PMC:7537094 / 75843-77330 JSONTXT 7 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T673 0-190 Sentence denotes The need for numerous safe isolation or quarantine facilities brings attention to how easily the SARS‐CoV‐2 virus can spread; one measure for this parameter is the basic reproduction number.
T674 191-454 Sentence denotes The basic reproduction number or basic reproductive number (R0) of a disease indicates the number of people that an initially infected person will transmit the infection to assuming no one yet in the population is immune to the disease.113 Liu, Y., et al. (2020).
T675 455-530 Sentence denotes The Reproductive Number of COVID‐19 Is Higher Compared to SARS Coronavirus.
T676 531-558 Sentence denotes Journal of Travel Medicine.
T677 559-565 Sentence denotes 27(2).
T678 566-654 Sentence denotes Retrieved April 28, 2020, from
T679 655-771 Sentence denotes On March 6, 2020, the WHO reported a reproductive number of 2 to 2.5.114 World Health Organization. (2020, March 6).
T680 772-830 Sentence denotes Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID‐19) Situation Report ‐ 46.
T681 831-857 Sentence denotes World Health Organization.
T682 858-1009 Sentence denotes Retrieved April 28, 2020, from‐source/coronaviruse/situation‐reports/20200306‐sitrep‐46‐covid‐19.pdf?sfvrsn=96b04adf_4
T683 1010-1161 Sentence denotes Another estimate put COVID‐19’s R0 at around 3.28 based on figures from different regions in China and overseas.115 Liu, Y., et al., op. cit. note 113.
T684 1162-1313 Sentence denotes To make sense of R0, for instance the 3.28 figure, one person who has COVID‐19 will infect around three people with COVID‐19; total cases are now four.
T685 1314-1430 Sentence denotes Each of these three newly infected will also infect three more, adding nine new cases to the previous total of four.
T686 1431-1487 Sentence denotes Each of the nine new cases will infect three, and so on.