Id |
Subject |
Object |
Predicate |
Lexical cue |
T4851 |
0-10 |
NN |
denotes |
Generation |
T4852 |
11-13 |
IN |
denotes |
of |
T4853 |
14-20 |
NN |
denotes |
Adam22 |
T4854 |
21-30 |
JJ |
denotes |
deficient |
T4855 |
31-35 |
denotes |
mice |
T4856 |
35-127 |
sentence |
denotes |
The linearised targeting vector was electroporated into TT2 embryonic stem (ES) cells [31]. |
T4857 |
36-39 |
DT |
denotes |
The |
T4859 |
40-50 |
denotes |
linearised |
T4860 |
51-60 |
NN |
denotes |
targeting |
T4858 |
61-67 |
NN |
denotes |
vector |
T4862 |
68-71 |
denotes |
was |
T4861 |
72-86 |
denotes |
electroporated |
T4863 |
87-91 |
IN |
denotes |
into |
T4864 |
92-95 |
NN |
denotes |
TT2 |
T4866 |
96-105 |
JJ |
denotes |
embryonic |
T4867 |
106-110 |
NN |
denotes |
stem |
T4868 |
111-112 |
-LRB- |
denotes |
( |
T4869 |
112-114 |
NN |
denotes |
ES |
T4870 |
114-115 |
-RRB- |
denotes |
) |
T4865 |
116-121 |
denotes |
cells |
T4871 |
122-123 |
-LRB- |
denotes |
[ |
T4872 |
123-125 |
CD |
denotes |
31 |
T4873 |
125-126 |
-RRB- |
denotes |
] |
T4874 |
126-127 |
. |
denotes |
. |
T4875 |
127-173 |
sentence |
denotes |
Homologous recombinants were selected by PCR. |
T4876 |
128-138 |
JJ |
denotes |
Homologous |
T4877 |
139-151 |
denotes |
recombinants |
T4879 |
152-156 |
denotes |
were |
T4878 |
157-165 |
denotes |
selected |
T4880 |
166-168 |
IN |
denotes |
by |
T4881 |
169-172 |
NN |
denotes |
T4882 |
172-173 |
. |
denotes |
. |
T4883 |
173-418 |
sentence |
denotes |
The extracted genomic DNA from each clone was amplified using the forward primer AGN2: 5'-GCCTGCTTGCCGAATATCATGGTGGAAAAT-3' in the PGKneo cassette, and the reverse primer MFP065R: 5'-ACTATTTCTGTGATGAGGGCACAGCATC-3' outside the targeting vector. |
T4884 |
174-177 |
DT |
denotes |
The |
T4886 |
178-187 |
denotes |
extracted |
T4887 |
188-195 |
JJ |
denotes |
genomic |
T4885 |
196-199 |
NN |
denotes |
T4889 |
200-204 |
IN |
denotes |
from |
T4890 |
205-209 |
DT |
denotes |
each |
T4891 |
210-215 |
NN |
denotes |
clone |
T4892 |
216-219 |
denotes |
was |
T4888 |
220-229 |
denotes |
amplified |
T4893 |
230-235 |
denotes |
using |
T4894 |
236-239 |
DT |
denotes |
the |
T4896 |
240-247 |
JJ |
denotes |
forward |
T4895 |
248-254 |
NN |
denotes |
primer |
T4897 |
255-259 |
NN |
denotes |
AGN2 |
T4898 |
259-261 |
: |
denotes |
: |
T4899 |
261-262 |
CD |
denotes |
5 |
T4901 |
262-263 |
denotes |
' |
T4902 |
263-264 |
denotes |
- |
T4900 |
264-294 |
NN |
denotes |
T4903 |
294-295 |
denotes |
- |
T4904 |
295-296 |
CD |
denotes |
3 |
T4905 |
296-297 |
denotes |
' |
T4906 |
298-300 |
IN |
denotes |
in |
T4907 |
301-304 |
DT |
denotes |
the |
T4909 |
305-311 |
NN |
denotes |
PGKneo |
T4908 |
312-320 |
NN |
denotes |
cassette |
T4910 |
320-322 |
, |
denotes |
, |
T4911 |
322-325 |
CC |
denotes |
and |
T4912 |
326-329 |
DT |
denotes |
the |
T4914 |
330-337 |
JJ |
denotes |
reverse |
T4913 |
338-344 |
NN |
denotes |
primer |
T4915 |
345-352 |
NN |
denotes |
MFP065R |
T4916 |
352-354 |
: |
denotes |
: |
T4917 |
354-355 |
CD |
denotes |
5 |
T4919 |
355-356 |
denotes |
' |
T4920 |
356-357 |
denotes |
- |
T4918 |
357-385 |
NN |
denotes |
T4921 |
385-386 |
denotes |
- |
T4922 |
386-387 |
CD |
denotes |
3 |
T4923 |
387-388 |
denotes |
' |
T4924 |
389-396 |
IN |
denotes |
outside |
T4925 |
397-400 |
DT |
denotes |
the |
T4927 |
401-410 |
NN |
denotes |
targeting |
T4926 |
411-417 |
NN |
denotes |
vector |
T4928 |
417-418 |
. |
denotes |
. |
T4929 |
418-548 |
sentence |
denotes |
Homologous recombined DNA was efficiently amplified by 35 cycles of the following amplification steps (94°C-30 s and 68°C-5 min). |
T4930 |
419-429 |
JJ |
denotes |
Homologous |
T4932 |
430-440 |
JJ |
denotes |
recombined |
T4931 |
441-444 |
NN |
denotes |
T4934 |
445-448 |
denotes |
was |
T4935 |
449-460 |
RB |
denotes |
efficiently |
T4933 |
461-470 |
denotes |
amplified |
T4936 |
471-473 |
IN |
denotes |
by |
T4937 |
474-476 |
CD |
denotes |
35 |
T4938 |
477-483 |
denotes |
cycles |
T4939 |
484-486 |
IN |
denotes |
of |
T4940 |
487-490 |
DT |
denotes |
the |
T4942 |
491-500 |
denotes |
following |
T4943 |
501-514 |
NN |
denotes |
amplification |
T4941 |
515-520 |
denotes |
steps |
T4944 |
521-522 |
-LRB- |
denotes |
( |
T4945 |
522-524 |
CD |
denotes |
94 |
T4946 |
524-526 |
NN |
denotes |
°C |
T4947 |
526-527 |
denotes |
- |
T4948 |
527-529 |
CD |
denotes |
30 |
T4949 |
530-531 |
NN |
denotes |
s |
T4950 |
532-535 |
CC |
denotes |
and |
T4951 |
536-538 |
CD |
denotes |
68 |
T4952 |
538-540 |
NN |
denotes |
°C |
T4953 |
540-541 |
denotes |
- |
T4954 |
541-542 |
CD |
denotes |
5 |
T4955 |
543-546 |
NN |
denotes |
min |
T4956 |
546-547 |
-RRB- |
denotes |
) |
T4957 |
547-548 |
. |
denotes |
. |
T4958 |
548-605 |
sentence |
denotes |
The targeting efficiency of this construct was about 4%. |
T4959 |
549-552 |
DT |
denotes |
The |
T4961 |
553-562 |
NN |
denotes |
targeting |
T4960 |
563-573 |
NN |
denotes |
efficiency |
T4963 |
574-576 |
IN |
denotes |
of |
T4964 |
577-581 |
DT |
denotes |
this |
T4965 |
582-591 |
NN |
denotes |
construct |
T4962 |
592-595 |
denotes |
was |
T4966 |
596-601 |
RB |
denotes |
about |
T4967 |
602-603 |
CD |
denotes |
4 |
T4968 |
603-604 |
NN |
denotes |
% |
T4969 |
604-605 |
. |
denotes |
. |
T4970 |
605-704 |
sentence |
denotes |
Correctly targeted ES clones were injected into fertilized ICR mouse eggs at the eight-cell stage. |
T4971 |
606-615 |
RB |
denotes |
Correctly |
T4972 |
616-624 |
denotes |
targeted |
T4974 |
625-627 |
NN |
denotes |
ES |
T4973 |
628-634 |
denotes |
clones |
T4976 |
635-639 |
denotes |
were |
T4975 |
640-648 |
denotes |
injected |
T4977 |
649-653 |
IN |
denotes |
into |
T4978 |
654-664 |
denotes |
fertilized |
T4980 |
665-668 |
NN |
denotes |
T4981 |
669-674 |
NN |
denotes |
mouse |
T4979 |
675-679 |
denotes |
eggs |
T4982 |
680-682 |
IN |
denotes |
at |
T4983 |
683-686 |
DT |
denotes |
the |
T4985 |
687-692 |
CD |
denotes |
eight |
T4987 |
692-693 |
denotes |
- |
T4986 |
693-697 |
NN |
denotes |
cell |
T4984 |
698-703 |
NN |
denotes |
stage |
T4988 |
703-704 |
. |
denotes |
. |
T4989 |
704-848 |
sentence |
denotes |
The resulting male chimeras were mated with C57BL/6N females, and heterozygous male and female mice were interbred to generate homozygous mice. |
T4990 |
705-708 |
DT |
denotes |
The |
T4992 |
709-718 |
denotes |
resulting |
T4993 |
719-723 |
JJ |
denotes |
male |
T4991 |
724-732 |
denotes |
chimeras |
T4995 |
733-737 |
denotes |
were |
T4994 |
738-743 |
denotes |
mated |
T4996 |
744-748 |
IN |
denotes |
with |
T4997 |
749-754 |
NN |
denotes |
C57BL |
T4999 |
754-755 |
denotes |
/ |
T5000 |
755-757 |
CD |
denotes |
6N |
T4998 |
758-765 |
denotes |
females |
T5001 |
765-767 |
, |
denotes |
, |
T5002 |
767-770 |
CC |
denotes |
and |
T5003 |
771-783 |
JJ |
denotes |
heterozygous |
T5005 |
784-788 |
JJ |
denotes |
male |
T5006 |
789-792 |
CC |
denotes |
and |
T5007 |
793-799 |
JJ |
denotes |
female |
T5004 |
800-804 |
denotes |
mice |
T5009 |
805-809 |
denotes |
were |
T5008 |
810-819 |
denotes |
interbred |
T5010 |
820-822 |
TO |
denotes |
to |
T5011 |
823-831 |
VB |
denotes |
generate |
T5012 |
832-842 |
JJ |
denotes |
homozygous |
T5013 |
843-847 |
denotes |
mice |
T5014 |
847-848 |
. |
denotes |
. |
T5015 |
848-929 |
sentence |
denotes |
The ataxic phenotypes of homozygous mice were observed in two independent lines. |
T5016 |
849-852 |
DT |
denotes |
The |
T5018 |
853-859 |
JJ |
denotes |
ataxic |
T5017 |
860-870 |
denotes |
phenotypes |
T5020 |
871-873 |
IN |
denotes |
of |
T5021 |
874-884 |
JJ |
denotes |
homozygous |
T5022 |
885-889 |
denotes |
mice |
T5023 |
890-894 |
denotes |
were |
T5019 |
895-903 |
denotes |
observed |
T5024 |
904-906 |
IN |
denotes |
in |
T5025 |
907-910 |
CD |
denotes |
two |
T5027 |
911-922 |
JJ |
denotes |
independent |
T5026 |
923-928 |
denotes |
lines |
T5028 |
928-929 |
. |
denotes |
. |
R3019 |
T4852 |
T4851 |
prep |
of,Generation |
R3020 |
T4853 |
T4854 |
npadvmod |
Adam22,deficient |
R3021 |
T4854 |
T4855 |
amod |
deficient,mice |
R3022 |
T4855 |
T4852 |
pobj |
mice,of |
R3023 |
T4857 |
T4858 |
det |
The,vector |
R3024 |
T4858 |
T4861 |
nsubjpass |
vector,electroporated |
R3025 |
T4859 |
T4858 |
amod |
linearised,vector |
R3026 |
T4860 |
T4858 |
compound |
targeting,vector |
R3027 |
T4862 |
T4861 |
auxpass |
was,electroporated |
R3028 |
T4863 |
T4861 |
prep |
into,electroporated |
R3029 |
T4864 |
T4865 |
nmod |
TT2,cells |
R3030 |
T4865 |
T4863 |
pobj |
cells,into |
R3031 |
T4866 |
T4867 |
amod |
embryonic,stem |
R3032 |
T4867 |
T4865 |
nmod |
stem,cells |
R3033 |
T4868 |
T4867 |
punct |
(,stem |
R3034 |
T4869 |
T4867 |
appos |
ES,stem |
R3035 |
T4870 |
T4865 |
punct |
),cells |
R3036 |
T4871 |
T4872 |
punct |
[,31 |
R3037 |
T4872 |
T4861 |
parataxis |
31,electroporated |
R3038 |
T4873 |
T4872 |
punct |
],31 |
R3039 |
T4874 |
T4861 |
punct |
.,electroporated |
R3040 |
T4876 |
T4877 |
amod |
Homologous,recombinants |
R3041 |
T4877 |
T4878 |
nsubjpass |
recombinants,selected |
R3042 |
T4879 |
T4878 |
auxpass |
were,selected |
R3043 |
T4880 |
T4878 |
prep |
by,selected |
R3044 |
T4881 |
T4880 |
pobj |
PCR,by |
R3045 |
T4882 |
T4878 |
punct |
.,selected |
R3046 |
T4884 |
T4885 |
det |
The,DNA |
R3047 |
T4885 |
T4888 |
nsubjpass |
DNA,amplified |
R3048 |
T4886 |
T4885 |
amod |
extracted,DNA |
R3049 |
T4887 |
T4885 |
amod |
genomic,DNA |
R3050 |
T4889 |
T4885 |
prep |
from,DNA |
R3051 |
T4890 |
T4891 |
det |
each,clone |
R3052 |
T4891 |
T4889 |
pobj |
clone,from |
R3053 |
T4892 |
T4888 |
auxpass |
was,amplified |
R3054 |
T4893 |
T4888 |
advcl |
using,amplified |
R3055 |
T4894 |
T4895 |
det |
the,primer |
R3056 |
T4895 |
T4893 |
dobj |
primer,using |
R3057 |
T4896 |
T4895 |
amod |
forward,primer |
R3058 |
T4897 |
T4895 |
appos |
AGN2,primer |
R3059 |
T4898 |
T4895 |
punct |
: ,primer |
R3060 |
T4899 |
T4900 |
nummod |
R3061 |
T4900 |
T4895 |
appos |
R3062 |
T4901 |
T4899 |
punct |
',5 |
R3063 |
T4902 |
T4900 |
punct |
R3064 |
T4903 |
T4900 |
punct |
R3065 |
T4904 |
T4900 |
nummod |
R3066 |
T4905 |
T4900 |
punct |
R3067 |
T4906 |
T4895 |
prep |
in,primer |
R3068 |
T4907 |
T4908 |
det |
the,cassette |
R3069 |
T4908 |
T4906 |
pobj |
cassette,in |
R3070 |
T4909 |
T4908 |
compound |
PGKneo,cassette |
R3071 |
T4910 |
T4895 |
punct |
", ",primer |
R3072 |
T4911 |
T4895 |
cc |
and,primer |
R3073 |
T4912 |
T4913 |
det |
the,primer |
R3074 |
T4913 |
T4895 |
conj |
primer,primer |
R3075 |
T4914 |
T4913 |
amod |
reverse,primer |
R3076 |
T4915 |
T4913 |
appos |
MFP065R,primer |
R3077 |
T4916 |
T4913 |
punct |
: ,primer |
R3078 |
T4917 |
T4918 |
nummod |
R3079 |
T4918 |
T4913 |
appos |
R3080 |
T4919 |
T4917 |
punct |
',5 |
R3081 |
T4920 |
T4918 |
punct |
R3082 |
T4921 |
T4918 |
punct |
R3083 |
T4922 |
T4918 |
nummod |
R3084 |
T4923 |
T4918 |
punct |
R3085 |
T4924 |
T4913 |
prep |
outside,primer |
R3086 |
T4925 |
T4926 |
det |
the,vector |
R3087 |
T4926 |
T4924 |
pobj |
vector,outside |
R3088 |
T4927 |
T4926 |
compound |
targeting,vector |
R3089 |
T4928 |
T4888 |
punct |
.,amplified |
R3090 |
T4930 |
T4931 |
amod |
Homologous,DNA |
R3091 |
T4931 |
T4933 |
nsubjpass |
DNA,amplified |
R3092 |
T4932 |
T4931 |
amod |
recombined,DNA |
R3093 |
T4934 |
T4933 |
auxpass |
was,amplified |
R3094 |
T4935 |
T4933 |
advmod |
efficiently,amplified |
R3095 |
T4936 |
T4933 |
prep |
by,amplified |
R3096 |
T4937 |
T4938 |
nummod |
35,cycles |
R3097 |
T4938 |
T4936 |
pobj |
cycles,by |
R3098 |
T4939 |
T4938 |
prep |
of,cycles |
R3099 |
T4940 |
T4941 |
det |
the,steps |
R3100 |
T4941 |
T4939 |
pobj |
steps,of |
R3101 |
T4942 |
T4941 |
amod |
following,steps |
R3102 |
T4943 |
T4941 |
compound |
amplification,steps |
R3103 |
T4944 |
T4941 |
punct |
(,steps |
R3104 |
T4945 |
T4946 |
nummod |
94,°C |
R3105 |
T4946 |
T4941 |
appos |
°C,steps |
R3106 |
T4947 |
T4946 |
punct |
-,°C |
R3107 |
T4948 |
T4949 |
nummod |
30,s |
R3108 |
T4949 |
T4946 |
npadvmod |
s,°C |
R3109 |
T4950 |
T4946 |
cc |
and,°C |
R3110 |
T4951 |
T4952 |
nummod |
68,°C |
R3111 |
T4952 |
T4946 |
conj |
°C,°C |
R3112 |
T4953 |
T4952 |
punct |
-,°C |
R3113 |
T4954 |
T4955 |
nummod |
5,min |
R3114 |
T4955 |
T4952 |
npadvmod |
min,°C |
R3115 |
T4956 |
T4933 |
punct |
),amplified |
R3116 |
T4957 |
T4933 |
punct |
.,amplified |
R3117 |
T4959 |
T4960 |
det |
The,efficiency |
R3118 |
T4960 |
T4962 |
nsubj |
efficiency,was |
R3119 |
T4961 |
T4960 |
compound |
targeting,efficiency |
R3120 |
T4963 |
T4960 |
prep |
of,efficiency |
R3121 |
T4964 |
T4965 |
det |
this,construct |
R3122 |
T4965 |
T4963 |
pobj |
construct,of |
R3123 |
T4966 |
T4967 |
advmod |
about,4 |
R3124 |
T4967 |
T4968 |
nummod |
4,% |
R3125 |
T4968 |
T4962 |
attr |
%,was |
R3126 |
T4969 |
T4962 |
punct |
.,was |
R3127 |
T4971 |
T4972 |
advmod |
Correctly,targeted |
R3128 |
T4972 |
T4973 |
amod |
targeted,clones |
R3129 |
T4973 |
T4975 |
nsubjpass |
clones,injected |
R3130 |
T4974 |
T4973 |
compound |
ES,clones |
R3131 |
T4976 |
T4975 |
auxpass |
were,injected |
R3132 |
T4977 |
T4975 |
prep |
into,injected |
R3133 |
T4978 |
T4979 |
amod |
fertilized,eggs |
R3134 |
T4979 |
T4977 |
pobj |
eggs,into |
R3135 |
T4980 |
T4979 |
compound |
ICR,eggs |
R3136 |
T4981 |
T4979 |
compound |
mouse,eggs |
R3137 |
T4982 |
T4975 |
prep |
at,injected |
R3138 |
T4983 |
T4984 |
det |
the,stage |
R3139 |
T4984 |
T4982 |
pobj |
stage,at |
R3140 |
T4985 |
T4986 |
nummod |
eight,cell |
R3141 |
T4986 |
T4984 |
compound |
cell,stage |
R3142 |
T4987 |
T4986 |
punct |
-,cell |
R3143 |
T4988 |
T4975 |
punct |
.,injected |
R3144 |
T4990 |
T4991 |
det |
The,chimeras |
R3145 |
T4991 |
T4994 |
nsubjpass |
chimeras,mated |
R3146 |
T4992 |
T4991 |
amod |
resulting,chimeras |
R3147 |
T4993 |
T4991 |
amod |
male,chimeras |
R3148 |
T4995 |
T4994 |
auxpass |
were,mated |
R3149 |
T4996 |
T4994 |
prep |
with,mated |
R3150 |
T4997 |
T4998 |
nmod |
C57BL,females |
R3151 |
T4998 |
T4996 |
pobj |
females,with |
R3152 |
T4999 |
T4997 |
punct |
/,C57BL |
R3153 |
T5000 |
T4997 |
nummod |
6N,C57BL |
R3154 |
T5001 |
T4994 |
punct |
", ",mated |
R3155 |
T5002 |
T4994 |
cc |
and,mated |
R3156 |
T5003 |
T5004 |
amod |
heterozygous,mice |
R3157 |
T5004 |
T5008 |
nsubjpass |
mice,interbred |
R3158 |
T5005 |
T5004 |
amod |
male,mice |
R3159 |
T5006 |
T5005 |
cc |
and,male |
R3160 |
T5007 |
T5005 |
conj |
female,male |
R3161 |
T5008 |
T4994 |
conj |
interbred,mated |
R3162 |
T5009 |
T5008 |
auxpass |
were,interbred |
R3163 |
T5010 |
T5011 |
aux |
to,generate |
R3164 |
T5011 |
T5008 |
advcl |
generate,interbred |
R3165 |
T5012 |
T5013 |
amod |
homozygous,mice |
R3166 |
T5013 |
T5011 |
dobj |
mice,generate |
R3167 |
T5014 |
T5008 |
punct |
.,interbred |
R3168 |
T5016 |
T5017 |
det |
The,phenotypes |
R3169 |
T5017 |
T5019 |
nsubjpass |
phenotypes,observed |
R3170 |
T5018 |
T5017 |
amod |
ataxic,phenotypes |
R3171 |
T5020 |
T5017 |
prep |
of,phenotypes |
R3172 |
T5021 |
T5022 |
amod |
homozygous,mice |
R3173 |
T5022 |
T5020 |
pobj |
mice,of |
R3174 |
T5023 |
T5019 |
auxpass |
were,observed |
R3175 |
T5024 |
T5019 |
prep |
in,observed |
R3176 |
T5025 |
T5026 |
nummod |
two,lines |
R3177 |
T5026 |
T5024 |
pobj |
lines,in |
R3178 |
T5027 |
T5026 |
amod |
independent,lines |
R3179 |
T5028 |
T5019 |
punct |
.,observed |