PMC:3586680 / 446-530 JSONTXT 7 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T626 2-5 JJ denotes due
T627 6-8 TO denotes to
T628 9-17 NN denotes promoter
T629 18-34 NN denotes hypermethylation
T630 34-35 , denotes ,
T631 36-43 JJ denotes genetic
T632 44-55 NNS denotes alterations
T633 55-56 , denotes ,
T634 57-60 CC denotes and
T635 61-74 JJ denotes translational
T636 75-83 NN denotes blockade
T637 83-84 . denotes .
R339 T627 T628 aux to,promoter
R340 T628 T626 xcomp promoter,due
R341 T629 T626 conj hypermethylation,due
R342 T630 T629 punct ",",hypermethylation
R343 T631 T632 amod genetic,alterations
R344 T632 T629 conj alterations,hypermethylation
R345 T633 T632 punct ",",alterations
R346 T634 T632 cc and,alterations
R347 T635 T636 amod translational,blockade
R348 T636 T632 conj blockade,alterations