PMC:7799377 / 25754-27068 JSONTXT 3 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T170 0-194 Sentence denotes Encephalopathy, which often presents in infectious disease patients as delirium, is a brain disorder that causes acute or subacute dysfunction in terms of consciousness or altered mental states.
T171 195-348 Sentence denotes The elderly, people with cognitive deficits, and people with hypertension are elevated risk for developing an altered mental state with COVID-19 [52,74].
T172 349-501 Sentence denotes Cerebral edema, a dangerous condition which can cause elevated intracranial pressure and encephalopathy, has been identified in COVID-19 decedents [75].
T173 502-665 Sentence denotes Those with a history of neurological damage and acute respiratory distress are at elevated risk for developing encephalopathy as the initial COVID-19 symptom [76].
T174 666-814 Sentence denotes The risk becomes greater as the COVID-19 becomes more severe; altered consciousness occurs in 2.4% of mild and 15% of severe COVID-19 patients [52].
T175 815-925 Sentence denotes The risk for delirium, like the risk for worse outcomes with COVID-19, is also associated with older age [77].
T176 926-1050 Sentence denotes The use of sedatives, which is common in critically ill patients, may also be associated with the risk for delirium [78,79].
T177 1051-1314 Sentence denotes Social distancing mandated for COVID-19 may actually contribute to the rate of delirium of certain COVID-19 patients, who may feel desperate and panicked as they are isolated, separated from family, alone, and/or denied religious support from a clergyperson [77].