PMC:1142324 / 1186-2630 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T465 24-39 GO_EXT:0008237 denotes Metalloprotease
T466 56-64 GO:0016020 denotes membrane
T467 80-86 SO_EXT:0000417 denotes domain
T468 87-95 CHEBI_PR_EXT:protein denotes proteins
T469 109-126 GO_EXT:0008237 denotes metalloproteinase
T470 132-138 SO_EXT:0000417 denotes domain
T471 162-168 SO_EXT:0000417 denotes domain
T472 224-231 NCBITaxon:40674 denotes mammals
T473 239-249 CHEBI_GO_EXT:biological_process_or_quality_or_role denotes biological
T474 280-293 GO:0009566 denotes fertilization
T475 295-305 GO_EXT:muscle_structure_or_tissue_development denotes myogenesis
T476 310-322 GO:0022008 denotes neurogenesis
T477 326-337 GO:0006508 denotes proteolysis
T478 342-350 GO_PATO_EXT:biological_adhesion_entity_or_process denotes adhesion
T479 375-388 GO_MOP_EXT:catalysis denotes catalytically
T480 396-412 GO_EXT:0008237 denotes metalloproteases
T481 426-439 GO:0005576 denotes extracellular
T482 431-439 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cellular
T483 440-447 SO_EXT:0000417 denotes domains
T484 451-459 GO:0016020 denotes membrane
T485 460-465 CHEMINF_GO_EXT:chemical_binding_or_bond_formation denotes bound
T486 466-472 GO_EXT:biological_growth_entity_or_process denotes growth
T487 466-480 GO_EXT:0008083 denotes growth factors
T488 484-493 GO_EXT:0004872 denotes receptors
T489 514-520 PR_EXT:000001279 denotes ADAM17
T490 522-526 PR_EXT:000001279 denotes TACE
T491 546-552 MOP:0000780 denotes cleave
T492 583-611 PR_EXT:000000134 denotes tumour necrosis factor alpha
T493 590-598 GO_PATO_EXT:necrosis denotes necrosis
T494 618-625 CHEBI:28304 denotes heparin
T495 618-676 PR_EXT:000008459 denotes heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor
T496 626-633 CHEMINF_GO_EXT:chemical_binding_or_bond_formation denotes binding
T497 634-643 UBERON:0007376 denotes epidermal
T498 644-650 GO_EXT:biological_growth_entity_or_process denotes growth
T499 644-657 GO_EXT:0008083 denotes growth factor
T500 663-669 GO_EXT:biological_growth_entity_or_process denotes growth
T501 663-676 GO_EXT:0008083 denotes growth factor
T502 687-719 PR_EXT:000016285 denotes transforming growth factor alpha
T503 700-706 GO_EXT:biological_growth_entity_or_process denotes growth
T504 700-713 GO_EXT:0008083 denotes growth factor
T505 736-742 PR_EXT:000001279 denotes ADAM17
T506 743-747 SO_EXT:sequence_nullness denotes null
T507 748-752 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mice
T508 772-778 PR_EXT:000001279 denotes ADAM17
T509 794-807 GO:0009790 denotes embryogenesis
T510 853-859 GO_EXT:biological_growth_entity_or_process denotes growth
T511 853-867 GO_EXT:0008083 denotes growth factors
T512 902-906 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cell
T513 907-911 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cell
T514 915-919 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cell
T515 920-926 GO:0031012 denotes matrix
T516 927-935 GO_PATO_EXT:biological_adhesion_entity_or_process denotes adhesion
T517 967-976 GO_PR_EXT:integrin denotes integrins
T518 980-989 PR_EXT:syndecan denotes syndecans
T519 1037-1045 GO_PR_EXT:integrin denotes integrin
T520 1055-1059 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cell
T521 1060-1068 GO_PATO_EXT:biological_adhesion_entity_or_process denotes adhesion
T522 1109-1114 PR_EXT:000003715 denotes ADAM2
T523 1115-1119 SO_EXT:sequence_nullness denotes null
T524 1124-1129 PR_EXT:000003732 denotes ADAM3
T525 1130-1134 SO_EXT:sequence_nullness denotes null
T526 1135-1139 PATO_UBERON_EXT:male_or_bearer_of_maleness denotes male
T527 1140-1147 SO_EXT:sequence_altered_entity denotes mutants
T528 1172-1183 CL:0000019 denotes spermatozoa
T529 1189-1192 CL:0000025 denotes egg
T530 1193-1200 CHEMINF_GO_EXT:chemical_binding_or_bond_formation denotes binding
T531 1225-1230 PR_EXT:000003715 denotes ADAM2
T532 1235-1240 PR_EXT:000003732 denotes ADAM3
T533 1249-1265 GO_EXT:0008237 denotes metalloproteases
T534 1284-1293 GO_MOP_EXT:catalysis denotes catalytic
T535 1299-1308 SO_EXT:biological_sequence denotes sequences
T536 1318-1333 GO_EXT:0008237 denotes metalloprotease
T537 1334-1340 SO_EXT:0000417 denotes domain
T538 1380-1390 GO_EXT:0008233 denotes proteinase