mouse
R3440 T5533 T5531 prep of,mouse
R3441 T5534 T5535 det each,genotype
R3442 T5535 T5533 pobj genotype,of
R3443 T5536 T5524 cc and,isolated
R3444 T5537 T5524 conj homogenized,isolated
R3445 T5538 T5537 prep with,homogenized
R3446 T5539 T5540 det a,homogenizer
R3447 T5540 T5538 pobj homogenizer,with
R3448 T5541 T5540 compound Polytron,homogenizer
R3449 T5542 T5540 prep in,homogenizer
R3450 T5543 T5544 compound cell,lysis
R3451 T5544 T5545 compound lysis,buffer
R3452 T5545 T5542 pobj buffer,in
R3453 T5546 T5547 punct (,Diagnostics
R3454 T5547 T5545 parataxis Diagnostics,buffer
R3455 T5548 T5549 nummod 50,mM
R3456 T5549 T5550 compound mM,HCl
R3457 T5550 T5547 dep HCl,Diagnostics
R3458 T5551 T5550 compound Tris,HCl
R3459 T5552 T5550 punct -,HCl
R3460 T5553 T5550 punct ", ",HCl
R3461 T5554 T5550 npadvmod pH,HCl
R3462 T5555 T5554 nummod 7.5,pH
R3463 T5556 T5550 punct ", ",HCl
R3464 T5557 T5558 nummod 100,mM
R3465 T5558 T5559 compound mM,NaCl
R3466 T5559 T5550 appos NaCl,HCl
R3467 T5560 T5550 punct ", ",HCl
R3468 T5561 T5562 nummod 1,%
R3469 T5562 T5563 compound %,NP
R3470 T5563 T5550 appos NP,HCl
R3471 T5564 T5563 punct -,NP
R3472 T5565 T5563 nummod 40,NP
R3473 T5566 T5550 punct ", ",HCl
R3474 T5567 T5568 amod Complete,inhibitors
R3475 T5568 T5550 appos inhibitors,HCl
R3476 T5569 T5568 compound protease,inhibitors
R3477 T5570 T5547 punct [,Diagnostics
R3478 T5571 T5547 compound Roche,Diagnostics
R3479 T5572 T5547 punct ],Diagnostics
R3480 T5573 T5547 punct ),Diagnostics
R3481 T5574 T5524 punct .,isolated
R3482 T5576 T5577 prep After,separated
R3483 T5578 T5576 pobj removal,After
R3484 T5579 T5578 prep of,removal
R3485 T5580 T5581 compound cell,debris
R3486 T5581 T5579 pobj debris,of
R3487 T5582 T5578 prep by,removal
R3488 T5583 T5582 pobj centrifugation,by
R3489 T5584 T5577 punct ", ",separated
R3490 T5585 T5586 det the,supernatant
R3491 T5586 T5577 nsubjpass supernatant,separated
R3492 T5587 T5577 auxpass was,separated
R3493 T5588 T5577 prep on,separated
R3494 T5589 T5590 nummod 10,%
R3495 T5590 T5591 compound %,PAGE
R3496 T5591 T5588 pobj PAGE,on
R3497 T5592 T5591 compound SDS,PAGE
R3498 T5593 T5591 punct -,PAGE
R3499 T5594 T5577 punct ", ",separated
R3500 T5595 T5577 cc and,separated
R3501 T5596 T5577 conj transferred,separated
R3502 T5597 T5596 prep to,transferred
R3503 T5598 T5599 det a,membrane
R3504 T5599 T5597 pobj membrane,to
R3505 T5600 T5599 compound nitrocellulose,membrane
R3506 T5601 T5577 punct .,separated
R3507 T5603 T5604 det The,blot
R3508 T5604 T5605 nsubjpass blot,incubated
R3509 T5606 T5605 auxpass was,incubated
R3510 T5607 T5605 advmod then,incubated
R3511 T5608 T5605 prep with,incubated
R3512 T5609 T5610 amod polyclonal,antibody
R3513 T5610 T5608 pobj antibody,with
R3514 T5611 T5610 prep against,antibody
R3515 T5612 T5613 det the,domain
R3516 T5613 T5611 pobj domain,against
R3517 T5614 T5613 amod cytoplasmic,domain
R3518 T5615 T5613 prep of,domain
R3519 T5616 T5615 pobj ADAM22,of
R3520 T5617 T5610 punct (,antibody
R3521 T5618 T5610 prep at,antibody
R3522 T5619 T5618 pobj 1,at
R3523 T5620 T5621 punct :,"1,000"
R3524 T5621 T5619 prep "1,000",1
R3525 T5622 T5605 punct ),incubated
R3526 T5623 T5605 punct .,incubated
R3527 T5625 T5626 amod Bound,antibodies
R3528 T5626 T5627 nsubjpass antibodies,visualized
R3529 T5628 T5627 auxpass were,visualized
R3530 T5629 T5627 prep with,visualized
R3531 T5630 T5631 nmod horseradish,antibody
R3532 T5631 T5629 pobj antibody,with
R3533 T5632 T5633 npadvmod peroxidase,labelled
R3534 T5633 T5631 amod labelled,antibody
R3535 T5634 T5633 punct -,labelled
R3536 T5635 T5631 amod second,antibody
R3537 T5636 T5631 cc and,antibody
R3538 T5637 T5638 det a,system
R3539 T5638 T5631 conj system,antibody
R3540 T5639 T5640 compound ECL,plus
R3541 T5640 T5638 compound plus,system
R3542 T5641 T5640 punct -,plus
R3543 T5642 T5638 compound chemiluminescence,system
R3544 T5643 T5638 compound detection,system
R3545 T5644 T5645 punct (,Corp.
R3546 T5645 T5638 parataxis Corp.,system
R3547 T5646 T5645 compound Amersham,Corp.
R3548 T5647 T5645 compound Biosciences,Corp.
R3549 T5648 T5645 punct ),Corp.
R3550 T5649 T5627 punct .,visualized