PMC:7799377 / 27069-27656 JSONTXT 3 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T178 0-320 Sentence denotes Delirium in hospitalized COVID-19 patients may be the result of direct CNS invasion, induction of CNS inflammatory mediators, a secondary effect of other organ system failures, the effect of sedation, the result of prolonged mechanical ventilation, a psychological manifestation, or caused by environmental factors [77].
T179 321-587 Sentence denotes In cases of COVID-19, it is thought that delirium caused by direct invasion of the virus into the CNS is relatively rare, but possible, and would likely be accompanied by seizures, altered states of consciousness, or signs of increased intracranial pressure [39,46].