Id |
Subject |
Object |
Predicate |
Lexical cue |
T146 |
0-31 |
Sentence |
denotes |
a Retrieval time for the team. |
T147 |
32-160 |
Sentence |
denotes |
b Guy’s and St Thomas Hospital, London and Glenfield Hospital, Leicester; further details for these patients are not available. |
T148 |
161-655 |
Sentence |
denotes |
ACP: acute cor pulmonale; BMI: body mass index; COVID-19: coronavirus disease 2019; DM: diabetes mellitus; HBV: hepatitis B virus infection; HC: hypercholesterolaemia; HTN: hypertension; HT: hypothyroidism; I: intensivist/anaesthetist consultant; ICH: intracranial haemorrhage; IGT: impaired glucose tolerance; MOF: multiple organ failure; NA: not applicable (patient was not retrieved); PCOS: polycystic ovarian syndrome; PE: pulmonary embolism; PF: pulmonary fibrosis; Pnx: pneumothorax; RPH: |
T149 |
656-811 |
Sentence |
denotes |
Royal Papworth Hospital; S: surgical consultant; Sa: sarcoidosis; SCT: sickle cell trait; SLE: systemic lupus erythematosus; STE: systemic thromboembolism. |