PMC:7417114 / 40899-41607 JSONTXT 9 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T320 0-57 Sentence denotes Imatinib Mesylate (Gleevec (US)/Glivec (Europe/Australia)
T321 58-159 Sentence denotes (Novartis) Well absorbed; absolute bioavailability=98%; maximum plasma levels within 2-4 h of dosing;
T322 160-177 Sentence denotes Vd= 347 l (+/-62)
T323 178-408 Sentence denotes (198) Metabolized mainly by hepatic CYP3A4 and to a lesser extent by CYP1A2, CYP2D6, CYP2C9, CYP2C19 400 mg orally daily (chronic myeloid leukemia (chronic phase); 600 mg orally daily (chronic myeloid leukemia (accelerated phase);
T324 409-708 Sentence denotes 95% binding (AAG, HSA) Most pulmonary toxicities associated with imatinib are related to fluid retention, with peripheral and periorbital edema more common than pleural or pericardial effusions and pulmonary edema; acute pneumonia and subacute interstitial pneumonitis occur rarely (199) (200) (201)