PMC:7457008 / 7886-8391 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE-old TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T61 0-80 Sentence denotes All grades Consultant ST1-2 trainee ST3+ trainee Other (staff grade, fellow)
T62 81-152 Sentence denotes Total responses (%) 145 (100%) 24 (17%) 28 (19%) 73 (50%) 20 (14%)
T63 153-173 Sentence denotes Deployed respondents
T64 174-245 Sentence denotes n (% of total deployed) 76 (100%) 7 (9%) 21 (28%) 39 (51%) 9 (12%)
T65 246-324 Sentence denotes Fully Completed Surveys n (%) 58 (76%) 7 (100%) 12 (57%) 31 (79%) 8 (89%)
T66 325-349 Sentence denotes Non-deployed respondents
T67 350-427 Sentence denotes n (% of total non-deployed) 69 (100%) 17 (25%) 7 (10%) 34 (49%) 11 (16%)