PMC:194730 / 17790-18861 JSONTXT 4 Projects

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Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9758 0-8 CL:0000233 denotes Platelet
T9759 0-20 GO:0070527 denotes Platelet aggregation
T9760 33-41 CL:0000233 denotes platelet
T9761 47-53 UBERON:0001969 denotes plasma
T9762 57-67 PR_EXT:000004080 denotes annexin A7
T9763 82-91 SO_EXT:wild_type_entity_or_quality denotes wild type
T9764 92-96 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mice
T9765 201-211 CHEBI:85129 denotes ristocetin
T9766 258-266 CL:0000233 denotes platelet
T9767 450-456 NCBITaxon:39107 denotes murine
T9768 524-532 CL:0000233 denotes platelet
T9769 524-543 GO:0030168 denotes platelet initiation
T9770 549-555 SO_EXT:sequence_altered_entity denotes mutant
T9771 633-642 SO_EXT:wild_type_entity denotes wild type
T9772 692-701 SO_EXT:wild_type_entity denotes wild type
T9773 787-796 SO_EXT:wild_type_entity denotes wild type
T9774 821-827 NCBITaxon:39107 denotes Murine
T9775 828-837 CL:0000233 denotes platelets
T9776 838-843 GO_EXT:reaction_or_response denotes react
T9777 874-882 CHEBI_EXT:chemical_substance_or_polyatomic_entity denotes chemical
T9778 921-926 NCBITaxon:9606 denotes human
T9779 927-936 CL:0000233 denotes platelets
T9780 973-981 CL:0000233 denotes platelet
T9781 1011-1016 NCBITaxon:9606 denotes human
T9782 1017-1026 CL:0000233 denotes platelets