PMC:7799377 / 20964-22778 JSONTXT 3 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T141 0-24 Sentence denotes Neurotropism in COVID-19
T142 25-116 Sentence denotes In general, the distribution of the host’s receptor cells determine viral tropisms [58–60].
T143 117-256 Sentence denotes Neurotropism appears to be a common feature of coronaviruses in general, as these viruses share similar viral structures and pathways [50].
T144 257-506 Sentence denotes Both SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 enter the body via an ACE-2 receptor-facilitated manner; ACE-2 receptors are highly expressed in the epithelial structures of the airway and vessels, lung parenchyma, the kidney, and cells of the small intestine [61,62].
T145 507-759 Sentence denotes Unlike its predecessor, the SARS-CoV, however, the SARS-CoV-2 virus, enters human cells in a process involving dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4), which is most abundant in the lower respiratory tract, kidney, small intestine, liver, and immune system [63].
T146 760-878 Sentence denotes The SARS-CoV virus does not utilize the DPP4 system and is not associated with lower respiratory tract infections [4].
T147 879-1034 Sentence denotes The expression of ACE-2 receptor cells and DPP4 are very low in the CNS [64], and the route by which coronaviruses enter the CNS is subject to speculation.
T148 1035-1189 Sentence denotes It has been suggested that they invade peripheral nerve terminals first, and, in that way, enter onto a synapse-connected pathway into the CNS [23,65–67].
T149 1190-1350 Sentence denotes This so-called ‘trans-synaptic transfer’ has been observed for other lesser-known coronaviruses, such as HEV67N and the avian bronchitis virus [10,23,65,67,68].
T150 1351-1585 Sentence denotes Indeed, the HEV67N virus has been demonstrated in porcine studies to invade the brain; first, it infects the nasal mucosa, lungs, and small intestines and then peripheral nerves transport it retrogradely to the medullary neurons [66].
T151 1586-1685 Sentence denotes The avian bronchitis virus infects the brainstem of mice and may cause neuroanatomical disruptions.
T152 1686-1814 Sentence denotes The mice that died of respiratory failure may have had failure of the cardiorespiratory center within the brain stem [23,64,69].