BB-norm+ner@ldeleger:BB-norm+ner-19175621 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue NCBI_Taxonomy OntoBiotope
T1 0-159 Title denotes Occurrence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Salmonella enterica in northern Spain with evidence of CTX-M-9 clonal spread among animals and humans.
T3 32-56 Phenotype denotes beta-lactamase-producing OBT:000019
T4 57-76 Microorganism denotes Salmonella enterica 28901
T5 140-147 Habitat denotes animals OBT:000193
T6 152-158 Habitat denotes humans OBT:002488
T2 160-1017 Paragraph denotes Among the 1233 Salmonella enterica isolates obtained in two Spanish hospitals, five isolates (0.4%) (serovars: Virchow, four; Livingstone, one) had the phenotype of an extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) producer. The genetic characterization of the ESBL of S. enterica Livingstone revealed a bla(SHV-2) gene. The bla(CTX-M-10) gene in a phage-related genetic environment was found in one S. enterica Virchow isolate, and the bla(CTX-M-9) gene within the In60 integron was found in the three remaining Virchow isolates. These three isolates presented indistinguishable or closely related pulsed-field gel electrophoresis patterns among themselves and also as compared with the two other bla(CTX-M-9)-containing isolates previously obtained from animals. ESBL production is an emerging mechanism of resistance in S. enterica in the two studied hospitals.
T7 175-194 Microorganism denotes Salmonella enterica 28901
T8 220-237 Habitat denotes Spanish hospitals OBT:002714
T9 271-278 Microorganism denotes Virchow 48409
T10 286-297 Microorganism denotes Livingstone 260680
T11 328-376 Phenotype denotes extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) producer OBT:000019
T12 422-445 Microorganism denotes S. enterica Livingstone 260680
T13 553-572 Microorganism denotes S. enterica Virchow 48409
T14 666-673 Microorganism denotes Virchow 48409
T15 909-916 Habitat denotes animals OBT:000193
T16 918-933 Phenotype denotes ESBL production OBT:000019
T17 962-972 Phenotype denotes resistance OBT:000598
T18 976-987 Microorganism denotes S. enterica 28901
T19 1007-1016 Habitat denotes hospitals OBT:002714