PMC:7553147 / 40212-40949 JSONTXT 5 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T280 0-120 Sentence denotes Figure 3 Principal component analysis of the SARS-CoV-2 spike structure. (a) Eigenvalues of principal components (PCs).
T281 121-325 Sentence denotes The first three PCs are significant. (b) Scatter plot of the contribution of the first three PCs to each particle image together with the projection of the open and closed class maps, shown as red points.
T282 326-541 Sentence denotes The difference between the projections of the two maps is mostly aligned along principal component 1 (PC1). (c) Side view of the first two PCs shown as mean ± 2 × std, where std is the square root of the eigenvalue.
T283 542-628 Sentence denotes Coloring indicates the z-depth of the structure, and is added to assist visualization.
T284 629-648 Sentence denotes Supplementary Figs.
T285 649-704 Sentence denotes S4 and S5 contain additional views of these structures.
T286 705-737 Sentence denotes The scale bar is 5 nm in length.