PMC:1142324 / 22547-23226 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T6379 11-16 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mouse
T6380 22-36 PR:000004967 denotes calbindin 28 K
T6381 64-69 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mouse
T6382 75-78 PR:000010228 denotes MBP
T6383 136-141 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mouse
T6384 147-152 PR:000006252 denotes Neu N
T6385 172-178 NCBITaxon:9986 denotes rabbit
T6386 215-221 GO:0005634 denotes Nuclei
T6387 255-259 CHEBI:51231 denotes DAPI
T6388 269-272 PR:000010228 denotes MBP
T6389 416-426 GO:0042571 denotes antibodies
T6390 428-431 CHEBI:37987 denotes Cy3
T6391 440-446 NCBITaxon:9793 denotes donkey
T6392 452-458 NCBITaxon:9986 denotes rabbit
T6393 459-462 GO:0071735 denotes IgG
T6394 497-501 CHEBI:37926 denotes FITC
T6395 511-517 NCBITaxon:9793 denotes donkey
T6396 523-528 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mouse
T6397 529-532 GO:0071735 denotes IgG