PMC:1087847 / 19547-19653 JSONTXT 5 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T5186 0-106 sentence denotes This procedure is thought to allow the antibodies to access epitopes masked by the formaldehyde fixation.
T5187 1-5 DT denotes This
T5188 6-15 NN denotes procedure
T5190 16-18 VBZ denotes is
T5189 19-26 VBN denotes thought
T5191 27-29 TO denotes to
T5192 30-35 VB denotes allow
T5193 36-39 DT denotes the
T5194 40-50 NNS denotes antibodies
T5196 51-53 TO denotes to
T5195 54-60 VB denotes access
T5197 61-69 NNS denotes epitopes
T5198 70-76 VBN denotes masked
T5199 77-79 IN denotes by
T5200 80-83 DT denotes the
T5202 84-96 NN denotes formaldehyde
T5201 97-105 NN denotes fixation
T5203 105-106 . denotes .
R2227 T5187 T5188 det This,procedure
R2228 T5188 T5189 nsubjpass procedure,thought
R2229 T5190 T5189 auxpass is,thought
R2230 T5191 T5192 aux to,allow
R2231 T5192 T5189 xcomp allow,thought
R2232 T5193 T5194 det the,antibodies
R2233 T5194 T5195 nsubj antibodies,access
R2234 T5195 T5192 ccomp access,allow
R2235 T5196 T5195 aux to,access
R2236 T5197 T5195 dobj epitopes,access
R2237 T5198 T5197 acl masked,epitopes
R2238 T5199 T5198 agent by,masked
R2239 T5200 T5201 det the,fixation
R2240 T5201 T5199 pobj fixation,by
R2241 T5202 T5201 compound formaldehyde,fixation
R2242 T5203 T5189 punct .,thought