PMC:7781500 / 5872-6983 JSONTXT 2 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE-old TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T48 0-77 Sentence denotes Table 1 Risk factors and preventive practices enquired from the participants
T49 78-113 Sentence denotes PPE - personal protective equipment
T50 114-151 Sentence denotes Parameters evaluated Questions asked
T51 152-244 Sentence denotes Commute to workplace Do you commute to your workplace alone or do you use public transport?
T52 245-253 Sentence denotes      Yes
T53 254-261 Sentence denotes      No
T54 262-369 Sentence denotes Hydroxychloroquine prophylaxis Are you taking hydroxychloroquine tablets for prophylaxis against COVID-19?
T55 370-378 Sentence denotes      Yes
T56 379-386 Sentence denotes      No
T57 387-503 Sentence denotes Social distancing How frequently do you maintain social distancing which means staying 6 feet away from each other?
T58 504-540 Sentence denotes      Almost always (more than 90%)  
T59 541-566 Sentence denotes      Mostly (about 75%)  
T60 567-594 Sentence denotes      Commonly (about 50%)  
T61 595-623 Sentence denotes      Sometimes (about 25%)  
T62 624-651 Sentence denotes      Rarely (less than 10%)
T63 652-747 Sentence denotes Hand hygiene How frequently do you wash your hands with soap water or alcohol-based hand rubs?
T64 748-768 Sentence denotes      Once every hour
T65 769-790 Sentence denotes      Every 2-3 hourly
T66 791-812 Sentence denotes      Every 3-4 hourly
T67 813-834 Sentence denotes      Less than that  
T68 835-905 Sentence denotes Do you ensure that you spend 40 seconds every time washing your hands?
T69 906-914 Sentence denotes      Yes
T70 915-922 Sentence denotes      No
T71 923-1017 Sentence denotes Use of PPE by healthcare workers What PPE do you use while working in the healthcare setting?
T72 1018-1029 Sentence denotes      Mask  
T73 1030-1041 Sentence denotes      Gown  
T74 1042-1055 Sentence denotes      Gloves  
T75 1056-1066 Sentence denotes      Cap  
T76 1067-1085 Sentence denotes      Shoe covers