PMC:3279418 / 16693-19345 JSONTXT 16 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T15501 2279-2283 Antecedent denotes IFNγ
T15502 2285-2288 Antecedent denotes IL4
T15503 2294-2297 Antecedent denotes IL2
T15500 2548-2576 Anaphor denotes the aforementioned cytokines
R12965 T15500 T15501 boundBy the aforementioned cytokines,IFNγ
R12966 T15500 T15502 boundBy the aforementioned cytokines,IL4
R12967 T15500 T15503 boundBy the aforementioned cytokines,IL2