PMC:7405836 / 115443-116209 JSONTXT 8 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T783 0-96 Sentence denotes Further assessment is necessary before confirming the effectiveness of such combination therapy.
T784 97-246 Sentence denotes In addition, to prevent further community and nosocomial spread of COVID-19, the postprocedure risk management program should not be neglected (309).
T785 247-457 Sentence denotes Development of broad-spectrum inhibitors against the human coronaviral pathogens will help to facilitate clinical trials on the effectiveness of such inhibitors against endemic and emerging coronaviruses (203).
T786 458-618 Sentence denotes A promising animal study revealed the protective effect of passive immunotherapy with immune serum from MERS-immune camels on mice infected with MERS-CoV (204).
T787 619-766 Sentence denotes Passive immunotherapy using convalescent plasma is another strategy that can be used for treating COVID-19-infected, critically ill patients (205).