PMC:1064895 / 1254-1391 JSONTXT 22 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1638 0-3 DT denotes The
T1639 4-14 NN denotes production
T1640 15-17 IN denotes of
T1641 18-23 NNP denotes IL-17
T1642 24-27 VBD denotes was
T1643 28-41 RB denotes significantly
T1644 42-51 VBN denotes increased
T1645 52-54 IN denotes in
T1646 55-60 NNS denotes cells
T1647 61-68 VBN denotes treated
T1648 69-73 IN denotes with
T1649 74-82 JJ denotes anti-CD3
T1650 83-91 NN denotes antibody
T1651 92-96 IN denotes with
T1652 97-99 CC denotes or
T1653 100-107 IN denotes without
T1654 108-117 JJ denotes anti-CD28
T1655 118-121 CC denotes and
T1656 122-125 NNP denotes PHA
T1657 126-127 -LRB- denotes (
T1658 127-128 NNP denotes P
T1659 129-130 CD denotes <
T1660 131-135 CD denotes 0.05
T1661 135-136 -RRB- denotes )
T1662 136-137 . denotes .
R792 T1638 T1639 det The,production
R794 T1639 T1644 nsubjpass production,increased
R798 T1640 T1639 prep of,production
R802 T1641 T1640 pobj IL-17,of
R803 T1642 T1644 auxpass was,increased
R804 T1643 T1644 advmod significantly,increased
R805 T1644 T1644 ROOT increased,increased
R806 T1645 T1644 prep in,increased
R809 T1646 T1645 pobj cells,in
R817 T1647 T1646 acl treated,cells
R822 T1648 T1647 prep with,treated
R826 T1649 T1650 amod anti-CD3,antibody
R830 T1650 T1648 pobj antibody,with
R833 T1651 T1648 conj with,with
R838 T1652 T1651 cc or,with
R842 T1653 T1651 conj without,with
R846 T1654 T1653 pobj anti-CD28,without
R850 T1655 T1654 cc and,anti-CD28
R854 T1656 T1654 conj PHA,anti-CD28
R857 T1657 T1656 punct (,PHA
R865 T1658 T1656 nmod P,PHA
R870 T1659 T1658 nummod <,P
R874 T1660 T1658 nummod 0.05,P
R878 T1661 T1656 punct ),PHA
R882 T1662 T1644 punct .,increased