PMC:7799377 / 38799-39618 JSONTXT 3 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T260 0-136 Sentence denotes Treating neurological symptoms can be challenging as drugs that suppress the immune system may be contraindicated for COVID-19 patients.
T261 137-224 Sentence denotes There is evidence that the use of corticosteroids may prolong viral shedding [119,120].
T262 225-547 Sentence denotes Symptoms for neurological problems may be addressed, with first-line strategies such as controlling body temperature, offering anticonvulsants, and treating hypoxia.21 Second-line treatments for neuroinflammation involve IV immunoglobulin or plasma exchange, but IV immunoglobulin may increase the risk of thromboembolism.
T263 548-652 Sentence denotes Furthermore, there is emerging concern of the possibility of microthrombosis in COVID-19 patients [121].
T264 653-819 Sentence denotes Third-line strategies for neuroinflammation in COVID patients may carry higher risks, and include such pharmacological agents as cyclophosphamide and rituximab [121].