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PubMed:16970763 JSONTXT 12 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue #label ID:
T97652 17-20 ChemicalEntity denotes NDP http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CHEBI_16862
T1 43-57 DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature denotes Norrie disease C537849
T2 59-95 DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature denotes familial exudative vitreoretinopathy D000080345
T3 100-126 DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature denotes retinopathy of prematurity D012178
T4 192-206 DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature denotes Norrie disease C537849
T43087 208-211 ChemicalEntity denotes NDP http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CHEBI_16862
T5 244-260 DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature denotes retinal diseases D012164
T6 261-275 DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature denotes Norrie disease C537849
T7 286-322 DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature denotes familial exudative vitreoretinopathy D000080345
T8 324-328 DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature denotes FEVR D000080345
T9 331-345 DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature denotes Coat's disease D058456
T10 350-376 DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature denotes retinopathy of prematurity D012178
T11 378-381 DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature denotes ROP D012178
T12 424-428 DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature denotes FEVR D000080345
T13 434-448 DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature denotes Coat's disease D058456
T14 453-456 DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature denotes ROP D012178
T65212 457-465 OrganismTaxon denotes patients
T89095 600-603 ChemicalEntity denotes NDP http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CHEBI_16862
T48937 936-939 ChemicalEntity denotes NDP http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CHEBI_16862
T96247 960-969 SequenceVariant denotes Leu103Val
T15 977-981 DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature denotes FEVR D000080345
T42672 982-989 OrganismTaxon denotes patient
T14487 994-1002 SequenceVariant denotes His43Arg
T16 1023-1037 DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature denotes Norrie disease C537849
T3697 1038-1046 OrganismTaxon denotes patients
T9660 1084-1098 SequenceVariant denotes 14-bp deletion
T2599 1145-1148 ChemicalEntity denotes NDP http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CHEBI_16862
T17 1195-1198 DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature denotes ROP D012178
T63952 1223-1237 SequenceVariant denotes 14-bp deletion
T18 1313-1317 DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature denotes FEVR D000080345
T19 1355-1369 DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature denotes Norrie disease C537849
T20 1375-1383 DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature denotes deafness D003638
T21 1388-1406 DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature denotes mental retardation D008607
T3558 1472-1475 ChemicalEntity denotes NDP http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CHEBI_16862
T22 1544-1558 DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature denotes Norrie disease C537849
T23 1578-1582 DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature denotes FEVR D000080345
T24 1664-1667 DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature denotes ROP D012178
T78437 1738-1744 ChemicalEntity denotes oxygen http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CHEBI_25805|D010100
T25 1773-1791 DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature denotes retinal detachment D012163
T26 1837-1851 DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature denotes Norrie disease C537849