PubMed:26685104 JSONTXT 17 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 128-382 DRI_Background denotes Preeclampsia, the development of hypertension and proteinuria or end-organ damage during pregnancy, is a leading cause of both maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality and there are no effective clinical treatments for preeclampsia aside from delivery.
T2 383-532 DRI_Challenge denotes The development of preeclampsia is characterized by maladaptation of the maternal immune system, excessive inflammation, and endothelial dysfunction.
T3 533-703 DRI_Approach denotes We have reported that detection of extracellular RNA by Toll-like receptors (TLRs) 3 and 7 is a key initiating signal that contributes to the development of preeclampsia.
T4 704-1036 DRI_Background denotes PLacental eXpanded (PLX-PAD; Pluristem Therapeutics, Inc., Haifa, Israel) cells are human placenta-derived, mesenchymal-like adherent stromal cells that have anti-inflammatory, pro-angiogenic, cytoprotective, and regenerative properties secondary to paracrine secretion of various molecules in response to environmental stimulation.
T5 1037-1217 DRI_Challenge denotes We hypothesized that PLX-PAD cells would reduce the associated inflammation and tissue damage and lower blood pressure in mice with preeclampsia induced by TLR3 or TLR7 activation.
T6 1218-1566 DRI_Background denotes Injection of PLX-PAD cells on gestational day 14 significantly decreased systolic blood pressure by day 17 in TLR3-induced and TLR7-induced hypertensive mice (TLR3: 144 to 111 mmHg and TLR7: 145 to 106 mmHg; both p<0.05), and also normalized their elevated urinary protein/creatinine ratios (TLR3: 5.68 to 3.72 and TLR7: 5.57 to 3.84; both p<0.05).
T7 1567-1810 DRI_Background denotes Gestational day 17 aortic endothelium-dependent relaxation responses improved significantly in TLR3-induced and TLR7-induced hypertensive mice who received PLX-PAD cells on gestational day 14 (TLR3: 35 to 65% and TLR7: 37 to 63%; both p<0.05).
T8 1811-1978 DRI_Background denotes Additionally, markers of systemic inflammation and placental injury, increased markedly in both groups of TLR-induced hypertensive mice, were reduced by PLX-PAD cells.
T9 1979-2089 DRI_Background denotes Importantly, PLX-PAD cell therapy had no effects on these measures in pregnant control mice or on the fetuses.
T10 2090-2266 DRI_Outcome denotes These data demonstrate that PLX-PAD cell therapy can safely reverse preeclampsia-like features during pregnancy and have a potential therapeutic role in preeclampsia treatment.