PMC:2222968 JSONTXT 23 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T336 388-393 Antecedent denotes FOXP3
T335 541-544 Anaphor denotes its
T338 931-940 Antecedent denotes deficient
T337 1005-1020 Anaphor denotes This inhibition
T1582 6144-6149 Antecedent denotes FOXP3
T1581 6197-6206 Anaphor denotes this gene
T5529 12127-12132 Antecedent denotes GATA3
T5530 12137-12142 Antecedent denotes FOXP3
T5528 12168-12173 Anaphor denotes their
T6959 16288-16295 Antecedent denotes inhibit
T6958 16331-16355 Anaphor denotes the suppressive capacity
T8705 19709-19714 Antecedent denotes GATA3
T8706 19719-19724 Antecedent denotes FOXP3
T8704 19805-19817 Anaphor denotes both factors
T12014 23674-23691 Antecedent denotes GATA-binding site
T12013 23765-23774 Anaphor denotes This site
T12016 24172-24180 Antecedent denotes promoter
T12015 24313-24326 Anaphor denotes the construct
T14965 28481-28486 Antecedent denotes T-bet
T14966 28491-28496 Antecedent denotes GATA3
T14964 28560-28573 Anaphor denotes these factors
T14967 28970-28990 Anaphor denotes polarization factors
T14968 29005-29009 Antecedent denotes IL-4
T14969 29011-29016 Antecedent denotes IL-12
T14970 29021-29026 Antecedent denotes TGF-β
T14972 31095-31099 Antecedent denotes IL-4
T14971 31170-31190 Anaphor denotes these concentrations
T14973 34648-34657 Anaphor denotes cytokines
T14974 34666-34670 Antecedent denotes IL-4
R11393 T14964 T14965 boundBy these factors,T-bet
R11394 T14964 T14966 boundBy these factors,GATA3
R11395 T14967 T14968 boundBy polarization factors,IL-4
R11396 T14967 T14969 boundBy polarization factors,IL-12
R11397 T14967 T14970 boundBy polarization factors,TGF-β
R11398 T14971 T14972 boundBy these concentrations,IL-4
R11399 T14973 T14974 boundBy cytokines,IL-4
R1373 T1581 T1582 boundBy this gene,FOXP3
R4312 T5528 T5529 boundBy their,GATA3
R4313 T5528 T5530 boundBy their,FOXP3
R5400 T6958 T6959 boundBy the suppressive capacity,inhibit
R634 T335 T336 boundBy its,FOXP3
R635 T337 T338 boundBy This inhibition,deficient
R6681 T8704 T8705 boundBy both factors,GATA3
R6682 T8704 T8706 boundBy both factors,FOXP3
R9040 T12013 T12014 boundBy This site,GATA-binding site
R9041 T12015 T12016 boundBy the construct,promoter