PubMed:32124000 JSONTXT 36 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 0-124 Sentence denotes Stepping up infection control measures in ophthalmology during the novel coronavirus outbreak: an experience from Hong Kong.
T2 125-133 Sentence denotes PURPOSE:
T3 134-211 Sentence denotes Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has rapidly emerged as a global health threat.
T4 212-403 Sentence denotes The purpose of this article is to share our local experience of stepping up infection control measures in ophthalmology to minimise COVID-19 infection of both healthcare workers and patients.
T5 404-412 Sentence denotes METHODS:
T6 413-494 Sentence denotes Infection control measures implemented in our ophthalmology clinic are discussed.
T7 495-607 Sentence denotes The measures are based on detailed risk assessment by both local ophthalmologists and infection control experts.
T8 608-616 Sentence denotes RESULTS:
T9 617-673 Sentence denotes A three-level hierarchy of control measures was adopted.
T10 674-862 Sentence denotes First, for administrative control, in order to lower patient attendance, text messages with an enquiry phone number were sent to patients to reschedule appointments or arrange drug refill.
T11 863-1138 Sentence denotes In order to minimise cross-infection of COVID-19, a triage system was set up to identify patients with fever, respiratory symptoms, acute conjunctivitis or recent travel to outbreak areas and to encourage these individuals to postpone their appointments for at least 14 days.
T12 1139-1260 Sentence denotes Micro-aerosol generating procedures, such as non-contact tonometry and operations under general anaesthesia were avoided.
T13 1261-1349 Sentence denotes Nasal endoscopy was avoided as it may provoke sneezing and cause generation of droplets.
T14 1350-1396 Sentence denotes All elective clinical services were suspended.
T15 1397-1459 Sentence denotes Infection control training was provided to all clinical staff.
T16 1460-1683 Sentence denotes Second, for environmental control, to reduce droplet transmission of COVID-19, installation of protective shields on slit lamps, frequent disinfection of equipment, and provision of eye protection to staff were implemented.
T17 1684-1851 Sentence denotes All staff were advised to measure their own body temperatures before work and promptly report any symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection, vomiting or diarrhoea.
T18 1852-1965 Sentence denotes Third, universal masking, hand hygiene, and appropriate use of personal protective equipment (PPE) were promoted.
T19 1966-1977 Sentence denotes CONCLUSION:
T20 1978-2186 Sentence denotes We hope our initial experience in stepping up infection control measures for COVID-19 infection in ophthalmology can help ophthalmologists globally to prepare for the potential community outbreak or pandemic.
T21 2187-2399 Sentence denotes In order to minimise transmission of COVID-19, ophthalmologists should work closely with local infection control teams to implement infection control measures that are appropriate for their own clinical settings.