PMC:3279418 JSONTXT 20 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1960 1771-1778 Antecedent denotes SHARPIN
T1959 1885-1897 Anaphor denotes this protein
T1962 1997-2004 Antecedent denotes Sharpin
T1961 2190-2194 Anaphor denotes mRNA
T1963 2220-2248 Anaphor denotes a functional protein product
T2687 5695-5702 Antecedent denotes present
T2686 5748-5757 Anaphor denotes its level
T3612 10092-10096 Antecedent denotes CD40
T3613 10098-10102 Antecedent denotes CD80
T3614 10108-10112 Antecedent denotes CD86
T3611 10183-10196 Anaphor denotes these markers
T4195 10451-10454 Antecedent denotes IL6
T4196 10469-10474 Antecedent denotes GMCSF
T4194 10563-10582 Anaphor denotes all three cytokines
T15501 18972-18976 Antecedent denotes IFNγ
T15502 18978-18981 Antecedent denotes IL4
T15503 18987-18990 Antecedent denotes IL2
T15500 19241-19269 Anaphor denotes the aforementioned cytokines
T9038 20029-20036 Antecedent denotes SHARPIN
T9037 20093-20098 Anaphor denotes which
T9040 25024-25031 Antecedent denotes SHARPIN
T9039 25078-25081 Anaphor denotes its
T9042 25082-25120 Antecedent denotes linear-ubiquitin-chain-ligase activity
T9041 25265-25291 Anaphor denotes the ubiquitylation process
T11237 29939-29943 Antecedent denotes IFNγ
T11238 29945-29948 Antecedent denotes IL4
T11239 29950-29953 Antecedent denotes IL2
T11240 29959-29964 Antecedent denotes IL17A
T11236 30187-30211 Anaphor denotes aforementioned cytokines
R12965 T15500 T15501 boundBy the aforementioned cytokines,IFNγ
R12966 T15500 T15502 boundBy the aforementioned cytokines,IL4
R12967 T15500 T15503 boundBy the aforementioned cytokines,IL2
R1723 T1959 T1960 boundBy this protein,SHARPIN
R1724 T1961 T1962 boundBy mRNA,Sharpin
R1725 T1963 T1962 boundBy a functional protein product,Sharpin
R2262 T2686 T2687 boundBy its level,present
R3047 T3611 T3612 boundBy these markers,CD40
R3048 T3611 T3613 boundBy these markers,CD80
R3049 T3611 T3614 boundBy these markers,CD86
R3501 T4194 T4195 boundBy all three cytokines,IL6
R3502 T4194 T4196 boundBy all three cytokines,GMCSF
R7641 T9037 T9038 boundBy which,SHARPIN
R7644 T9039 T9040 boundBy its,SHARPIN
R7645 T9041 T9042 boundBy the ubiquitylation process,linear-ubiquitin-chain-ligase activity
R9352 T11236 T11237 boundBy aforementioned cytokines,IFNγ
R9353 T11236 T11238 boundBy aforementioned cytokines,IL4
R9354 T11236 T11239 boundBy aforementioned cytokines,IL2
R9355 T11236 T11240 boundBy aforementioned cytokines,IL17A