PMC:7457008 / 818-1484 JSONTXT 8 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T9 0-9 Sentence denotes Findings:
T10 10-160 Sentence denotes 145 surveys were completed and returned during a 2-week period between 17th April 2020 and 1st May 2020, when 52% of ophthalmologists were redeployed.
T11 161-236 Sentence denotes The majority of this group consisted of ophthalmologists in training (79%).
T12 237-383 Sentence denotes 81% of those redeployed were assigned to areas of the hospital where patients with confirmed Coronavirus disease were being treated as inpatients.
T13 384-562 Sentence denotes There was a statistically significant improvement in anxiety level following redeployment which was mainly attributed to the support received by staff within the redeployed area.
T14 563-666 Sentence denotes 71% of the redeployed group were found to have sufficient PPE was provided for the area they worked in.