PMC:1858683 / 42235-42382 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T19989 5-11 NCBITaxon:9986 denotes rabbit
T19990 16-20 UBERON:0001977 denotes sera
T19991 29-35 PR:Q9D0P5 denotes mPygo1
T19992 45-51 PR:Q9BRQ0 denotes hPygo2
T19993 90-93 PR:000022850 denotes GST
T19994 124-134 GO:0042571 denotes antibodies
T19995 143-146 PR:000022850 denotes GST