PMC:1087847 / 5081-5256 JSONTXT 5 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2413 0-175 sentence denotes Reprobing with a β-actin probe verified equal loading; the appearance of a faster migrating mRNA species in addition to the 2.0 kb species is characteristic for β-actin [12].
T2414 1-10 VBG denotes Reprobing
T2416 11-15 IN denotes with
T2417 16-17 DT denotes a
T2419 18-19 NN denotes β
T2421 19-20 HYPH denotes -
T2420 20-25 NN denotes actin
T2418 26-31 NN denotes probe
T2415 32-40 VBD denotes verified
T2423 41-46 JJ denotes equal
T2424 47-54 NN denotes loading
T2425 54-55 : denotes ;
T2426 56-59 DT denotes the
T2427 60-70 NN denotes appearance
T2428 71-73 IN denotes of
T2429 74-75 DT denotes a
T2431 76-82 JJR denotes faster
T2432 83-92 VBG denotes migrating
T2433 93-97 NN denotes mRNA
T2430 98-105 NNS denotes species
T2434 106-108 IN denotes in
T2435 109-117 NN denotes addition
T2436 118-120 IN denotes to
T2437 121-124 DT denotes the
T2439 125-128 CD denotes 2.0
T2440 129-131 NN denotes kb
T2438 132-139 NNS denotes species
T2422 140-142 VBZ denotes is
T2441 143-157 JJ denotes characteristic
T2442 158-161 IN denotes for
T2443 162-163 NN denotes β
T2445 163-164 HYPH denotes -
T2444 164-169 NN denotes actin
T2446 170-171 -LRB- denotes [
T2447 171-173 CD denotes 12
T2448 173-174 -RRB- denotes ]
T2449 174-175 . denotes .
R888 T2414 T2415 nsubj Reprobing,verified
R889 T2415 T2422 ccomp verified,is
R890 T2416 T2414 prep with,Reprobing
R891 T2417 T2418 det a,probe
R892 T2418 T2416 pobj probe,with
R893 T2419 T2420 compound β,actin
R894 T2420 T2418 compound actin,probe
R895 T2421 T2420 punct -,actin
R896 T2423 T2424 amod equal,loading
R897 T2424 T2415 dobj loading,verified
R898 T2425 T2422 punct ;,is
R899 T2426 T2427 det the,appearance
R900 T2427 T2422 nsubj appearance,is
R901 T2428 T2427 prep of,appearance
R902 T2429 T2430 det a,species
R903 T2430 T2428 pobj species,of
R904 T2431 T2432 amod faster,migrating
R905 T2432 T2430 amod migrating,species
R906 T2433 T2430 compound mRNA,species
R907 T2434 T2430 prep in,species
R908 T2435 T2434 pobj addition,in
R909 T2436 T2435 prep to,addition
R910 T2437 T2438 det the,species
R911 T2438 T2436 pobj species,to
R912 T2439 T2440 nummod 2.0,kb
R913 T2440 T2438 compound kb,species
R914 T2441 T2422 acomp characteristic,is
R915 T2442 T2422 prep for,is
R916 T2443 T2444 compound β,actin
R917 T2444 T2442 pobj actin,for
R918 T2445 T2444 punct -,actin
R919 T2446 T2447 punct [,12
R920 T2447 T2422 parataxis 12,is
R921 T2448 T2447 punct ],12
R922 T2449 T2422 punct .,is