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PMC:7537505 JSONTXT 16 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 0-91 Sentence denotes Can children’s oral hygiene and sleep routines be compromised during the COVID‐19 pandemic?
T2 93-101 Sentence denotes Abstract
T3 102-109 Sentence denotes Summary
T4 111-121 Sentence denotes Background
T5 122-211 Sentence denotes During COVID‐19 pandemic, children are confined at home, with changes in family routines.
T6 213-216 Sentence denotes Aim
T7 217-377 Sentence denotes Evaluate sleep disorders among Brazilian and Portuguese children during social distancing, and its association with parental perception of child’s oral hygiene.
T8 379-385 Sentence denotes Design
T9 386-730 Sentence denotes In this cross‐sectional study, Portuguese and Brazilian parents/caregivers of 3‐15‐year‐old children, practicing social distancing due to COVID‐19 pandemic, answered an online questionnaire, from April 24th‐26th 2020, evaluating sociodemographic characteristics, child’s school activities online, child’s sleep quality during social distancing.
T10 731-917 Sentence denotes Two questions from the questionnaire, developed based on previous studies, evaluated the parental perception of child’s oral hygiene quality and routine changes during social distancing.
T11 918-1191 Sentence denotes Parents/caregivers answered five domains of the Portuguese‐language version of the Sleep Disturbances Scale for Children, evaluating sleep–breathing disorders, disorders of arousal, sleep–wake transition disorders, disorders of excessive somnolence and sleep hyperhidrosis.
T12 1192-1296 Sentence denotes Descriptive, Linear‐by‐linear association, Kruskal‐Wallis and Post‐Hoc analysis were performed (P≤0.05).
T13 1298-1305 Sentence denotes Results
T14 1306-1374 Sentence denotes Participated in the study 253 parents/caregivers, 50.2% from Brazil.
T15 1375-1457 Sentence denotes Most parents (72.2%) reported changes in child’s routine during social distancing.
T16 1458-1649 Sentence denotes Sleep–breathing disorders (P=0.019), sleep–wake transition disorders (P=0.022) and disorders of excessive somnolence (P<0.001) were associated with poor oral hygiene during social distancing.
T17 1651-1661 Sentence denotes Conclusion
T18 1662-1741 Sentence denotes Sleep disorders are associated with poor oral hygiene during social distancing.