PMC:7799377 / 6786-11342 JSONTXT 3 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T50 0-51 Sentence denotes Viral entry and potential neurological consequences
T51 52-313 Sentence denotes The viruses associated with both SARS and COVID-19 enter the brain via a process involving the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)-2 receptors located in the CNS [17–19], unlike the MERS virus, which gains entry via the plasma membrane or in the endosomes [20].
T52 314-429 Sentence denotes ACE-2 receptors are expressed in many parts of the body and are particularly densely expressed in the nasal mucosa.
T53 430-634 Sentence denotes Coronaviruses that enter the body via the nasal mucosa may disrupt the nasal endothelium, cross the epithelial barrier, and then directly enter the lymphatic or circulatory system, accessing the CNS [21].
T54 635-743 Sentence denotes The SARS-CoV has been detected in the brain, and it is thought entry occurred by way of the olfactory nerve.
T55 744-930 Sentence denotes Since there have been studies that located the SARS-CoV virus in the CNS but not the lung, it suggests that there is a direct pathway from the olfactory point of entry into the CNS [22].
T56 931-1196 Sentence denotes Alternatively, a high viral load in the brain following a pulmonary infection might mean the virus entered the brain from the respiratory system; e.g., the vagus nerve links the respiratory system to the nucleus ambiguous and solitary tract nuclei of the brainstem.
T57 1197-1360 Sentence denotes It has been speculated that the cardiorespiratory center of the brain may be involved in the severe acute respiratory distress in some patients with COVID-19 [23].
T58 1361-1599 Sentence denotes The more common form of respiratory failure in COVID-19 patients is Type 1 (gas exchange dysfunction resulting in hypoxia and low levels of carbon dioxide), which is more likely to be associated with pneumonia than brain dysfunction [24].
T59 1600-1829 Sentence denotes Type 2 respiratory failure, which involves both hypoxia and high levels of carbon dioxide due to ventilatory failure would be more suggestive of neurological dysfunction, and this occurs less frequently in COVID-19 patients [25].
T60 1830-2050 Sentence denotes Any viral invader of the CNS creates stress within the body, because the host must balance its natural immune response to destroy the pathogen while, at the same time, minimizing damage to nearby nonrenewable cells [26].
T61 2051-2192 Sentence denotes Once in the CNS, viruses that affect neurons are far more dangerous than viruses that target the leptomeninges, which can restore themselves.
T62 2193-2330 Sentence denotes The CNS has a highly nuanced system of responses to viruses, which can cause considerable harm to the body should it become uncontrolled.
T63 2331-2545 Sentence denotes Coronaviruses such as the SARS-CoV-2 can enter the body via the nasal mucosa and may disrupt the nasal endothelium, cross the epithelial barrier, and then enter the CNS via the lymphatic or circulatory system [21].
T64 2546-2729 Sentence denotes The blood-brain barrier has a pore size of about 1 nm and coronaviruses are substantially larger [9], and this likely protects the brain from coronavirus invasion in many individuals.
T65 2730-2990 Sentence denotes However, neuroinvasive viruses can cross the blood-brain barrier by brain viremia, inflammatory processes (making microvascular endothelial cells vulnerable), or infecting leukocytes that then cross the blood-brain barrier in the manner of a Trojan horse [27].
T66 2991-3194 Sentence denotes The entry of the virus via the olfactory endothelium with transit of the virus across the cribriform plate would allow the virus to enter the brain by circumventing the blood-brain barrier entirely [27].
T67 3195-3553 Sentence denotes In theory at least, the coronavirus could invade the CNS using a passive mechanism such as hematogenous spread; in this case, the virus goes dormant and is carried toward the CNS, only to re-activate at some point to infect endothelial cells of the blood-brain barrier or infect leukocytes that then act as the reservoir for further viral dissemination [28].
T68 3554-3678 Sentence denotes The neurological symptoms associated with the H1N1 influenza virus had earlier been explained by an autoimmunity model [29].
T69 3679-3890 Sentence denotes The autoimmunity model of coronavirus infection of the CNS, likewise unproven, maintains that neural tissues and blood vessels perceive both viral and myelin antigens as the same because of autoreactive T-cells.
T70 3891-3971 Sentence denotes Autoimmunity would be limited to patients who were genetically predisposed [29].
T71 3972-4186 Sentence denotes The SARS-CoV-2 associated with COVID-19 belongs to the same clade of beta-coronaviruses as the MERS-CoV and the SARS-CoV viruses, although its homological sequence more closely resembles SARS-CoV than MERS-CoV [2].
T72 4187-4409 Sentence denotes The respiratory symptoms that occur in genetically related beta-coronaviruses, such as MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV are similar, two infections with which the global healthcare community has had years of clinical experience [30].
T73 4410-4556 Sentence denotes While it cannot be stated unequivocally that the neurological symptoms of these viral infections will be the same, it forms a good starting point.