PMC:1142324 / 0-68 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T85 0-6 NN denotes Ataxia
T86 0-68 sentence denotes Ataxia and peripheral nerve hypomyelination in ADAM22-deficient mice
T87 7-10 CC denotes and
T88 11-21 JJ denotes peripheral
T90 22-27 NN denotes nerve
T89 28-43 NN denotes hypomyelination
T91 44-46 IN denotes in
T92 47-53 NN denotes ADAM22
T94 53-54 HYPH denotes -
T93 54-63 JJ denotes deficient
T95 64-68 NNS denotes mice
R1 T87 T85 cc and,Ataxia
R186 T89 T85 conj hypomyelination,Ataxia
R2 T88 T89 amod peripheral,hypomyelination
R3 T90 T89 compound nerve,hypomyelination
R4 T91 T85 prep in,Ataxia
R5 T92 T93 npadvmod ADAM22,deficient
R6 T93 T95 amod deficient,mice
R7 T94 T93 punct -,deficient
R8 T95 T91 pobj mice,in