PMC:7417114 / 57974-58439 JSONTXT 5 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T482 0-19 Sentence denotes Masitinib (Masivet)
T483 20-465 Sentence denotes (AB Science) Absorption: mean Tmax between 1.7 and 4.7 h; following oral administration of 8.4mg/kg (dog); good absorption/exposure with AUC (0-24 h)=4045 ng*h/mL Phase I metabolic pathways: reduction, demethylation, hydroxylation, oxidative deamination, oxidation and N-oxide formation; phase II metabolic pathways: direct conjugation of masitinib, N-demethyl metabolites and oxidative metabolites with glucuronic acid Information not available