Id |
Subject |
Object |
Predicate |
Lexical cue |
T627 |
0-94 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Table 2 Host range, viral receptor-binding glycoproteins and host receptors of coronaviruses. |
T628 |
95-203 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Family Subfamily Genus Genome Lineage Host CoV Disease Receptor-binding Protein Host Receptor Ref. |
T629 |
204-239 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Primary Receptor Attachment Factor |
T630 |
240-261 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Alphacoronavirus (gr. |
T631 |
262-384 |
Sentence |
denotes |
1) Single linear (+)ssRNA Bats Ro(HKU10)-, Hi(HKU10)-, Rh(HKU2)-, Sc(512)-, Mi(1A, 1B, HKU8)- BatCoV Unknown [74] |
T632 |
385-657 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Other animals FeCoV I & II (nonvirulent form of FCoV), CCoV, TGEV, PEDV Gastroenteritis S1 S1B (S1-CTD)Aminopeptidase N (APN; CD13), not for PEDV and FeCoV I S1A (S1-NTD)α2,3Neu5Gc >Neu5Ac (TGEV traveling to a target site), Neu5Ac > Neu5Gc (PEDV) [75,76,77,78,79,80] |
T633 |
658-808 |
Sentence |
denotes |
FIPV (virulent form of FCoV) Peritonitis, severe wasting S1 fAPN for type II, not type I FIPV Coreceptor for both types I and II: DC-SIGN [81,82] |
T634 |
809-855 |
Sentence |
denotes |
PRCoV Respiratory disease S1-CTD pAPN (res. |
T635 |
856-880 |
Sentence |
denotes |
366–369, 727–790) [83] |
T636 |
881-962 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Humans HCoV-229E, HCoV-NL63 Generally URTI S1-CTD NL63: hACE2229E: hAPN (res. |
T637 |
963-983 |
Sentence |
denotes |
208, 241–319) [84] |
T638 |
984-1025 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Rodents ChRCoV (HKU24) Unknown [85] |
T639 |
1026-1184 |
Sentence |
denotes |
RCoV Respiratory disease, sialodacryoadenitis HE Unknown HE (type II)4-O-Ac-Sias, 4,5-di-N-acetylneuraminic acid α-methylglycoside (α-4-N-Ac-Sia) [86,87] |
T640 |
1185-1285 |
Sentence |
denotes |
MHV Gastroenteritis, hepatitis, encephalomyelitis S1-NTD, HE S1-NTDMurine CEACAM1 HEStrain DVIM: |
T641 |
1286-1312 |
Sentence |
denotes |
9-O-Ac-SiasStrains S, JHM: |
T642 |
1313-1333 |
Sentence |
denotes |
4-O-Ac-Sias [88,89] |
T643 |
1334-1538 |
Sentence |
denotes |
A Other animals BCoV, EqCoV(ECoV) Enteritis, respiratory disease S1-NTD, HE S1-NTD9-O-acetylated sialoglycans (unknown for EqCoV) HE (type I)9-O-acetylated sialoglycans, 7,9-di-O-acetyl Sia [86,90] |
T644 |
1539-1599 |
Sentence |
denotes |
PHEV Vomiting, wasting, encephalomyelitis S1, HE S1 (res. |
T645 |
1600-1665 |
Sentence |
denotes |
291–548) Porcine NCAMS1-NTD 9-O-Ac-Sia HE9-O-Ac-Sias [91,92,93] |
T646 |
1666-1871 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Humans HCoV-OC43, HCoV-HKU1 Generally URTI S1-NTD, HE S1-NTDNeu5,9Ac2 HENeu5,9Ac2Progressive loss of binding during circulation in humansOC43: accumulation of mutationsHKU1: massive deletions [92,94] |
T647 |
1872-2073 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Bats SARSr-Rh(HKU3)-, SARSr-Rp-, SARSr-Rs-, SARSr-Rf-BatCoV, Bat-SL-RaTG13, Bat-SL-RmYN02 Viruses in anal/fecal swabs RsACE2, 3 aa substitutions in RpACE2: shown to be used by SARS-CoV [95,96,97] |
T648 |
2074-2094 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Betacoronavirus (gr. |
T649 |
2095-2357 |
Sentence |
denotes |
2) Single linear (+)ssRNA Other animals Masked palm civet, raccoon dog: SARS-CoV-like virusSARS-CoV real-time RT-PCR-positive animals: red fox, Sikkim rat, wild boar, etc.Pangolin: SARS-CoV-2-like CoV SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR-positive animals: dog, cat, tiger, etc. |
T650 |
2359-2578 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Palm civets: viruses in rectal and/or throat swabs Pangolins: viruses from lung tissuesDomestic cats, dogs: viruses in oral/nasal specimens S1-CTD Host ACE2Prototype: viral S gene has no SNV. [98,99,100,101,102,103] |
T651 |
2579-2913 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Coronaviridae Orthocoronavirinae B Zoonosis SARS-CoV SARS in humans: atypical pneumonia (type I pneumocytes), ARDS, gastroenteritis S1 S1-CTD hACE2- Nov 2002–Jan 2003 (early epidemic, HP, animal/human-to-human by close contact): viral S gene contains 17–22 SNVs. - Feb–Jul 2003 (epidemic, HP, human-to-human by close contact): |
T652 |
2914-2981 |
Sentence |
denotes |
25–27 SNVs- Dec 2003–May 2004 (re-appearance, LP, animal-to-human): |
T653 |
2982-3067 |
Sentence |
denotes |
2–7 SNVs DC-SIGN, DC-SIGNR and LSECtin: their roles are less clear. [100][104][105] |
T654 |
3068-3237 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Pandemic SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19: URTI, LRTI (non-life-threatening pneumonia, severe pneumonia with ARDS) S1-CTD hACE2(efficient and sustained spread among humans) [9] |
T655 |
3238-3375 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Bats Ty(HKU4)-, Hp(HKU25)-, Pi(HKU5)-BatCoV, NeoCoV Virus in feces S1 S1-CTDTy- and Hp-BatCoVs, but not Pi-BatCoV, can bind to hDPP4. |
T656 |
3377-3506 |
Sentence |
denotes |
S1-NTDBinds to the intestinal epithelium in common pipistrelle bats but not in serotine bats and frugivorous bats. [106,107,108] |
T657 |
3507-3902 |
Sentence |
denotes |
C Dromedary camels dromedary MERS-CoV Virus/RNA in nasal swabs and lung tissue samples.An experimental study: mild upper respiratory tract disease S1 S1-CTDdromedary DDP4found in various organs, particularly in nasal turbinate, trachea and lungs S1-NTDα2,3-sialic acidThe S1A domain binds to the dromedary nasal epithelium but not to the porcine/rabbit nasal epithelium. [108,109,110,111] |
T658 |
3903-3970 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Zoonosis MERS-CoV Atypical pneumonia S1 S1-CTDhDDP4 (CD26)Note: |
T659 |
3971-4092 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Intercellular spread of the virus through cell-cell fusion does not require DDP4 receptors but requires TMPRSS2 activity. |
T660 |
4094-4244 |
Sentence |
denotes |
S1-NTDShort and long α2,3Neu5Ac > α2,6Neu5Ac glycansThe S1A domain binds to the human alveolar epithelium (type II pneumocytes). [104][108][112][113] |
T661 |
4245-4288 |
Sentence |
denotes |
D Bats Ro-BatCoV (HKU9) Unknown [74] |
T662 |
4289-4535 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Gammacoronavirus (gr.3) Single linear (+)ssRNA Birds Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV2) Bronchitis, nephritis, reproductive problems S1-NTD IBV: α2,3-linked sialic acids type 1 lactosaminesIBV strain Beaudette: heparan sulfate [114][115] |
T663 |
4536-4626 |
Sentence |
denotes |
TuCoV(TCoV), GfCoV Enteritis S1 Nonsialylated type 2 poly-N-acetyl-lactosamines [114] |
T664 |
4627-4731 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Deltacoronavirus (a new group) Single linear (+)ssRNA Birds FalCoV, HouCoV, PiCoV Unknown [116] |
T665 |
4732-4904 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Other animals PorCoV (PDCoV) Diarrhea in newborn piglets S1 pAPN in porcine alveolar macrophages but not necessary for infection of lung-derived fibroblast cells [77] |
T666 |
4905-4988 |
Sentence |
denotes |
9-O-acetyl-sialic acid; aa: amino acid; ACE2: angiotensin-converting enzyme 2; Ap-: |
T667 |
4989-5387 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Artibeus planirostris; APN: aminopeptidase N; ARDS: acute respiratory distress syndrome; Bat-SL-RaTG13: SARS-like CoV isolated from Rhinolophus affinis (Ra); Bat-SL-RmYN02: SARS-like CoV number 02 isolated from Rhinolophus malayanus (Rm) in China’s Yunnan (YN) province; BCoV: bovine coronavirus; CCoV: canine coronavirus; CEACAM1: carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1; ChRCoV: |
T668 |
5388-5813 |
Sentence |
denotes |
China Rattus coronavirus; CoV: coronavirus; CTD: C-terminal domain; DC-SIGN: dendritic cell-specific ICAM-3 grabbing non-integrin; DC-SIGNR: DC-SIGN-related protein; EqCoV (ECoV): equine coronavirus; FalCoV: falcon coronavirus; FCoV: feline coronavirus; FeCoV I & II: feline coronavirus type I & II; FIPV: feline infectious peritonitis; GfCoV: guineafowl coronavirus; HCoV: human coronavirus; HE: hemagglutinin-esterase; Hi-: |
T669 |
5814-5873 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Hipposideros bat; HouCoV: houbara bustard coronavirus; Hp-: |
T670 |
5874-6078 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Chinese pipistrelle bat (Hypsugo pulveratus); IBV2: infectious bronchitis virus; LRTI: lower respiratory tract infection; LSECtin: liver and lymph node sinusoidal endothelial cell C-type lectin; MERS-CoV: |
T671 |
6079-6157 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Middle East respiratory syndrome-coronavirus; MHV: mouse hepatitis virus; Mi-: |
T672 |
6158-6217 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Miniopterus bat; NCAM: neural cell adhesion molecule; Neo-: |
T673 |
6218-6362 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Neoromicia capensis; NTD: N-terminal domain; PEDV: porcine epidemic diarrhea virus; PHEV: porcine hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus; Pi-: |
T674 |
6363-6423 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Pipistrellus bat; PiCoV: pigeon coronavirus; PorCoV (PDCoV): |
T675 |
6424-6517 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Porcine deltacoronavirus; PRCoV: porcine respiratory coronavirus; RCoV: rat coronavirus; Rf-: |
T676 |
6518-6549 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Rhinolophus ferrumequinum; Rh-: |
T677 |
6550-6571 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Rhinolophus bat; Ro-: |
T678 |
6572-6591 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Rousettus bat; Rp-: |
T679 |
6592-6618 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Rhinolophus pusillus; Rs-: |
T680 |
6619-6850 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Rhinolophus sinicus; S1: receptor-binding subunit of spike (S) protein; SARS-CoV: severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus; SARS-CoV-2: severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2; SARSr-CoV: SARS-related coronavirus; Sc-: |
T681 |
6851-6872 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Scotophilus bat; Sl-: |
T682 |
6873-7004 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Sturnira lilium; SNVs: single nucleotide variants; TGEV: transmissible gastroenteritis virus; TuCoV(TCoV): turkey coronavirus; Ty-: |
T683 |
7005-7063 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Tylonycteris bat; URTI: upper respiratory tract infection. |