Id |
Subject |
Object |
Predicate |
Lexical cue |
T30 |
0-2 |
Sentence |
denotes |
2. |
T31 |
3-24 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Materials and Methods |
T32 |
25-165 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Main caregivers of 1- to 5-year-old children living in Chile were invited to participate in an online survey from 30 March to 27 April 2020. |
T33 |
166-286 |
Sentence |
denotes |
The study was promoted through social media (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) and emails from educational institutions. |
T34 |
287-456 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Potential participants accessed a personalized link to read more detailed information about the study and gave their online informed consent to participate in the study. |
T35 |
457-652 |
Sentence |
denotes |
The inclusion criteria were: (1) living in Chile, (2) being the main caregiver of a 1- to 5-year-old child, and (3) living with the child most of the time before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. |
T36 |
653-754 |
Sentence |
denotes |
The study was approved by the Scientific Ethics Committee at Universidad de La Frontera, Chile (ORD.: |
T37 |
755-765 |
Sentence |
denotes |
009-2020). |
T38 |
766-887 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Data were collected and managed using REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) [9] hosted at Universidad de La Frontera. |
T39 |
888-1022 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Data collection started two weeks after the government enforced educational centers to close in Chile (16 March 2020) due to COVID-19. |
T40 |
1023-1134 |
Sentence |
denotes |
At the end of the data collection, the education centers were still closed at a national level (27 April 2020). |
T41 |
1136-1140 |
Sentence |
denotes |
2.1. |
T42 |
1141-1167 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Sociodemographic Variables |
T43 |
1168-1275 |
Sentence |
denotes |
The online survey included questions about the caregiver, family, and the child participating in the study. |
T44 |
1276-1546 |
Sentence |
denotes |
The sociodemographic and home characteristics section of the survey included questions about educational level, family income, occupational situation, dwelling type and size, space to play at home, inhabitants per home, area of residence (urban/rural), city, and region. |
T45 |
1547-1696 |
Sentence |
denotes |
If there was more than one child at home between 1 to 5 years of age, the caregiver was asked to answer for only one of the children (freely chosen). |
T46 |
1697-1845 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Also, caregivers were asked about child sex, age, disability (yes/no and type), and enrolment in an early childhood education center (ECEC; yes/no). |
T47 |
1846-1976 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Caregivers were also asked if they were in lockdown at home at the moment of the survey, and the number of days spent in lockdown. |
T48 |
1978-1982 |
Sentence |
denotes |
2.2. |
T49 |
1983-2001 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Movement Behaviors |
T50 |
2002-2137 |
Sentence |
denotes |
A proxy-report from the main caregiver was used to assess children’s movement behaviors (physical activity, screen time, and sleeping). |
T51 |
2138-2296 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Caregivers were asked to provide the time (in hours and minutes) spent by the child on each of the movement behaviors before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. |
T52 |
2297-2394 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Sleep quality was assessed with a Likert scale (1 to 7; a higher score indicated better quality). |
T53 |
2395-2528 |
Sentence |
denotes |
The survey was piloted in a small sample before the official launch to optimize readability, length, and pertinence of the questions. |
T54 |
2529-2612 |
Sentence |
denotes |
The questions regarding movement behaviors are included as a Supplementary File S1. |
T55 |
2613-2876 |
Sentence |
denotes |
The questions included in the study were based on those included in the International Study of Movement Behaviors in the Early Years (SUNRISE, [10,11], but adaptations were made to capture the potential changes during the COVID-19 pandemic. |
T56 |
2877-3353 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Unpublished data from pilot studies in several countries assessed the concurrent validity of the questions for measuring time spent in total physical activity (TPA) and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) compared with ActiGraph GT3x accelerometers (ActiGraph, Pensacola, FL, USA) have shown significant but low correlations with both TPA (r = 0.14; p = 0.003) and MVPA (r = 0.16; p = 0.002), which is comparable with other proxy-report tools in this age group [12]. |
T57 |
3355-3359 |
Sentence |
denotes |
2.3. |
T58 |
3360-3380 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Statistical Analysis |
T59 |
3381-3465 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Only participants with complete data for all sections were included in the analysis. |
T60 |
3466-3646 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Mean (standard deviation, SD), median (interquartile range, IQR), and proportions were used to describe participants on key characteristics and outcomes based on data distribution. |
T61 |
3647-3805 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Comparisons between sociodemographic characteristics were performed using parametric and non-parametric tests to compare behaviors before and during COVID-19. |
T62 |
3806-3875 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Multicollinearity was assessed with variable inflation factors (VIF). |
T63 |
3876-4197 |
Sentence |
denotes |
We used multiple linear regressions with a residualized change score approach [13,14] to investigate the sociodemographic predictors (independent variables) of changes in physical activity, recreational screen time, sleep duration, and sleep quality (dependent variables) during the early stages of the pandemic in Chile. |
T64 |
4198-4382 |
Sentence |
denotes |
This approach provides robust estimates by eliminating auto-correlated errors and regression towards the mean, which often makes it preferable to the simple change score approach [13]. |
T65 |
4383-4560 |
Sentence |
denotes |
First, we regressed the standardized score during the COVID-19 pandemic on the standardized scores before the COVID-19 pandemic for each of the behaviors assessed in this study. |
T66 |
4561-4768 |
Sentence |
denotes |
The residualized change score (i.e., trend) for each behavior was then estimated as the average of each participant’s residual score (i.e., the difference between the estimated value and the observed value). |
T67 |
4769-4925 |
Sentence |
denotes |
A positive residualized change score indicates an increase in the specific behavior from the time before COVID-19 and a negative score indicates a decrease. |
T68 |
4926-5158 |
Sentence |
denotes |
For each residualized change score, we explored the predictive role of a series of sociodemographic factors a priori thought to have influenced changes in the behaviors herein assessed after ECEC and school closures due to COVID-19. |
T69 |
5159-5260 |
Sentence |
denotes |
We adjusted all models for age and sex of the child, family income, presence of lockdown, and region. |
T70 |
5261-5349 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Data preparation and validation was conducted with Stata 15.0 (College Station, TX, USA: |
T71 |
5350-5475 |
Sentence |
denotes |
StataCorp LLC), while analyses were conducted in R (version 3.5.2) (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria). |
T72 |
5476-5540 |
Sentence |
denotes |
The level of significance was set at usual p < 0.05, two-tailed. |