BB-norm@ldeleger:BB-norm-16273411 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue NCBI_Taxonomy OntoBiotope
T1 0-140 Title denotes Early pregnancy loss and neonatal deaths associated with Klebsiella pneumonia infection: a mini review of possible occupational health risk.
T3 25-33 Habitat denotes neonatal OBT:003453
T4 57-77 Microorganism denotes Klebsiella pneumonia 573
T2 141-711 Paragraph denotes Recurrent pregnancy loss is a disease of grave psychological and economic concern. The etiology in the vast majority of the cases is unknown or at best poorly understood. Although Klebsiella pneumonia infections have been reported in humans and animals during pregnancy, there is hardly any information to indicate whether or not these infections may be responsible for early pregnancy loss. We present a review of literature and report for the first time in humans, Klebsiella pneumonia infection in placenta of a 38-year-old secondary recurrent aborter (parity 2 + 3).
T5 321-341 Microorganism denotes Klebsiella pneumonia 573
T6 375-381 Habitat denotes humans OBT:003493
T7 386-393 Habitat denotes animals OBT:001103
T8 600-606 Habitat denotes humans OBT:002488
T9 608-628 Microorganism denotes Klebsiella pneumonia 573
T10 642-695 Habitat denotes placenta of a 38-year-old secondary recurrent aborter OBT:000811
T11 656-695 Habitat denotes 38-year-old secondary recurrent aborter OBT:003493