PMC:1626108 / 715-1089 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T164 10-23 GO:0005739 denotes mitochondrial
T165 24-40 GO_EXT:0016530 denotes metallochaperone
T166 42-47 PR_EXT:000005770 denotes Cox11
T167 70-80 GO:0006096 denotes glycolysis
T168 82-92 GO_EXT:0004396 denotes hexokinase
T169 82-99 PR_EXT:000008608 denotes hexokinase type I
T170 101-104 PR_EXT:000008608 denotes HKI
T171 114-121 CHEBI_SO_EXT:leucine denotes leucine
T172 127-133 SO_EXT:0000417 denotes domain
T173 139-146 CHEBI_SO_EXT:leucine denotes leucine
T174 152-158 SO_EXT:0000417 denotes domain
T175 162-168 PR_EXT:000013712 denotes RanBP2
T176 240-247 GO:0006457 denotes folding
T177 259-264 PR_EXT:000005770 denotes Cox11
T178 296-302 PR_EXT:000013712 denotes RanBP2
T179 310-317 GO:0005829 denotes cytosol
T180 325-330 PR_EXT:000005770 denotes Cox11
T181 331-341 GO_EXT:biogenesis_or_biosynthesis denotes biogenesis
T182 343-348 PR_EXT:000005770 denotes Cox11
T183 361-370 GO_PATO_EXT:biological_localization_process_or_quality denotes localizes