PMC:7417114 / 56757-57222 JSONTXT 10 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T472 0-19 Sentence denotes Ceritinib (Zykadia)
T473 20-87 Sentence denotes (Novartis) Cmax after approximately 4 to 6 h following oral dosin;g
T474 88-167 Sentence denotes Vd= 4230 L (after 750 mg) Metabolized mainly by CYP3A 450 mg orally once daily;
T475 168-465 Sentence denotes 97% binding Pulmonary toxicity, such as interstitial lung disease, is a rare side effect associated with ALK inhibitors; most can be managed efficiently by lowering doses or interrupting treatment; in a clinical trial, pneumonitis was reported in 4% of ceritinib-treated patients (238) (239) (240)