PMC:7396557 / 2296-107962 JSONTXT 12 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T18 0-12 Sentence denotes Introduction
T19 13-67 Sentence denotes COVID-19 is an emerging and rapidly evolving epidemic.
T20 68-221 Sentence denotes The cumulative number of confirmed cases globally reached 1,040,772 on April 4, 2020, comprising 149,790 (14.39%) cured cases, and 55,698 (5.35%) deaths.
T21 222-307 Sentence denotes The causative organism has been designated as the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV).
T22 308-472 Sentence denotes On January 30, 2020, the epidemic was declared a public health emergency of international concern by the World Health Organization (WHO) (Fisher and Heymann, 2020).
T23 473-785 Sentence denotes On February 11, 2020, the WHO Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, announced that the disease caused by this new coronavirus was “COVID-19,” which is an acronym for “coronavirus disease 2019.” The virus seems to be highly contagious and had quickly spread to 119 countries and regions by March 12, 2020.
T24 786-1163 Sentence denotes The clinical spectrum of COVID-19 varies from asymptomatic or paucisymptomatic forms to clinical symptoms characterized by respiratory failure that necessitates mechanical ventilation and support in an intensive care unit (ICU), to multiorgan and systemic manifestations in terms of sepsis, septic shock, and multiple organ dysfunction syndromes (MODS) (Wu and McGoogan, 2020).
T25 1164-1294 Sentence denotes Currently, there is no effective anti-coronaviral drug that is recommended for treatment of COVID-19, and no vaccine is available.
T26 1295-1438 Sentence denotes There is no evidence supporting the efficacy of broad-spectrum antibiotics, gamma globulin, interferon, or corticosteroid therapy for COVID-19.
T27 1439-1553 Sentence denotes Treatment is symptomatic, and oxygen therapy represents the major intervention for patients with severe infection.
T28 1554-1696 Sentence denotes Mechanical ventilation may be necessary in cases of respiratory failure refractory to oxygen therapy (Huang et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2020).
T29 1697-1845 Sentence denotes Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a long history and has played an important role in the prevention and treatment of serious epidemic diseases.
T30 1846-2045 Sentence denotes During the development of the COVID-19 epidemic, more than 3,100 TCM medical staff were deployed to Hubei province, and TCM was included in the guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19.
T31 2046-2139 Sentence denotes Currently, the total number of confirmed cases treated by TCM has reached 60,107 (Gao, 2020).
T32 2140-2287 Sentence denotes The decoctions, CPMs, acupuncture, and other TCM treatments have been comprehensively used for treatment, mainly based on syndrome differentiation.
T33 2288-2511 Sentence denotes Specific CPMs have been widely employed to treat COVID-19 with remarkable therapeutic effects (National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China and National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2020).
T34 2512-2704 Sentence denotes CPMs are approved by the National Drug Regulatory Authority of China and processed according to prescribed methods using Chinese herbal medicines as raw materials, guided by the theory of TCM.
T35 2705-2804 Sentence denotes They are available in different dosage forms, such as pill, tablet, capsule, granule, or injection.
T36 2805-2902 Sentence denotes The use of CPMs is guided by syndrome differentiation and overall analysis of signs and symptoms.
T37 2903-3031 Sentence denotes Provinces of China have prepared therapeutic schedules for the treatment of COVID-19 based on actual conditions (see Table 1 ).
T38 3032-3124 Sentence denotes Many guidelines and expert consensus in China have recommended using CPMs to treat COVID-19.
T39 3125-3213 Sentence denotes In this article, we identify the top 10 recommended CPMs to treat COVID-19 ( Figure 1 ).
T40 3214-3537 Sentence denotes The list of CPMs includes Huoxiang Zhengqi capsule (HXZQC), Lianhua Qingwen capsule (LHQWC), Jinhua Qinggan granule (JHQGG), Shufeng Jiedu capsule (SFJDC), Tanreqing injection (TRQI), Xiyanping injection (XYPI), Xuebijing injection (XBJI), Shenfu injection (SFI), Shengmai injection (SMI), and Angong Niuhuang pill (AGNHP).
T41 3538-3728 Sentence denotes Information on the drugs include the recommended guidelines, drug ingredients, indications, pharmacological research, clinical research, usage and dosage, adverse reactions, and precautions.
T42 3729-3781 Sentence denotes Table 1 Therapeutic regimens for COVID-19 in China.
T43 3782-3792 Sentence denotes Serial No.
T44 3794-3849 Sentence denotes Therapeutic regimen of COVID-19 Website Date of issue
T45 3850-3914 Sentence denotes 1 National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China.
T46 3915-4071 Sentence denotes Guideline on Diagnosis and Treatment of COVID-19 (Trial 7th edition) Mar.
T47 4072-4080 Sentence denotes 03, 2020
T48 4081-4238 Sentence denotes 2 Beijing Municipal COVID-19 TCM Preventive and Therapeutic Regime (Trial Version IV) Mar.
T49 4239-4247 Sentence denotes 06, 2020
T50 4248-4396 Sentence denotes 3 Tianjin Municipal COVID-19 TCM Preventive and Therapeutic Regime (Trial Version III) Feb.
T51 4397-4405 Sentence denotes 20, 2020
T52 4406-4533 Sentence denotes 4 Hebei Provincial COVID-19 TCM Therapeutic regime (Trial Version IV) Feb.
T53 4534-4542 Sentence denotes 13, 2020
T54 4543-4716 Sentence denotes 5 Gansu Provincial TCM Preventive and Therapeutic Regime of Novel Coronavirus Infected Pneumonia (Trial Version II) Feb.
T55 4717-4725 Sentence denotes 01, 2020
T56 4726-4866 Sentence denotes 6 Guangdong Provincial COVID-19 TCM Therapeutic Regime (Trial Version II) Feb.
T57 4867-4875 Sentence denotes 18, 2020
T58 4876-5045 Sentence denotes 7 Shaanxi Provincial TCM Therapeutic Regime of Novel Coronavirus Infected Pneumonia (Trial Version II) Feb.
T59 5046-5054 Sentence denotes 02, 2020
T60 5055-5245 Sentence denotes 8 Hunan Provincial TCM Diagnosis And Treatment Scheme of Novel Coronavirus Infected Pneumonia (Trial Version III) Feb.
T61 5246-5254 Sentence denotes 03, 2020
T62 5255-5425 Sentence denotes 9 Jilin Provincial TCM Therapeutic Regime of Novel Coronavirus Infected Pneumonia (Trial Version I) Jan.
T63 5426-5434 Sentence denotes 26, 2020
T64 5435-5614 Sentence denotes 10 Technical Guidelines of Sichuan Province on TCM Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Feb.
T65 5615-5623 Sentence denotes 05, 2020
T66 5624-5793 Sentence denotes 11 Shanghai Municipal COVID-19 TCM Diagnosis And Treatment Scheme (Trial Version II) Feb.
T67 5794-5802 Sentence denotes 24, 2020
T68 5803-5952 Sentence denotes 12 Jiangxi Provincial COVID-19 TCM Preventive and Therapeutic Regime (Trial Version III) Feb.
T69 5953-5960 Sentence denotes 21,2020
T70 5961-6130 Sentence denotes 13 COVID-19 TCM Therapeutic Regime of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (Trial Version III) Feb.
T71 6131-6139 Sentence denotes 24, 2020
T72 6140-6314 Sentence denotes 14 TCM Preventive and Therapeutic Regime for Novel Coronavirus Infected Pneumonia of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Jan.
T73 6315-6323 Sentence denotes 30, 2020
T74 6324-6494 Sentence denotes 15 Hainan Provincial COVID-19 TCM Preventive and Therapeutic Regime (Trial Version III) Feb.
T75 6495-6503 Sentence denotes 14, 2020
T76 6504-6649 Sentence denotes 16 Heilongjiang Provincial COVID-19 TCM Preventive and Therapeutic Regime (Version III) Feb.
T77 6650-6658 Sentence denotes 26, 2020
T78 6659-6826 Sentence denotes 17 Guizhou Provincial COVID-19 TCM Preventive and Therapeutic Reference Regime (Version II) Feb.
T79 6827-6835 Sentence denotes 19, 2020
T80 6836-7027 Sentence denotes 18 Shanxi Provincial of TCM Preventive and Therapeutic Regime of Novel Coronavirus Infected Pneumonia (For Trial Implementation) Feb.
T81 7028-7036 Sentence denotes 01, 2020
T82 7037-7180 Sentence denotes 19 Jiangsu Provincial COVID-19 TCM Diagnosis and Intervention Regime (Trial Version III) Feb.
T83 7181-7189 Sentence denotes 18, 2020
T84 7190-7350 Sentence denotes 20 COVID-19 TCM Diagnosis and Treatment Scheme of the Nei Monggol Autonomous Region (Trial Version II) Feb.
T85 7351-7358 Sentence denotes 14,2020
T86 7359-7556 Sentence denotes 21 Liaoning Provincial TCM Diagnosis and Treatment Scheme of Novel Coronavirus Infected Pneumonia (Trial Version II) Feb.
T87 7557-7565 Sentence denotes 03, 2020
T88 7566-7676 Sentence denotes 22 Anhui Provincial COVID-19 TCM Therapist Consensus Feb.
T89 7677-7685 Sentence denotes 18, 2020
T90 7686-7874 Sentence denotes 23 Shandong Provincial TCM Diagnosis and Treatment Scheme of Novel Coronavirus Infected Pneumonia Jan.
T91 7875-7883 Sentence denotes 31, 2020
T92 7884-8080 Sentence denotes 24 TCM Preventive and Therapeutic Regime for Novel Coronavirus Infected Pneumonia of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (For Trial Implementation) Jan.
T93 8081-8089 Sentence denotes 28, 2020
T94 8090-8336 Sentence denotes 25 TCM Diagnosis and Treatment Scheme and Preventive Scheme for Novel Coronavirus Infected Pneumonia of Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science & Technology Feb.
T95 8337-8344 Sentence denotes 08,2020
T96 8345-8401 Sentence denotes Figure 1 The top 10 CPMs for the treatment of COVID-19:
T97 8402-8730 Sentence denotes 1) Huoxiang Zhengqi capsule (HXZQC), 2) Lianhua Qingwen capsule (LHQWC), 3) Jinhua Qinggan granule (JHQGG), 4) Shufeng Jiedu capsule (SFJDC), 5) Tanreqing injection (TRQI), 6) Xiyanping injection (XYPI), 7) Xuebijing injection (XBJI), 8) Shenfu injection (SFI), 9) Shengmai injection (SMI), and 10) Angong Niuhuang pill (AGNHP).
T98 8732-8789 Sentence denotes Relevant Information on the Clinical Application of HXZQC
T99 8791-8823 Sentence denotes Recommended Therapeutic Regimens
T100 8824-8949 Sentence denotes HXZQC has been recommended in 20 therapeutic regimens for COVID-19 in China (see detailed information in Tables 1 and 2 ).
T101 8950-9021 Sentence denotes Table 2 List of recommended CPMs in therapeutic regimens for COVID-19.
T102 9022-9099 Sentence denotes Drug name Therapeutic regimens of COVID-19 Number of “therapeutic regimens”
T103 9100-9133 Sentence denotes AGNHP 2-13, 15‑19, 21‑23, 25 21
T104 9134-9173 Sentence denotes HXZQC 1, 4-8, 10‑16, 18, 19, 21‑25 20
T105 9174-9215 Sentence denotes XBJI 1-4, 6, 7, 10‑13, 15, 16, 17‑25 20
T106 9216-9258 Sentence denotes LHQWC 1, 2, 4-7, 11‑16, 18, 19, 21‑25 19
T107 9259-9296 Sentence denotes SFI 1-4, 6, 10‑13, 15, 16, 18‑25 19
T108 9297-9338 Sentence denotes SMI 1, 3, 6, 7, 10‑13, 15, 16, 18‑25 18
T109 9339-9382 Sentence denotes SFJDC 1, 4‑7, 11‑13, 16, 18, 19, 21‑24 15
T110 9383-9421 Sentence denotes XYPI 1, 3, 6, 7, 10‑13, 15, 20‑25 15
T111 9422-9470 Sentence denotes JHQGG 1, 2, 4‑7, 11, 12, 18, 21, 22, 24, 25 13
T112 9471-9513 Sentence denotes TRQI 1-3, 6, 7, 11‑13, 16, 19, 21, 22 12
T113 9515-9535 Sentence denotes Ingredients of HXZQC
T114 9536-10101 Sentence denotes Pogostemon cablin (Blanco) Benth. (Guanghuoxiang), Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz. (Baizhu), Magnolia officinalis Rehder & E.H.Wilson (Houpo), Pinellia ternata (Thunb.) Makino (Banxia), Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton (Zisu), Angelica dahurica (Hoffm.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Franch. & Sav. (Baizhi), Citrus × aurantium L. (Chenpi), Poria cocos (Schw.) Wolf (Fuling), Platycodon grandiflorus (Jacq.) A.DC. (Jiegeng), Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. ex DC. (Gancao), Ziziphus jujuba Mill. (Dazao), Areca catechu L. (Binglang), and Zingiber officinale Roscoe (Shengjiang).
T115 10102-10170 Sentence denotes Basic information on HXZQC is provided in the Supplementary Table .
T116 10172-10224 Sentence denotes Indications for the Treatment of COVID-19 With HXZQC
T117 10225-10378 Sentence denotes HXZQC is used for cold outside and inside damp indications during the clinical observation period of COVID-19 and early stage of the disease (mild case).
T118 10379-10503 Sentence denotes The indicative symptoms include weakness, headache and dizziness, abdominal fullness and distention, vomiting, and diarrhea.
T119 10505-10550 Sentence denotes Progress of Pharmacological Research on HXZQC
T120 10551-10746 Sentence denotes Modern pharmacological studies have found that HXZQC has antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and immune regulatory activities, improves gastrointestinal discomfort and other properties (see Table 3 ).
T121 10747-10849 Sentence denotes Table 3 Pharmacological functions and clinical research on top 10 CPMs for the treatment of COVID-19.
T122 10850-10938 Sentence denotes Drug name Pharmacological action Mechanism Clinical application Therapeutic efficacy
T123 10939-11137 Sentence denotes HXZQC Regulate the immunity and improve the gastroenteric function Inhibits LPS and epithelial barrier disorder, stipulate expression of proinflammatory cytokine of macrophage (Wang et al., 2012).
T124 11138-11245 Sentence denotes Improve thymus coefficient, spleen coefficient, immunoglobulin G (IgG) level of the mice (Li et al., 2017).
T125 11246-11399 Sentence denotes Regulates effect of the balance of CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes, and reduction of IL-2, IL-10, IL-1β and TNF-α level (He et al., 2006; Zong et al., 2015).
T126 11400-11556 Sentence denotes Improves serum NO level of rats, reduces concentration of 5-HT, and downregulates the level of plasma motilin and colonic somatostatin (Huang et al., 2016).
T127 11558-11713 Sentence denotes Children with rotavirus enteritis Shortens anti-diarrheal time and total course of time in treating children with rotavirus enteritis (Ma and Wang, 2012).
T128 11714-11812 Sentence denotes Anti-virus Inhibits Avian Influenza Virus H5N1 regulating the gastrointestinal tract (Liu, 2009).
T129 11814-11934 Sentence denotes Influenza Extends relief time of fever symptom, relieves time of muscle aches and relieves time of fatigue (Han, 2016).
T130 11935-12257 Sentence denotes Inhibition effect of vibrio parahaemolyticus, Candida albicans, staphylococcus aureus and diplococcus pneumonia (Zhang, 2013) – Cold Relieves fever, nasal congestion, running nose, spontaneous sweating, headache, cough and spitting, fatigue and weakness, body ache and other cold symptoms (Wu, 2010; Zhao et al., 2017).
T131 12258-12333 Sentence denotes Acute gastro-enteritis Improves total response rate and clinical symptoms.
T132 12334-12593 Sentence denotes LHQWC Anti-virus Inhibits proliferation of influenza virus and regulates immune response to viral infection (Ding et al., 2017; Yao et al., 2020).Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 replication, affects virus morphology and exerts anti-inflammatory activity in vitro (Li R.
T133 12594-12611 Sentence denotes F. et al., 2020).
T134 12613-13107 Sentence denotes COVID-19 Improves the fever, weakness, cough, short breath, chest distress, anorexia and other clinical symptoms of COVID-19, reduces the ratio of common to severe (Cheng et al., 2020; Hu et al., 2020; Lyu et al., 2020).Lianhua Qingwen granule combined with Abidole can effectively relieve clinical symptoms of mild COVID-19 patients, regulate expression of related inflammatory factors, improve the curative effect and reduce the rate of severe illness (Liu et al., 2020; Yu P. et al., 2020).
T135 13108-13248 Sentence denotes Anti-acute lung injury Inhibits expression and secretion level of MCP-1, reduces infiltration of mononuclear macrophages (Li et al., 2019).
T136 13249-13397 Sentence denotes Reduces LDH and MDA level, increases content of GSH-Px, and relieves the exudation of inflammatory cells in the alveolar cavity (Ping et al., 2016).
T137 13398-13477 Sentence denotes Downregulates expression of IKK/IκB/NF-κB signaling pathway (Cui et al., 2016).
T138 13478-13652 Sentence denotes Reduces protein expression and mRNA expression of inflammatory cytokines in lung tissues through reducing content of inflammatory cytokines in mice blood (Tang et al., 2015).
T139 13654-13836 Sentence denotes H1N1 Improves cough, sore throat, body ache and other symptoms of the patients infected with H1N1 virus, and reduces the duration of fever (Duan et al., 2011; Zhao P. et al., 2014).
T140 13837-13989 Sentence denotes Influenza LHQWC has better total response rate, symptom improvement rate and body temperature recovery rate than the control group (Wang et al., 2019).
T141 13990-14155 Sentence denotes URI Improves the patients’ nasal congestion, fever, headache, sore throat, weakness, aches in the limbs, intolerance of cold and other clinical symptoms (Li, 2019).
T142 14156-14305 Sentence denotes Chronic obstructive pulmonary Improves the condition of the patients with AECOPD, and reduces release of inflammatory mediators (Dong et al., 2014).
T143 14306-14456 Sentence denotes JHQGG Anti-virus Decreases average level of CRP and IFN-γ in serum of the influenza patients, and decreases inflammatory response (Qi et al., 2016).
T144 14458-14544 Sentence denotes COVID-19 Alleviates symptoms of fever, cough, fatigue and sputum (Duan et al., 2020).
T145 14545-14600 Sentence denotes H1N1 Shortens antipyretic time (Wang C. et al., 2011).
T146 14601-14719 Sentence denotes Influenza Reduces the serum levels of cytokines and improve their immune function (Li et al., 2013; Qi et al., 2016).
T147 14720-14986 Sentence denotes SFJDC Anti-virus Improves mice pneumonia symptoms caused by influenza virus, reduce lung index of the mice infected with H1N1, and significantly reduces mortality rate of the infected animals (Liu et al., 2010; Lv et al., 2013; Qiu et al., 2014; Bao et al., 2019).
T148 14988-15057 Sentence denotes Acute URI + fever Improves respiratory symptoms (Wang and Qiu, 2018)
T149 15058-15226 Sentence denotes Anti-inflammation Reduces the WBC count, and reduces the serum transcription factor NF-κB, chemokine MCP-1, inflammatory mediator BK and COX-2 level (Ma et al., 2018).
T150 15228-15370 Sentence denotes CAP Shortens recover time of multiple symptoms and signs such as fever, reduces levels of PCT, CRP and WBC and other indicators (Wang, 2016).
T151 15371-15602 Sentence denotes Immune-regulation Reduces levels of B lymphocytes, CD8+ proportion, IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-2, IgM, IgG, etc., reduces quality of thymus, spleen and lung of pneumonia mice, and increase CD4+/CD8+ and NK cell proportion (Ma et al., 2019).
T152 15604-15661 Sentence denotes AECOPD Reduces levels of IL-8, TNF-α, CRP and PCT (Yu H.
T153 15662-15730 Sentence denotes X. et al., 2020) and increases arterial blood gas PaO2 (Wang, 2015).
T154 15731-15867 Sentence denotes Anti-acute lung injury Inhibition of the MAPK/NF-κB signaling pathway, and down-regulation of NF-κB mRNA expression (Tao et al., 2014).
T155 15868-15949 Sentence denotes The action might be closely related with ERK signaling pathway (Li et al., 2017).
T156 15951-16131 Sentence denotes Bacterial acute bronchitis and Pneumonia Shortens recovery time of body temperature, duration of cough and the course of treatment, and increases oxygen index (Wang et al., 2014).
T157 16132-16284 Sentence denotes TRQI Anti-virus Inhibition of intracellular proliferation and enhancement of body immunity of mice infected with influenza virus (Zheng and Gu, 2009).
T158 16285-16433 Sentence denotes Destroys MRSA biofilm, and induces its death, and when in combined use with vancomycin or linezolid below the MIC concentration (Yang et al., 2018).
T159 16435-16559 Sentence denotes Viral pneumonia A systematic review: TRQI had advantages in response rate of treatment, average length of stay (Pan, 2016).
T160 16560-16629 Sentence denotes Anti-bacteria Destroys the bacterial biofilm (Wang Y. et al., 2011).
T161 16631-16750 Sentence denotes Acute bronchitis Improves response rate, reduce fever, cough, crackles and X-ray shadow absorption (Wang et al., 2016)
T162 16751-16931 Sentence denotes Anti-inflammation Inhibits release of inflammatory factors such as TNF-α, IL-6 and NO, and inhibits airway inflammation caused by LPS through MAPK/NF-B pathway (Liu et al., 2016).
T163 16933-17015 Sentence denotes Acute attack of chronic bronchitis Improves clinical symptoms (Gao et al., 2019).
T164 17016-17144 Sentence denotes Anti-airway mucus hypersecretion Regulates the IL-17 signaling pathway and its downstream protein MUC5AC (Liu W. et al., 2019).
T165 17146-17351 Sentence denotes CAP Improves clinical effect and the symptom of cough with expectoration, shortens the duration of fever and promotes shadow absorption on chest radiography and the hemogram recovery (Jiang et al., 2009).
T166 17352-17508 Sentence denotes Anti-acute lung injury Improves blood flow status of capillaries in the alveolar walls while repressing LPS-induced inflammatory cascade (Li et al., 2005).
T167 17510-17729 Sentence denotes Tuberculosis accompanied by infection A systematic review: TRQI might have the same overall effect with some antibacterial drugs in treating patients with tuberculosis accompanied by lung infection (Lian et al., 2018).
T168 17730-17881 Sentence denotes AECOPD Reduction of the patients’ serum IL-8 and NE level, and improvement of airway inflammation reaction and mucus hypersecretion (Li et al., 2010).
T169 17882-18033 Sentence denotes A systematic review: improves clinical effect and lung function of AECOPD patients, reduces pCO2, and shortens the length of stay (Zhong et al., 2010).
T170 18034-18115 Sentence denotes XYPI Anti-virus Inhibits proliferation of human rhinovirus in mice (Liu, 2015).
T171 18117-18221 Sentence denotes Viral pneumonia Increases the cure rate, and improve the symptoms and signs (Li, 2015; Qi et al., 2018)
T172 18222-18523 Sentence denotes Anti-acute lung injury Inhibits release of proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-10, IL4, etc., and could promote the proinflammatory cytokines/anti-inflammatory cytokines to tend to be balanced, and inhibit excess anti-inflammatory responses during the course of acute lung injury (Nie et al., 2012).
T173 18525-18784 Sentence denotes Severe pneumonia Shortens the course of disease, improves the treatment efficiency, reduces incidence rate of antibiotic resistance, reduces occurrence of double infection, further improves the prognosis and reduces the mortality rate (Zhang and Wang, 2015).
T174 18785-19016 Sentence denotes Reduces leukocytes, improve oxygen index, lower CPIS score, promotes absorption of pulmonary inflammation, shortens the duration of mechanical ventilation and length of stay in ICU, and improves clinical effect (Yang et al., 2014).
T175 19017-19192 Sentence denotes Inhibition effect of staphylococcus aureus and pneumonia streptococcus (Yu et al., 2009) – Upper respiratory infection Improves symptoms of the patients (Liu and Li, 2015).
T176 19193-19347 Sentence denotes XBJI Anti-inflammation Downregulates expression of inflammatory cytokines stimulated by Pam3CSK4 and activating MAPK, PI3K/Akt and other pathways (Li T.
T177 19348-19365 Sentence denotes T. et al., 2020).
T178 19366-19567 Sentence denotes Reduces TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-10 level of mice with sepsis, prevents the neutrophils from infiltrating the lung and kidney, inhibit Th1/Th2, Th17 and Tregs balance (Zhang et al., 2006; Chen et al., 2018).
T179 19569-19674 Sentence denotes COVID-19 Improves the inflammatory markers and prognosis of severe COVID-19 patients (Wen et al., 2020).
T180 19675-19811 Sentence denotes SIRS Expression of CD4+, CD4+/CD8+, CD14+/HLA-DR increased, and improves systematic status of the SIRS patients (Zhao W. et al., 2014).
T181 19812-20013 Sentence denotes Severe pneumonia Reduces the level of inflammatory factors, improves the total treatment efficiency (Qi et al., 2011), reduces infectious indicators and the average length of stays (Zhu et al., 2014).
T182 20014-20163 Sentence denotes Anti-acute lung injury Reduces TNF-α level, alleviates the degree of pulmonary tissue edema and inflammatory cell infiltration (Zhang et al., 2014).
T183 20165-20330 Sentence denotes SCAP Improves primary endpoint-pneumonia severity index, reduces mortality rate in 28 days, and shortens the duration of mechanical ventilation (Song et al., 2019).
T184 20331-20533 Sentence denotes Immune-regulation Blocks p-38 MAPK and NF-κB 65 pathways (Liu et al., 2014); reduces IL-1, IL-6 and TNF-α level, improves CD4+/CD8+ T lymphocyte ratio and NK cell relative activity (Teng et al., 2012).
T185 20535-20723 Sentence denotes AECOPD Lowers the inflammatory indicators, improve cough, expectoration, short breath and other clinical symptoms, and shortens their length of stay (Chen et al., 2011; Zhu et al., 2019).
T186 20724-20802 Sentence denotes Anti-oxidation Improves activity of SOD, reduce ROS level (Jin et al., 2018).
T187 20803-20842 Sentence denotes Downregulates MDA (Luo and Zhou, 2017).
T188 20844-20959 Sentence denotes Sepsis Reduces mortality rate of sepsis patients in 28 days, the APACHE-II and body temperature (Li et al., 2018).
T189 20960-21134 Sentence denotes SFI Anti-acute lung injury Increases the wet/dry weight ratio of lung tissues, neutrophil ratio in BALF, protein content, lung tissue MDA and serum NO (Lin and Zhan, 2010).
T190 21135-21196 Sentence denotes Reduces activation of NF-κB of lung tissue (Ai et al., 2006).
T191 21197-21312 Sentence denotes Reduces expression level of p65, P50 mRNA and protein in lung tissues and TNF-α level in serum (Liu et al., 2019a).
T192 21314-21440 Sentence denotes Sepsis Lowers IL-6 level, regulate balance between pro-inflammatory factors and anti-inflammatory factors (Qiu et al., 2012).
T193 21441-21566 Sentence denotes Increases CD4+ and CD8+T cell counts in peripheral blood and upregulated HLA-DR expression in monocytes (Zhang et al., 2017).
T194 21567-21677 Sentence denotes Anti-shock Increases content of ATP and taurine, and reduces content of AMP in the heart (Liu et al., 2019b).
T195 21679-21766 Sentence denotes Severe pneumonia of elderly Decreases level of TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-8 (Lv et al., 2017).
T196 21767-21886 Sentence denotes Acute lung injury Improves respiratory rate, oxygen index, and lowers the ICAM-1, ET-1 and NO level (Ma et al., 2019).
T197 21887-22007 Sentence denotes Respiratory failure Improves serum prealbumin, oxygen index, shortens the duration of mechanical ventilation (Li, 2013)
T198 22008-22146 Sentence denotes SMI Improve pulmonary function Raises NO level, dropping oxygen free radical levels and decreases lipid peroxidation (Lin et al., 2007).
T199 22147-22230 Sentence denotes Lowers expression of NF-κB and activity of iNOS in lung tissues (Liu et al., 2009).
T200 22232-22357 Sentence denotes COPD Improves pulmonary function index, blood gas index, IgG index and disappearance time of lung rale (Huang et al., 2019).
T201 22358-22437 Sentence denotes Anti-inflammation Inhibits expression of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 (Liu et al., 2015).
T202 22438-22584 Sentence denotes Inhibits generation of inflammatory cytokines of ischemia-reperfusion rats, lowers expression level of TNF-α, IL-6, IL-8, etc. (Wang et al., 2015)
T203 22585-22647 Sentence denotes Immune-regulation Inhibits monocyte MCP-1 (Liu et al., 2015).
T204 22648-22791 Sentence denotes Increases the content of serum immunoglobulin IgG and the number of T cells, enhances the phagocytic function of macrophages (Du et al., 2001).
T205 22793-22990 Sentence denotes Prevent inflammatory response Improves microcirculation, protect the organ functions, and prevents further occurrence and development of systemic inflammatory response syndrome (Guo et al., 2004).
T206 22991-23124 Sentence denotes Improve pulmonary function Raises NO level, dropping oxygen free radical levels and decreases lipid peroxidation (Lin et al., 2007).
T207 23125-23208 Sentence denotes Lowers expression of NF-κB and activity of iNOS in lung tissues (Liu et al., 2009).
T208 23209-23375 Sentence denotes AGNHP Anti-inflammation Inhibits release of superoxide radical; reverses changes in cortical monoamine neurotransmitters (Zhang F. et al., 2010; Zhu and Sun, 2014).
T209 23376-23459 Sentence denotes Lowers serum LPS level and lung myeloperoxidase (MPO) content (Zhang et al., 2009).
T210 23460-23543 Sentence denotes Lowers total LDH activity, and changes percentage of isomerase (Tang et al., 2005).
T211 23545-23790 Sentence denotes Hyperpyrexia, coma caused by severe infectious diseases Promotes consciousness, improves the neurologic function (Feng and Yang, 2015), shortens average defervescence time (Long and Wu, 2014) and moderates effect on Th1/Th2 (Ma and Zhou, 2015).
T212 23791-23955 Sentence denotes Viral encephalitis Reduces body temperature, avoids convulsion, promotes consciousness, and alleviates cerebral edema and brain cell damage (Zhang and Dong, 2014).
T213 23956-24209 Sentence denotes Neuroprotective effect Regulates Th17/Treg balance, inhibits chronic inflammation, reduces plaque collagen fibers, and reduces inflammatory cells infiltration (Fan et al., 2020) Pneumonia Reduces PCT and improves immune function (Zhuo and Wen, 2017).
T214 24210-24312 Sentence denotes Antipyretic and analgesic – ACI intracerebral hemorrhage Neuroprotective effect (Han et al., 2019).
T215 24313-24561 Sentence denotes Research by Zhonghua Liu et al. (Liu, 2009) revealed that HXZQC inhibited the lung index of mice infected with avian influenza virus (AIV) H5N1, reduced the development of lung disease, and enhanced the antiviral capacity of mice infected with AIV.
T216 24562-24695 Sentence denotes The death rate of the infected mice was reduced through regulation of the gastrointestinal tract and strengthening of the stomach Qi.
T217 24696-24856 Sentence denotes Hongkun Zhang (Zhang, 2013) found that HXZQC inhibited growth of Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Candida albicans, Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus pneumoniae.
T218 24857-25138 Sentence denotes Research by Wang et al. (2012) found that HXZQC inhibited lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated expression of proinflammatory cytokines by macrophages and inhibited epithelial barrier disorder induced by interferon-γ (IFN-γ), regulating immunity and improving gastroenteric function.
T219 25139-25401 Sentence denotes Research by Chunyuan Li et al. (Li et al., 2017) showed that HXZQC significantly improved the thymus coefficient, spleen coefficient and immunoglobulin G (IgG) levels of mice with dampness obstructing spleen-stomach, and enhanced the immune function of the mice.
T220 25402-25731 Sentence denotes Studies by Yinghui He et al. (He et al., 2006) and Shaobo Zong et al. (Zong et al., 2015) discovered that HXZQC had therapeutic effects in mice with Bacillus dysenteriae and Salmonella typhimurium-induced diarrhea (BSD mice), mice with bacterial enteritis, and model rats with diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
T221 25732-25990 Sentence denotes Clinical symptoms were significantly improved, which might be due to effects on the balance of CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes, and reduction of interleukin-2 (IL-2), interleukin-10 (IL-10), interleukin-1β (IL-1β), and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) levels.
T222 25991-26150 Sentence denotes The results suggested that HXZQC, via immune-regulation and anti-inflammatory activity, could have therapeutic effects against many gastrointestinal disorders.
T223 26151-26363 Sentence denotes Research by Hefei Huang et al. (Huang et al., 2016) showed that HXZQC extracts had a positive regulatory effect on intestinal dysfunction, and had therapeutic efficacy in model rats with diarrhea-predominant IBS.
T224 26364-26519 Sentence denotes Efficacy was mediated by improving serum NO levels and reducing the concentrations of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), plasma motilin, and colonic somatostatin.
T225 26521-26547 Sentence denotes Clinical Research on HXZQC
T226 26548-26760 Sentence denotes Modern clinical studies have shown that HXZQC has therapeutic effects against viral diseases, such as gastrointestinal-type cold, influenza, upper respiratory infection (URI), and viral enteritis (see Table 3 ).
T227 26761-27007 Sentence denotes The Diagnosis and Treatment Scheme of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) (Version 2004) (Chinese Medical Association and China Association of Chinese Medicine, 2004) recommended that HXZQC could be used for advanced stage pulmonary closure.
T228 27008-27326 Sentence denotes Research by Shuping Ma et al. showed that, compared with the control group (Ribavirin, interferon), HXZQC + Western medicines (Ribavirin, interferon) had a significant effect on antidiarrheal time and shortened the total time course in the treatment of children with rotavirus enteritis (p < 0.05) (Ma and Wang, 2012).
T229 27327-27428 Sentence denotes Xiaoping Han et al. (Han, 2016) randomized 78 influenza patients into control and observation groups.
T230 27429-27590 Sentence denotes Patients in the control group were given oral oseltamivir phosphate, while patients in the observation group received HXZQC in addition to oseltamivir phosphate.
T231 27591-27741 Sentence denotes Compared with those in the control group, patients in the observation group had faster relief of fever symptoms, muscle aches, and fatigue (p < 0.05).
T232 27742-27868 Sentence denotes The total response rate in the observation group was 97.44%, which was higher than the 82.05% of the control group (p < 0.05).
T233 27869-27976 Sentence denotes The results showed that HXZQC enhanced the efficacy of oseltamivir phosphate in the treatment of influenza.
T234 27977-28204 Sentence denotes Xingzhou Wu (Wu, 2010) randomized 90 cold dampness patients into two groups: the treatment group received HXZQP, while the control group received Ribavirin injection + Compound paracetamol and amantadine hydrochloride capsules.
T235 28205-28312 Sentence denotes The total response rate in the treatment group was 88.9% compared to 77.1% in the control group (p < 0.05).
T236 28313-28575 Sentence denotes Patients in the treatment group exhibited greater improvements in aversion to cold, fever, nasal congestion, running nose, spontaneous sweating, headache, cough and spitting, fatigue and weakness, body ache, and other cold symptoms compared to the control group.
T237 28576-28709 Sentence denotes Hongjie Zhao et al. studied the efficacy and safety of HXZQC in the treatment of gastrointestinal-type cold by systematic evaluation.
T238 28710-28954 Sentence denotes A total of 680 patients in eight randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were included in the research, and the results showed that the group receiving HXZQC had a significantly better clinical response than the group using Western medicines alone.
T239 28955-29120 Sentence denotes The effects of HXZQC were superior to Western medicines in improving single symptoms (such as aversion to cold, fever, bowel sound and diarrhea) (Zhao et al., 2017).
T240 29121-29242 Sentence denotes Dandan Yu et al. conducted a meta-analysis of 44 studies, including a total of 4,153 patients with acute gastroenteritis.
T241 29243-29463 Sentence denotes The results showed that treatment with HXZQP + conventional therapy or norfloxacin tablets was superior to a single Western medicine in terms of total response rate and improvement of clinical symptoms (Yu et al., 2019).
T242 29465-29490 Sentence denotes Usage and Dosage of HXZQC
T243 29491-29539 Sentence denotes Oral administration, four capsules, twice a day.
T244 29541-29567 Sentence denotes Adverse Reactions of HXZQC
T245 29568-29725 Sentence denotes Potential drug eruption, purpura, shock, asthma, intestinal obstruction, upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage, hypoglycemia of childhood, infantile convulsions.
T246 29727-29744 Sentence denotes HXZQC Precautions
T247 29745-29841 Sentence denotes 1) Nourishing traditional Chinese medicines should not be taken during the period of medication.
T248 29842-29927 Sentence denotes 2) It is advisable that patients are on a light diet during the period of medication.
T249 29929-29986 Sentence denotes Relevant Information on the Clinical Application of LHQWC
T250 29988-30020 Sentence denotes Recommended Therapeutic Regimens
T251 30021-30159 Sentence denotes LHQWC has been recommended in 19 therapeutic regimens for treatment of COVID-19 in China (see detailed information in Tables 1 and 2 ).
T252 30161-30181 Sentence denotes Ingredients of LHQWC
T253 30182-30665 Sentence denotes Forsythia suspensa (Thunb.) Vahl (Lianqiao), Lonicera japonica Thunb. (Jinyinhua), Ephedra equisetina Bunge (Zhimahuang), Prunus armeniaca L. (Chaoxingren), Gypsum fibrosum (Shigao), Isatis tinctoria L. (Banlangen), Dryopteris crassirhizoma Nakai (Guanzhong), Houttuynia cordata Thunb. (Yuxingcao), Pogostemon cablin (Blanco) Benth. (Guanghuoxiang), Rheum palmatum L. (Dahuang), Rhodiola rosea L. (Hongjingtian), Mentholum (Bohenao), and Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. ex DC. (Gancao).
T254 30666-30734 Sentence denotes Basic information on LHQWC is provided in the Supplementary Table .
T255 30736-30788 Sentence denotes Indications for the Treatment of COVID-19 With LHQWC
T256 30789-30925 Sentence denotes LHQWC is used during the clinical observation period of COVID-19, and wind-heat invading lung in early stage of the disease (mild case).
T257 30926-31055 Sentence denotes The indicative symptoms are fever, mild aversion to cold, cough, weakness, headache and body pain, sore throat, and constipation.
T258 31057-31102 Sentence denotes Progress of Pharmacological Research on LHQWC
T259 31103-31301 Sentence denotes Modern pharmacological studies have shown that LHQWC has antiviral, immune-regulatory, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties, efficacy against lung injury, and other effects (see Table 3 ).
T260 31302-31502 Sentence denotes LHQWC significantly inhibited SARS-CoV-2 replication in Vero E6 cells and markedly reduced the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-6, CCL-2/MCP-1, and CXCL-10/IP-10) at the mRNA level.
T261 31503-31589 Sentence denotes Furthermore, LHQWC treatment resulted in abnormal virion particle morphology in cells.
T262 31590-31721 Sentence denotes LHQWC significantly inhibits SARS-CoV-2 replication, affects virus morphology and exerts anti-inflammatory activity in vitro (Li R.
T263 31722-31739 Sentence denotes F. et al., 2020).
T264 31740-31967 Sentence denotes In vitro experiments have shown significant antiviral activity against SARS-CoV, AIV H7N9, dual H1N1/H3N2, together with inhibition of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)-CoV activity to a certain degree (Yao et al., 2020).
T265 31968-32198 Sentence denotes Yuewen Ding et al. used MTT and plaque reduction assays to show that LHQWC inhibited proliferation of multiple strains of influenza virus, and reduced virus titer and levels of inflammatory cytokines in the lungs of infected mice.
T266 32199-32357 Sentence denotes The results indicated that LHQWC acted as a broad-spectrum antiviral and, in particular, regulated the immune response to viral infection (Ding et al., 2017).
T267 32358-32582 Sentence denotes Qi Li et al. discovered that LHQWC not only reversed LPS-stimulated expression of macrophage chemotactic factor-1 (MCP-1) by macrophages, but also significantly improved pulmonary edema in a mouse model of acute lung injury.
T268 32583-32783 Sentence denotes Inhibition of expression and secretion of MCP-1 in lung tissues of model mice was accompanied by reduced infiltration of mononuclear macrophages and reduction of inflammatory injury (Li et al., 2019).
T269 32784-32908 Sentence denotes Fen Ping et al. studied the effects of LHQWC on rats with oxidative lung injury caused by fine particulate matters (PM 2.5).
T270 32909-33223 Sentence denotes The results showed that LHQWC significantly reduced lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and malondialdehyde (MDA) serum levels in rats with lung injury, increased levels of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), reduced pathological damage of lung tissues, and inhibited exudation of inflammatory cells into the alveolar cavity.
T271 33224-33347 Sentence denotes Together, the data indicated that LHQWC protected against oxidative stress injury in the lungs of rats (Ping et al., 2016).
T272 33348-33472 Sentence denotes Wenwen Cui et al. studied the impact of LHQWC in a mouse model of acute lung injury caused by intratracheal infusion of LPS.
T273 33473-33668 Sentence denotes LHQWC alleviated the inflammatory response in lung tissues by downregulating the IKK/IκB/nuclear factor (NF)-κB signaling pathway, thus, protecting mice from acute lung injury (Cui et al., 2016).
T274 33669-33854 Sentence denotes Siwen Tang et al. studied the effects of LHQWC intervention on pathological lung tissue injury in mice and expression of inflammatory cytokines caused by exposure to automobile exhaust.
T275 33855-34107 Sentence denotes The results showed that LHQWC reduced protein and mRNA expression of inflammatory cytokines in lung tissue by reducing blood levels of inflammatory cytokines, thus, protecting against lung tissue injury caused by automobile exhaust (Tang et al., 2015).
T276 34109-34135 Sentence denotes Clinical Research on LHQWC
T277 34136-34317 Sentence denotes Modern clinical studies have shown that LHQWC has therapeutic effects against viral diseases, such as COVID-19, SARS, MERS, influenza, and human infection with H7N9 avian influenza.
T278 34318-34434 Sentence denotes It can also be used to treat URI, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and other conditions (see Table 3 ).
T279 34435-35158 Sentence denotes LHQWC has been recommended in diagnosis and treatment schemes such as China’s SARS Diagnosis and Treatment Scheme (Version 2004) (Chinese Medical Association and China Association of Chinese Medicine, 2004), MERS Diagnosis and Treatment Scheme (Version 2015) (National Health and Family Planning Commission of People’s Republic of China, 2015), China’s Influenza Diagnosis and Treatment Scheme (Version 2019) (National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China and National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2019), and Diagnosis and Treatment Scheme for Human Infection with H7N9 Avian Influenza (Version 1, 2017) (National Health and Family Planning Commission of People's Republic of China, 2017).
T280 35159-35295 Sentence denotes Ke Hu et al. conducted a prospective multicenter open-label randomized controlled trial on LHQWC capsule in confirmed cases of COVID-19.
T281 35296-35440 Sentence denotes Patients (284) were randomized to receive usual treatment alone or in combination with LHQWC capsules (four capsules, thrice daily) for 14 days.
T282 35441-35522 Sentence denotes The primary endpoint was the rate of symptom (fever, fatigue, coughing) recovery.
T283 35523-35659 Sentence denotes The recovery rate was significantly higher in the combined treatment group compared with the control group (91.5% vs. 82.4%, p = 0.022).
T284 35660-35757 Sentence denotes The median time to symptom recovery was markedly shorter in the combined treatment group (median:
T285 35758-35784 Sentence denotes 7 vs. 10 days, p < 0.001).
T286 35785-35958 Sentence denotes Time to recovery of fever (2 vs. 3 days), fatigue (3 vs. 6 days) and coughing (7 vs. 10 days) was also significantly shorter in the combined treatment group (all p < 0.001).
T287 35959-36153 Sentence denotes The rate of improvement in chest computed tomographic manifestations (83.8% vs. 64.1%, p < 0.001) and clinical cure (78.9% vs. 66.2%, p = 0.017) were also higher in the combined treatment group.
T288 36154-36270 Sentence denotes However, the two groups did not differ in the rate of conversion to severe cases or viral assay findings (p > 0.05).
T289 36271-36329 Sentence denotes No serious adverse events were reported (Hu et al., 2020).
T290 36330-36535 Sentence denotes Ruibing Lyu et al. conducted clinical research on 63 patients receiving conventional therapy in combination with LHQWC (treatment group) and 38 patients receiving only conventional therapy (control group).
T291 36536-36593 Sentence denotes Clinical data were collected 10 days after the treatment.
T292 36594-36808 Sentence denotes A comparison between the two groups was performed in terms of disappearance rates of cardinal symptoms (fever, cough, and weakness), duration of fever and disappearance rates of other individual symptoms and signs.
T293 36809-37016 Sentence denotes The disappearance rates of fever, cough, and weakness in the treatment group were 86.7%, 55.6%, and 82.5%, respectively, which were higher than those in the control group (67.7%, 30.6%, and 58.6%; p < 0.05).
T294 37017-37124 Sentence denotes The median duration of fever was 6 days in patients in the treatment group and 7 days in the control group.
T295 37125-37206 Sentence denotes There was no statistically significant difference between the groups (p = 0.171).
T296 37207-37356 Sentence denotes The disappearance rates of short breath and moist crackles (68.2% and 56.0%) were higher than those in the control group (20.0% and 20.0%, p < 0.05).
T297 37357-37524 Sentence denotes There were four cases of aggravation in the treatment group (6.4%) and six cases in the control group (15.8%), with no statistically significant difference (p > 0.05).
T298 37525-37607 Sentence denotes There were no obvious adverse reactions in the treatment group (Lyu et al., 2020).
T299 37608-37736 Sentence denotes Dezhong Cheng et al. conducted a multi-center retrospective analysis of the therapeutic effect of LHQWC in 51 COVID-19 patients.
T300 37737-37867 Sentence denotes The control group was treated with simple nutritional support, symptomatic treatment, antiviral therapy and antimicrobial therapy.
T301 37868-37990 Sentence denotes The treatment group was combined with LHQWC (6 g/bag) on the basis of the control group, one bag each time, 3 times a day.
T302 37991-38055 Sentence denotes The clinical data of patients treated for 7 days were collected.
T303 38056-38244 Sentence denotes The results showed that combined application of LHQWC significantly improved fever, weakness, cough, shortness of breath, chest distress, anorexia, and other clinical symptoms of COVID-19.
T304 38245-38424 Sentence denotes Improvements of the main symptoms and reduced incidence of the severe form suggested that LHQWC could be effective in the treatment of patients with COVID-19 (Cheng et al., 2020).
T305 38425-38549 Sentence denotes Ping Yu et al. conducted a study on the therapeutic effect of LHQWC combined with Abidole in the treatment of mild COVID-19.
T306 38550-38612 Sentence denotes A total of 295 patients were randomly divided into two groups.
T307 38613-38791 Sentence denotes The control group (n = 148) was treated with Abidole (0.2 g per day) orally, and the observation group (n = 147) was treated with LHQWC (6 g, thrice daily) combined with Abidole.
T308 38792-39047 Sentence denotes The results showed that the total effective rate of the observation group was significantly higher than that of the control group (80.95% vs 64.86%), and the rate of severe illness was significantly lower than that of the control group (14.29% vs 23.65%).
T309 39048-39436 Sentence denotes After 7 days of treatment, the scores for the main TCM syndromes (fever, fatigue, cough, dry throat, chest tightness) and the levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) and procalcitonin (PCT) in the observation group were significantly lower than those in the control group (p < 0.05), while white blood cells (WBC) and lymphocyte (LYM) were significantly higher than those in the control group.
T310 39437-39653 Sentence denotes The effective rate of chest computerized tomography (CT) in the observation group was 69.39%, which was higher than that in the control group (62.84%), but the difference was not statistically significant (p > 0.05).
T311 39654-39723 Sentence denotes There were no serious drug-related adverse reactions in either group.
T312 39724-39992 Sentence denotes The results show that LHQWC combined with Abidole can effectively relieve clinical symptoms in patients with mild COVID-19, regulate the expression of related inflammatory factors, improve the curative effect and reduce the rate of severe illness (Yu P. et al., 2020).
T313 39993-40103 Sentence denotes Lili Liu et al. conducted a retrospective analysis of the therapeutic effect of LHQWC in 32 COVID-19 patients.
T314 40104-40146 Sentence denotes The patients were divided into two groups:
T315 40147-40296 Sentence denotes Group A + L, in which 18 patients received Abidole (0.2 g, thrice daily) combined with LHQWC; and Group L, in which 14 patients received LHQWC alone.
T316 40297-40356 Sentence denotes During treatment there was one critical case in each group.
T317 40357-40462 Sentence denotes Abnormal liver function was observed in 14 cases (77.78%) in Group A + L and 8 cases (57.14%) in Group L.
T318 40463-40565 Sentence denotes Antibiotic treatment was applied in 17 cases (94.44%) in Group A + L and 13 cases (92.86%) in Group L.
T319 40566-40666 Sentence denotes Glucocorticoid use was reported in 10 cases (55.56%) in Group A + L and 9 cases (64.29%) in Group L.
T320 40667-41041 Sentence denotes Compared with Group L, significantly faster recovery of temperature (t = −2.471, p = 0.019), recovery of respiratory symptoms (t = −2.918, p = 0.007), chest CT inflammation absorption (t = −2.937, p = 0.006), time until two consecutive negative virus nucleic acid tests (t = −2.930, p = 0.006), and shorter hospital stay (t = −2.785, p = 0.009) were observed in Group A + L.
T321 41042-41175 Sentence denotes Abidor combined with LHQWC can be used to treat COVID-19, with good tolerance, to shorten the course of treatment (Liu et al., 2020).
T322 41176-41333 Sentence denotes Zhongping Duan et al. conducted a random, double-blind, and positive-drug parallel control clinical trial on the efficiency and safety of LHQWC against H1N1.
T323 41334-41412 Sentence denotes It was found that LHQWC reduced disease severity and the duration of symptoms.
T324 41413-41566 Sentence denotes The drug was also well tolerated, indicating that LHQWC might become an alternative therapeutic measure against H1N1 viral infection (Duan et al., 2011).
T325 41567-41808 Sentence denotes Pan Zhao et al. found by meta-analysis that LHQWC improved cough, sore throat, body ache, and other symptoms of patients infected with H1N1 virus, reduced the duration of fever, and was more effective than oseltamivir (Zhao P. et al., 2014).
T326 41809-41931 Sentence denotes Shiheng Wang et al. conducted a systematic review of the literature on efficacy and safety of LHQWC in treating viral flu.
T327 41932-42169 Sentence denotes The results showed that LHQWC gave a better total response rate, symptom improvement rate and body temperature recovery rate than the control group in treating viral flu, but consideration of its safety was important (Wang et al., 2019).
T328 42170-42460 Sentence denotes Li Tiehui et al. compared the clinical therapeutic effect of LHQWC and vitamin C Yinqiao Tablets in patients with URI, and found that LHQWC significantly improved nasal congestion, fever, headache, sore throat, weakness, aches in the limbs, intolerance of cold, and other clinical symptoms.
T329 42461-42546 Sentence denotes LHQWC had high efficacy and safety, and was therefore worthy of promotion (Li, 2019).
T330 42547-42796 Sentence denotes Dong Liang et al. conducted clinical research on 100 patients with COPD, and discovered that LHQWC improved conditions in patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPD), especially those in the high risk subgroup.
T331 42797-42912 Sentence denotes The mode of action might be related to its ability to reduce release of inflammatory mediators (Dong et al., 2014).
T332 42914-42940 Sentence denotes Usage and Dosage of LHQWC:
T333 42941-42991 Sentence denotes Oral administration, four capsules, 3 times a day.
T334 42993-43019 Sentence denotes Adverse Reactions of LHQWC
T335 43020-43247 Sentence denotes Possible nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach discomfort, heartburn, poor appetite, and other gastrointestinal adverse reactions; there might be abnormal liver function, palpitations or rash, and other side effects occasionally.
T336 43249-43266 Sentence denotes LHQWC Precautions
T337 43267-43323 Sentence denotes 1) Pregnant and lactating women should use with caution.
T338 43324-43464 Sentence denotes 2) It contains ephedrae herba (Mahuang), so should be used with caution by athletes and patients with high blood pressure and heart disease.
T339 43465-43569 Sentence denotes 3) Those with previous history of liver disease or with abnormal liver function should use with caution.
T340 43570-43729 Sentence denotes 4) It contains rheum, so the dose should be reduced appropriate in subjects who experience increased stool frequency and shapeless stools after administration.
T341 43730-43810 Sentence denotes 5) Nourishing traditional Chinese medicine should not be taken at the same time.
T342 43812-43869 Sentence denotes Relevant Information on the Clinical Application of JHQGG
T343 43871-43903 Sentence denotes Recommended Therapeutic Regimens
T344 43904-44028 Sentence denotes JHQGG has been recommended in 13 therapeutic regimens of COVID-19 in China (see detailed information in Tables 1 and 2 ).
T345 44030-44050 Sentence denotes Ingredients of JHQGG
T346 44051-44496 Sentence denotes Forsythia suspensa (Thunb.) Vahl (Lianqiao), Lonicera japonica Thunb. (Jinyinhua), Ephedra equisetina Bunge (Zhimahuang), Prunus armeniaca L. (Chaoxingren), Gypsum Fibrosum (Shigao), Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi (Huangqin), Fritillaria thunbergii Miq. (Zhebeimu), Anemarrhena asphodeloides Bunge (Zhimu), Arctium lappa L. (Niubangzi), Artemisia annua L. (Qinghao), Mentha canadensis L. (Bohe), and Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. ex DC. (Gancao).
T347 44497-44565 Sentence denotes Basic information on JHQGG is provided in the Supplementary Table .
T348 44567-44619 Sentence denotes Indications for the Treatment of COVID-19 With JHQGG
T349 44620-44781 Sentence denotes JHQGG is used to treat the syndrome of wind-heat invading lung during the clinical observation period of COVID-19 and the early stage of the disease (mild case).
T350 44782-44893 Sentence denotes Indicative symptoms are fever, mild aversion to cold, weakness, cough, headache and body pain, and sore throat.
T351 44895-44940 Sentence denotes Progress of Pharmacological Research on JHQGG
T352 44941-45074 Sentence denotes Modern pharmacological studies have found that JHQGG has antiviral, immune-regulatory, and anti-inflammatory effects (see Table 3 ).
T353 45075-45224 Sentence denotes Jianping Qi et al. showed that JHQGG significantly decreased the average levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) and IFN-γ in serum of influenza patients.
T354 45225-45512 Sentence denotes Patients exhibited decreased inflammatory response and improved immune function after treatment, which might be due to the antiviral activity of the main ingredients, such as Lonicerae japonicae flos, Scutellariae radix, Forsythiae fructus, and Artemisiae annuae herba (Qi et al., 2016).
T355 45514-45540 Sentence denotes Clinical Research on JHQGG
T356 45541-45651 Sentence denotes Modern clinical studies have shown that JHQGG has therapeutic efficacy against viral diseases (see Table 3 ).
T357 45652-45746 Sentence denotes JHQGG has been recommended in China’s Influenza Diagnosis and Treatment Scheme (Version 2019).
T358 45747-45965 Sentence denotes COVID-19 outpatients (123) were randomly divided into a treatment group (JHQGG two bags per time, 3 times a day, combined with routine treatment for 5 days, n = 82) and a control group (only routine treatment, n = 41).
T359 45966-46150 Sentence denotes The addition of JHQGG significantly alleviated fever, cough, fatigue, sputum and anxiety, and the hospitalization rate tended to be lower than in the control group (Duan et al., 2020).
T360 46151-46264 Sentence denotes In treatment of H1N1, use of JHQGG alone or in combination with oseltamivir effectively shortened fever duration.
T361 46265-46536 Sentence denotes The duration of fever in patients treated with oseltamivir in combination with JHQGG was significantly shorter (19%) than in those treated with oseltamivir alone, suggesting that JHQGG could serve as an alternative therapeutic measure against H1N1 (Wang C. et al., 2011).
T362 46537-46706 Sentence denotes Jianping Qi observed 174 cases of influenza patients and found that JHQGG significantly reduced serum levels of cytokines and improved immune function (Qi et al., 2016).
T363 46707-46898 Sentence denotes A double-blind, randomized and controlled study on JHQGG in treating influenza syndrome of wind-heat invading lung by Guoqin Li et al. showed that it was effective and safe (Li et al., 2013).
T364 46900-46925 Sentence denotes Usage and Dosage of JHQGG
T365 46926-46989 Sentence denotes Taken after dissolving in boiled water, one bag, 3 times a day.
T366 46991-47017 Sentence denotes Adverse Reactions of JHQGG
T367 47018-47226 Sentence denotes Potential for nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach discomfort, heartburn, poor appetite and other gastrointestinal adverse reactions; there might be abnormal liver function, palpitations, or rash occasionally.
T368 47228-47245 Sentence denotes JHQGG Precautions
T369 47246-47322 Sentence denotes 1) Those with deficiency-cold in spleen and stomach should use with caution.
T370 47323-47463 Sentence denotes 2) It contains ephedrae herba (Mahuang), so should be used with caution by athletes and patients with high blood pressure and heart disease.
T371 47464-47568 Sentence denotes 3) Those with previous history of liver disease or with abnormal liver function should use with caution.
T372 47569-47649 Sentence denotes 4) Nourishing traditional Chinese medicine should not be taken at the same time.
T373 47651-47708 Sentence denotes Relevant Information on the Clinical Application of SFJDC
T374 47710-47742 Sentence denotes Recommended Therapeutic Regimens
T375 47743-47867 Sentence denotes SFJDC has been recommended in 15 therapeutic regimens of COVID-19 in China (see detailed information in Tables 1 and 2 ).
T376 47869-47889 Sentence denotes Ingredients of SFJDC
T377 47890-48220 Sentence denotes Reynoutria japonica Houtt. (Huzhang), Forsythia suspensa (Thunb.) Vahl (Lianqiao), Isatis tinctoria L. (Banlangen), Bupleurum chinense DC. (Chaihu), Patrinia scabiosifolia Link (Baijiangcao), Verbena officinalis L. (Mabiancao), Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. (Lugen), and Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. ex DC. (Gancao).
T378 48221-48289 Sentence denotes Basic information on SFJDC is provided in the Supplementary Table .
T379 48291-48343 Sentence denotes Indications for the Treatment of COVID-19 With SFJDC
T380 48344-48493 Sentence denotes SFJDC is used to treat external wind-heat syndrome during the clinical observation period of COVID-19 and the early stage of the disease (mild case).
T381 48494-48595 Sentence denotes Indicative symptoms are fever, aversion to cold, cough with yellow phlegm, weakness, and sore throat.
T382 48597-48642 Sentence denotes Progress of Pharmacological Research on SFJDC
T383 48643-48808 Sentence denotes Modern pharmacological studies have found that SFJDC has antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties and protects against lung injury (see Table 3 ).
T384 48809-48922 Sentence denotes Yanyan Bao et al. evaluated the broad-spectrum antiviral activity of SFJDC by cytopathic effect (CPE) inhibition.
T385 48923-49069 Sentence denotes A total of eight viruses, including H1N1, herpes simplex (HSV), respiratory syncytial virus, adenovirus (ADV) and Coxsackie virus, were evaluated.
T386 49070-49204 Sentence denotes SFJDC had significant in vitro broad-spectrum antiviral activity and the best inhibitory effect was against parainfluenza virus (PIV).
T387 49205-49297 Sentence denotes Similar results were obtained from in vivo experiments (Qiu et al., 2014; Bao et al., 2019).
T388 49298-49421 Sentence denotes Ying Liu et al. used H1N1 FM1 and PR8 strains to induce nasal drip infection in an immunocompromised mouse pneumonia model.
T389 49422-49511 Sentence denotes Therapeutic and preventive effects of SFJDC were observed against H1N1 infection in vivo.
T390 49512-49778 Sentence denotes The results showed that SFJDC influenced the immune function of the mice, improved pneumonia symptoms caused by influenza virus, reduced the lung index of mice infected with H1N1, significantly reduced mortality, and had good therapeutic efficacy (Liu et al., 2010).
T391 49779-49887 Sentence denotes Research by Weiwei Lv et al. found that SFJDC had inhibitory activity against multiple viruses and bacteria.
T392 49888-49977 Sentence denotes Its antiviral activity was inferior to that of Ribavirin, but its cytotoxicity was lower.
T393 49978-50099 Sentence denotes Both antiviral activity and antibacterial action were superior to those of Qingkailing granules (QKLG) (Lv et al., 2013).
T394 50100-50228 Sentence denotes Li Ma et al. used a mouse pneumonia model induced by Streptococcus pneumoniae to study the anti-inflammatory mechanism of SFJDC.
T395 50229-50480 Sentence denotes They discovered that it reduced white blood cell (WBC) count, reduced serum levels of the transcription factor nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB), MCP-1, inflammatory mediator BK and COX-2, thus, having a therapeutic effect in the model (Ma et al., 2018).
T396 50481-50704 Sentence denotes Further studies found that SFJDC had a significant immune regulatory function, reducing levels of B lymphocytes, CD8+ cells, interleukin-1α (IL-1α), IL-1β, IL-2, IgM, and IgG to improve lung function in mice with pneumonia.
T397 50705-50876 Sentence denotes SFJDC increased the CD4+/CD8+ ratio and number of natural killer (NK) cells, thus, having a therapeutic effect in the pneumonia model (Ma et al., 2019a; Ma et al., 2019b).
T398 50877-50983 Sentence denotes Zhengang Tao et al. observed a protective function of SFJDC against endotoxin LPS-induced rat lung injury.
T399 50984-51101 Sentence denotes Their results showed that SFJDC inhibited the LPS-induced inflammatory response, and reduced LPS-induced lung injury.
T400 51102-51280 Sentence denotes Its mechanism of action might be inhibition of the MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase)/NF-κB signaling pathway and downregulation of NF-κB mRNA expression (Tao et al., 2014).
T401 51281-51448 Sentence denotes Yanmei Li et al. used a Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PAK)-induced KM mouse acute lung injury model to explore the mode of action of SFJDC in treatment of acute lung injury.
T402 51449-51608 Sentence denotes They found that SFJDC significantly alleviated lung injury in the model and its mode of action might be related to the ERK signaling pathway (Li et al., 2017).
T403 51610-51636 Sentence denotes Clinical Research on SFJDC
T404 51637-51765 Sentence denotes SFJDC comes from “Detoxification Powder,” and is mainly used to treat fever, parotitis, amygdalitis, plague, and other diseases.
T405 51766-52008 Sentence denotes Recent studies have shown that SFJDC has good clinical efficacy against viral diseases (such as MERS, influenza, human infection with H7N9 avian influenza) and respiratory diseases (such as acute URI, AECOPD, pneumonia, etc.) (see Table 3 ).
T406 52009-52295 Sentence denotes SFJDC has been recommended in diagnosis and treatment schemes such as MERS Diagnosis and Treatment Scheme (Version 2015), China’s Influenza Diagnosis and Treatment Scheme (Version 2019), and Diagnosis and Treatment Scheme for Human Infection with H7N9 Avian Influenza (Version 1, 2017).
T407 52296-52508 Sentence denotes Lei Wang et al. conducted a retrospective analysis of 87 patients with acute URI + fever, and found that patients treated with SFJDC had a significantly higher total response rate than those in the control group.
T408 52509-52613 Sentence denotes SFJDC effectively improved respiratory symptoms in patients with acute URI + fever (Wang and Qiu, 2018).
T409 52614-52885 Sentence denotes In the treatment of community acquired pneumonia (CAP), application of SFJDC shortened recovery time, reduced the duration of fever and reduced the levels of procalcitonin (PCT), CRP, WBC, and other indicators, effectively shortening the course of treatment (Wang, 2016).
T410 52886-52995 Sentence denotes Hongxia Yu et al. evaluated the impact of SFJDC on inflammation-associated cytokines in patients with AECOPD.
T411 52996-53167 Sentence denotes The results showed that SFJDC significantly reduced the levels of interleukin-8 (IL-8), TNF-α, CRP, and PCT, and had significant therapeutic efficacy against AECOPD (Yu H.
T412 53168-53185 Sentence denotes X. et al., 2020).
T413 53186-53377 Sentence denotes Tiling Wang et al. added SFJDC treatment to conventional treatment in 60 mild and moderate AECOPD patients and compared with 60 patients receiving conventional treatment as the control group.
T414 53378-53528 Sentence denotes After 1 week, the treatment group had significantly higher arterial blood gas PaO2 than the control group, without any adverse reactions (Wang, 2015).
T415 53529-53795 Sentence denotes Research showed that treatment of bacterial acute bronchitis and pneumonia with a combination of antibacterial drugs and SFJDC significantly shortened recovery of body temperature, duration of cough and the course of treatment compared with antibacterial drug alone.
T416 53796-54101 Sentence denotes Chunlan Wang et al. observed that combined use of SFJDC and antibiotics significantly improved body temperature, blood sugar, ALT (glutamate transaminase), AST (aspartate aminotransferase) and other indicators compared with the control group, and patients had a higher oxygen index than the control group.
T417 54102-54297 Sentence denotes The results suggested that SFJDC had a significant protective function against lung injury, and the mechanism might be related to inhibition of inflammatory response by SFJDC (Wang et al., 2014).
T418 54299-54324 Sentence denotes Usage and Dosage of SFJDC
T419 54325-54375 Sentence denotes Oral administration, four capsules, 3 times a day.
T420 54377-54403 Sentence denotes Adverse Reactions of SFJDC
T421 54404-54422 Sentence denotes Occasional nausea.
T422 54424-54441 Sentence denotes SFJDC Precautions
T423 54442-54605 Sentence denotes (1) Use is forbidden in those with allergic constitution or who are allergic to the drug. (2) Use is forbidden in those with deficiency-cold in spleen and stomach.
T424 54607-54663 Sentence denotes Relevant Information on the Clinical Application of TRQI
T425 54665-54697 Sentence denotes Recommended Therapeutic Regimens
T426 54698-54821 Sentence denotes TRQI has been recommended in 12 therapeutic regimens of COVID-19 in China (see detailed information in Tables 1 and 2 ).
T427 54823-54842 Sentence denotes Ingredients of TRQI
T428 54843-55006 Sentence denotes Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi (Huangqin), Ursi fellis pulvis (Xiongdanfen), Forsythia suspensa (Thunb.) Vahl (Lianqiao), and Lonicera japonica Thunb. (Jinyinhua).
T429 55007-55074 Sentence denotes Basic information on TRQI is provided in the Supplementary Table .
T430 55076-55127 Sentence denotes Indications for the Treatment of COVID-19 With TRQI
T431 55128-55272 Sentence denotes TRQI is used for syndromes of epidemic toxin lung closure and phlegm-heat lung obstruction in the progressive stage of COVID-19 (critical case).
T432 55273-55391 Sentence denotes Indicative symptoms are fever, cough, cough with difficulty in expectoration, chest distress, and shortness of breath.
T433 55393-55437 Sentence denotes Progress of Pharmacological Research on TRQI
T434 55438-55627 Sentence denotes Modern pharmacological studies have shown that TRQI is effective against influenza virus, destroys bacterial biofilm, inhibits airway inflammation, and improves lung injury (see Table 3 ).
T435 55628-55836 Sentence denotes Research by Jinsu Zheng et al. discovered that TRQI improved pathological injury of lung tissues in mice infected with influenza virus, and had significant antiviral activity in influenza virus infected mice.
T436 55837-55974 Sentence denotes The antiviral activity of TRQI might be due to its inhibition of cellular proliferation and enhancement of immunity (Zheng and Gu, 2009).
T437 55975-56110 Sentence denotes Weifeng Yang et al. discovered that TRQI could destroy methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) biofilm and induce its death.
T438 56111-56342 Sentence denotes When combined with vancomycin or linezolid below the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) concentration, synergistic anti-biofilm activity was observed that was significantly higher than when using TRQI alone (Yang et al., 2018).
T439 56343-56562 Sentence denotes Research by Yi Wang et al. showed that the efficacy of TRQI in the treatment of acute pneumonia was mediated by destruction of bacterial biofilm, which is different to the mechanism of penicillin (Wang Y. et al., 2011).
T440 56563-56732 Sentence denotes Wei Liu et al. discovered that TRQI might treat airway mucus hypersecretion by regulating the interleukin-17 (IL-17) signaling pathway and its downstream protein MUC5AC.
T441 56733-56967 Sentence denotes An in vivo experiment showed that TRQI could significantly inhibit excessive secretion of LPS-stimulated MUC5AC and expression of TNF-α, interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-8, and IL-17A in terms of protein and mRNA levels (Liu W. et al., 2019).
T442 56968-57162 Sentence denotes Animal experiments conducted by Wei Liu et al. showed that TRQI inhibited airway inflammation caused by LPS through the MAPK/NF-κB pathway, and showed a dose-dependent effect (Liu et al., 2016).
T443 57163-57405 Sentence denotes Li Wen et al. found that TRQI improved signs and symptoms in AECOPD patients, which might be mediated by reduction of serum IL-8 and neutrophil elastase (NE) levels, and improved airway inflammation and mucus hypersecretion (Li et al., 2010).
T444 57406-57735 Sentence denotes Research by Li Pengtao et al. discovered that TRQI improved blood flow in capillaries of the alveolar walls while repressing the LPS-induced inflammatory cascade, which was the pharmacological basis for its effective alleviation of acute lung injury and prevention of decreased arterial partial oxygen pressure (Li et al., 2005).
T445 57737-57762 Sentence denotes Clinical Research on TRQI
T446 57763-58061 Sentence denotes Modern clinical studies have shown that TRQI has therapeutic efficacy against infectious diseases, such as viral pneumonia, MERS, human infection with H7N9 avian influenza, acute bronchitis, acute attack of chronic bronchitis, CAP, tuberculosis accompanied by infection, and AECOPD (see Table 3 ).
T447 58062-58241 Sentence denotes TRQI has been recommended in MERS Diagnosis and Treatment Scheme (Version 2015) and Diagnosis and Treatment Scheme for Human Infection with H7N9 Avian Influenza (Version 1, 2017).
T448 58242-58531 Sentence denotes A systematic evaluation of eight published randomized and controlled trials that included a total of 590 adult patients with viral pneumonia found that TRQI had advantages in terms of response rate, faster change of chest radiography, average length of stay, and other aspects (Pan, 2016).
T449 58532-58752 Sentence denotes Research results from Jinzhi Liang et al. showed that there was no statistically significant difference in the clinical effect of combined TRQI and Ribavirin or TRQI alone in the treatment of hand-foot-and-mouth disease.
T450 58753-58831 Sentence denotes Both treatments were superior to that of Ribavirin alone (Liang et al., 2013).
T451 58832-59053 Sentence denotes Research by Wang Pei et al. showed that potential benefits of TRQI in the treatment of acute bronchitis included improved response rate, and reduced fever, cough, crackles, and X-ray shadow absorption (Wang et al., 2016).
T452 59054-59300 Sentence denotes Research results of Lini Gao et al. showed that combined use of TRQI and Western medicines was more effective than Western medicines alone in the treatment of acute bronchitis and gave superior improvement of clinical symptoms (Gao et al., 2019).
T453 59301-59489 Sentence denotes Hongli Jiang et al. showed by systematic evaluation that administration of TRQI to treat CAP on the basis of antibiotics and symptomatic treatment significantly improved clinical symptoms.
T454 59490-59685 Sentence denotes Cough with expectoration was improved, the duration of fever was shortened and recovery of chest radiography and hemogram were promoted without significant adverse reactions (Jiang et al., 2009).
T455 59686-59958 Sentence denotes Lian Xiong et al. showed by systematic evaluation that TRQI might have the same overall effect as some antibacterial drugs in treatment of patients with tuberculosis accompanied by lung infection, but improved efficacy was observed in combination with antibacterial drugs.
T456 59959-60077 Sentence denotes This might be due to the bacteriostatic effects of TRQI and elimination of inflammatory mediators (Lian et al., 2018).
T457 60078-60402 Sentence denotes A total of 14 trials and 954 patients were included in a study by Yunqing Zhong, and the results showed that combined use of TRQI and antibacterial drugs improved the clinical effects and lung function in AECOPD patients, reduced pCO2, and shortened the length of stay without serious adverse reactions (Zhong et al., 2010).
T458 60404-60428 Sentence denotes Usage and Dosage of TRQI
T459 60429-60607 Sentence denotes 20 ml once for adults, 40 ml once for severe patients, with addition of 250–500 ml 5% glucose or 0.9% sodium chloride; intravenous drip at less than 60 drops per min, once a day.
T460 60609-60634 Sentence denotes Adverse Reactions of TRQI
T461 60635-60719 Sentence denotes 1) Some patients may have dizziness, chest distress, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
T462 60720-60791 Sentence denotes 2) Flushing, rash or itching and other allergic reactions occasionally.
T463 60792-60848 Sentence denotes 3) Rarely, palpitations, chill and difficulty breathing.
T464 60849-60885 Sentence denotes 4) Extremely rarely, allergic shock.
T465 60886-60986 Sentence denotes 5) Other adverse reactions: dry mouth, fever, periorbital facial edema, discomfort at infusion site.
T466 60988-61004 Sentence denotes TRQI Precautions
T467 61005-61421 Sentence denotes 1) Use is forbidden in those with liver and renal failure; 2) Use is forbidden in those with severe lung and heart disease accompanied by heart failure; 3) Use is forbidden in pregnant women and infants less than 24 months; 4) It should be used alone and must not be mixed with other drugs; 5) Dilution ratio of the liquid shall be no lower than 1:10 (liquid: solvent) and the diluted liquid must be used within 4 h.
T468 61423-61479 Sentence denotes Relevant Information on the Clinical Application of XYPI
T469 61481-61513 Sentence denotes Recommended Therapeutic Regimens
T470 61514-61637 Sentence denotes XYPI has been recommended in 15 therapeutic regimens of COVID-19 in China (see detailed information in Tables 1 and 2 ).
T471 61639-61658 Sentence denotes Ingredients of XYPI
T472 61659-61691 Sentence denotes Andrographolide total sulfonate.
T473 61692-61759 Sentence denotes Basic information on XYPI is provided in the Supplementary Table .
T474 61761-61812 Sentence denotes Indications for the Treatment of COVID-19 With XYPI
T475 61813-61925 Sentence denotes XYPI is used for syndrome of exuberance of internal heat toxin in progressive stage of COVID-19 (critical case).
T476 61926-62014 Sentence denotes Indicative symptoms are fever, sore throat, cough with yellow phlegm and chest distress.
T477 62015-62101 Sentence denotes It could also be used to treat viral infection combined with mild bacterial infection.
T478 62103-62147 Sentence denotes Progress of Pharmacological Research on XYPI
T479 62148-62316 Sentence denotes The main ingredient of XYPI is andrographolide total sulfonate, which is antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial and immune-regulatory (see Table 3 ).
T480 62317-62592 Sentence denotes Yang Yu et al. conducted in vivo experiments with XYPI, and discovered that it could significantly protect mice infected with Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae, and significantly inhibited citric acid-induced cough frequency in guinea pigs (Yu et al., 2009).
T481 62593-62755 Sentence denotes Using in vitro experiments, Lu Wang et al. studied the inhibitory effect of XYPI on inflammatory factors released by LPS-stimulated mouse mononuclear macrophages.
T482 62756-62888 Sentence denotes The results showed that XYPI significantly inhibited the release of inflammatory factors such as TNF-α and IL-6 (Wang et al., 2008).
T483 62889-63105 Sentence denotes Yinglan Nie et al. explored the mode of action of XYPI in the treatment of acute lung injury by observing its effect on cytokine content in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) following LPS-induced acute lung injury.
T484 63106-63351 Sentence denotes The results showed that XYPI could play an anti-inflammatory role by modulating the balance of pro-inflammatory/anti-inflammatory cytokines and prevent excess anti-inflammatory responses during the course of acute lung injury (Nie et al., 2012).
T485 63352-63452 Sentence denotes Qi Liu et al. observed antiviral activity of XYPI against human rhinovirus-induced mouse infections.
T486 63453-63613 Sentence denotes XYPI significantly reduced the virus titer in trachea-lung tissue homogenate of infected mice, effectively inhibiting proliferation of human rhinovirus in mice.
T487 63614-63804 Sentence denotes Respiratory lesions were alleviated in tested animals, survival rate was improved, there were few adverse reactions, and it was an efficient and safe drug against human rhinovirus infection.
T488 63805-63867 Sentence denotes Its specific mode of action, however, was unclear (Liu, 2015).
T489 63869-63894 Sentence denotes Clinical Research on XYPI
T490 63895-64074 Sentence denotes XYPI is a broad-spectrum antiviral Chinese patent medicine that is widely used to treat acute URI, viral pneumonia and pulmonary infection in clinical practice with good efficacy.
T491 64075-64295 Sentence denotes Recent studies have discovered that it can also inhibit some viruses and bacteria, and could be used to treat influenza, human infection with H7N9 avian influenza, capillary bronchitis and other diseases (see Table 3 ).
T492 64296-64425 Sentence denotes XYPI has been recommended in China’s Diagnosis and Treatment Scheme for Human Infection with H7N9 Avian Influenza (Version 2017).
T493 64426-64560 Sentence denotes Xiuping Yin et al. used the association rule method to analyze drug combinations, including XYPI in patients with pulmonary infection.
T494 64561-64822 Sentence denotes The results showed that it could play a role as alternative or as a supplement to antibiotics in the treatment of pulmonary infection, but the safety and rationality of its use in drug combinations required further study in clinical practice (Yin et al., 2015).
T495 64823-65026 Sentence denotes Guangming Li et al. conducted a retrospective analysis of 92 patients with viral pneumonia and found that XYPI was more effective than Ribavirin, providing significant improvement of symptoms (Li, 2015).
T496 65027-65197 Sentence denotes Ruihan Qi et al. analyzed the therapeutic effect of XYPI in the treatment of viral pneumonia by systematic evaluation and found that it was more effective than Ribavirin.
T497 65198-65322 Sentence denotes XYPI increased the cure rate, improved signs and symptoms, and reduced the incidence of adverse reactions (Qi et al., 2018).
T498 65323-65450 Sentence denotes Lili Zhang et al. used XYPI in combination with Western medicine to treat severe pneumonia of the elderly in clinical practice.
T499 65451-65713 Sentence denotes The results showed that it significantly shortened the course of disease, improved treatment efficiency, reduced the incidence of antibiotic resistance, reduced occurrence of double infection, improved the prognosis, and reduced mortality (Zhang and Wang, 2015).
T500 65714-65899 Sentence denotes Zhixu Yang et al. observed the clinical effect of XYPI in treating the syndrome of phlegm-heat obstructing lung of severe pneumonia from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine.
T501 65900-66111 Sentence denotes The results showed significant improvements that included reduced fever, reduced numbers of leukocytes, improved oxygen index, lower clinical pulmonary infection score (CPIS), and reduced pulmonary inflammation.
T502 66112-66249 Sentence denotes It also shortened the duration of mechanical ventilation and length of stay in ICU, and improved the clinical effect (Yang et al., 2014).
T503 66250-66328 Sentence denotes In addition, XYPI has also shown significant efficacy in the treatment of URI.
T504 66329-66537 Sentence denotes Xiaowen Liu et al. conducted a retrospective analysis of 660 patients with acute URI and found that the total response rate in the XYPI treatment group was significantly higher than that of the control group.
T505 66538-66602 Sentence denotes The difference was statistically significant (Liu and Li, 2015).
T506 66604-66628 Sentence denotes Usage and Dosage of XYPI
T507 66629-66656 Sentence denotes 1) Intramuscular injection.
T508 66657-66664 Sentence denotes Adults:
T509 66665-66695 Sentence denotes 50-100 mg, 2 or 3 times a day.
T510 66696-66716 Sentence denotes 2) Intravenous drip.
T511 66717-66724 Sentence denotes Adults:
T512 66725-66791 Sentence denotes 250–500 mg a day, diluted with 0.9% sodium chloride or 5% glucose.
T513 66793-66818 Sentence denotes Adverse Reactions of XYPI
T514 66819-67003 Sentence denotes The main adverse reactions are allergic reaction, damage to the skin, damage to the digestive system, damage to the respiratory system, and general damage to the cardiovascular system.
T515 67004-67177 Sentence denotes These are manifested by rash, itching, shivering, facial blushing, fever, cyanosis, difficulty breathing, nausea, vomiting, palpitations, chest distress, and allergic shock.
T516 67179-67195 Sentence denotes XYPI Precautions
T517 67196-67267 Sentence denotes 1) Use is forbidden in pregnant women and children under 1 year of age.
T518 67268-67322 Sentence denotes Use with caution in the elderly above 75 years of age.
T519 67323-67479 Sentence denotes 2) Use is forbidden in those with a history of allergic or severe adverse reactions to this drug or preparations containing andrographolide total sulfonate.
T520 67480-67689 Sentence denotes 3) Enhanced monitoring is recommended in patients using XYPI for the first time; pay close attention to reactions during administration, especially if discovering abnormalities within 30 min of administration.
T521 67690-67754 Sentence denotes Stop administration immediately and take active rescue measures.
T522 67755-67840 Sentence denotes 4) When used in combination with other injections, XYPI should be administered first.
T523 67841-67919 Sentence denotes Other injections can be infused after flushing or replacing the infusion tube.
T524 67921-67977 Sentence denotes Relevant Information on the Clinical Application of XBJI
T525 67979-68011 Sentence denotes Recommended Therapeutic Regimens
T526 68012-68135 Sentence denotes XBJI has been recommended in 20 therapeutic regimens of COVID-19 in China (see detailed information in Tables 1 and 2 ).
T527 68137-68156 Sentence denotes Ingredients of XBJI
T528 68157-68365 Sentence denotes Carthamus tinctorius L. (Honghua), Paeonia lactiflora Pall. (Chishao), Conioselinum anthriscoides ‘Chuanxiong’ (Chuanxiong), Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge (Danshen), and Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels (Danggui).
T529 68366-68433 Sentence denotes Basic information on XBJI is provided in the Supplementary Table .
T530 68435-68486 Sentence denotes Indications for the Treatment of COVID-19 With XBJI
T531 68487-68593 Sentence denotes XBJI is used for syndrome of blood-stasis and toxins in the progressive stage of COVID-19 (critical case).
T532 68594-68676 Sentence denotes Indicative symptoms are fever, dyspnea and tachypnea, palpitations, and dysphoria.
T533 68677-68854 Sentence denotes It could also be used for treatment of infection-induced systemic inflammatory response syndrome and multiple-organ dysfunction syndrome in the stage of impaired organ function.
T534 68856-68900 Sentence denotes Progress of Pharmacological Research on XBJI
T535 68901-69062 Sentence denotes Modern pharmacological studies have shown that XBJI is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immune-regulatory, and protects against acute lung injury (see Table 3 ).
T536 69063-69355 Sentence denotes Tiantian Li et al. found that in mice with MRSA-induced sepsis, XBJI protected the infected mice by downregulating expression of inflammatory cytokines stimulated by Pam3CSK4, MAPK, PI3K (phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase)/Akt and other pathways, thus, inhibiting the inflammatory response (Li T.
T537 69356-69373 Sentence denotes T. et al., 2020).
T538 69374-69745 Sentence denotes Shuwen Zhang et al. and Xi Chen et al. found that XBJI significantly reduced TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-10 levels in mice with sepsis, prevented neutrophil infiltration of lung and kidney, modulated T helper cell (Th) 1/Th2, Th17, and Tregs balance, reduced inflammatory response, and improved survival rate in mice with infectious shock (Zhang et al., 2006; Chen et al., 2018).
T539 69746-70013 Sentence denotes Mingwei Liu et al. studied rats with paraquat-induced acute lung injury and discovered that XBJI could enhance immunity, reduce expression of inflammatory factors, and protect against acute lung injury by blocking p-38 MAPK and NF-κB p65 pathways, (Liu et al., 2014).
T540 70014-70354 Sentence denotes Research by Yin Teng et al. found that XBJI in combination with conventional treatment significantly reduced interleukin-1 (IL-1), IL-6, and TNF-α levels, improved CD4+/CD8+ T lymphocyte ratio and NK cell relative activity, reduced inflammatory response, and enhanced cellular immunity in patients with severe pneumonia (Teng et al., 2012).
T541 70355-70612 Sentence denotes Research by Hui Jin et al. showed that XBJI significantly improved the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), reduced reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels and protected against oxidative damage in mice under high-temperature stimulation (Jin et al., 2018).
T542 70613-70782 Sentence denotes Research by Luo Peng et al. showed that XBJI downregulated MDA levels, upregulated SOD levels, and alleviated LPS-induced acute lung injury in rats (Luo and Zhou, 2017).
T543 70783-70998 Sentence denotes In a rat model of oleic acid or LPS-induced acute lung injury, XBJI reduced TNF-α levels, alleviated pulmonary tissue edema and inflammatory cell infiltration, and protected against lung injury (Zhang et al., 2014).
T544 70999-71282 Sentence denotes Research by Yuexia Ma et al. showed that although XBJI had no direct antiviral effect in mice with H1N1 severe pneumonia; it alleviated lung injury and protected against death, which might be due to its regulation of inflammatory cytokine levels in the early stage (Ma et al., 2015).
T545 71284-71309 Sentence denotes Clinical Research on XBJI
T546 71310-71597 Sentence denotes Modern clinical studies have shown that XBJI in combination with conventional treatment has therapeutic effects in relevant diseases, such as MERS, human infection with H7N9 avian influenza, CAP, severe pneumonia, systemic inflammatory response syndrome, COPD and sepsis (see Table 3 ).
T547 71598-71777 Sentence denotes XBJI has been recommended in MERS Diagnosis and Treatment Scheme (Version 2015) and Diagnosis and Treatment Scheme for Human Infection with H7N9 Avian Influenza (Version 1, 2017).
T548 71778-71946 Sentence denotes Clinical research by Wen Long et al. randomly divided 60 severe COVID-19 patients into routine treatment (n = 20), XBJI 50 ml (n = 20), and XBJI 100 ml (n = 20) groups.
T549 71947-72119 Sentence denotes On the basis of conventional treatment, XBJI (50 ml) was injected twice a day for 7 days in the XBJI 50 ml group, or 100 ml twice a day for 7 days in the XBJI 100 ml group.
T550 72120-72256 Sentence denotes After treatment, the white blood cell count (WBC) and lymphocyte count (LYM) of the three groups increased, while CRP and ESR decreased.
T551 72257-72387 Sentence denotes Compared with the routine treatment group, the WBC count in the XBJI 100 ml group after treatment significantly increased (×109/L:
T552 72388-72530 Sentence denotes 7.12 ± 0.55 vs. 5.67 ± 0.51, p < 0.05), and the levels of CRP and ESR in the XBJI 50 ml and 100 ml groups significantly decreased [CRP (mg/L):
T553 72531-72581 Sentence denotes 32.3 ± 4.6, 28.0 ± 6.2 vs. 37.3 ± 5.9; ESR (mm/h):
T554 72582-72635 Sentence denotes 45.9 ± 5.7, 40.5 ± 7.4 vs. 55.3 ± 6.6, all p < 0.05].
T555 72636-72786 Sentence denotes Compared with the XBJI 50 ml group, the increase of WBC, and the decrease of CRP and ESR were more significant in the XBJI 100 ml group [WBC (×109/L):
T556 72787-72827 Sentence denotes 7.12 ± 0.55 vs. 5.82 ± 0.49; CRP (mg/L):
T557 72828-72866 Sentence denotes 28.0 ± 6.2 vs. 32.3 ± 4.6; ESR (mm/h):
T558 72867-72908 Sentence denotes 40.5 ± 7.4 vs. 45.9 ± 5.7, all p < 0.05].
T559 72909-72955 Sentence denotes The APACHE II score of three groups decreased.
T560 72956-73155 Sentence denotes In the XBJI 100 ml group, the APACHE II score after treatment was significantly lower than those in the routine treatment and XBJI 50 ml groups (12.3 ± 1.5 vs. 16.5 ± 1.6, 15.9 ± 1.4, both p < 0.05).
T561 73156-73412 Sentence denotes After treatment, the 2019-nCoV nucleic acid test in the three groups partly turned negative: nine cases in the routine treatment group, eight cases in the XBJI 50 ml group and nine cases in the XBJI 100 ml group, with no significant differences (p > 0.05).
T562 73413-73490 Sentence denotes The conditions of patients in the three groups were improved after treatment.
T563 73491-73714 Sentence denotes Eight cases in the routine treatment group were transformed into common type and one case into critical type; nine cases and 12 cases in the XBJI 50 ml and 100 ml groups, respectively, were transformed into the common type.
T564 73715-73841 Sentence denotes Patients in the XBJI 100 ml group improved more obviously than in the XBJI 50 ml and routine treatment groups (both p < 0.05).
T565 73842-73971 Sentence denotes The XBJI injection can effectively improve the inflammatory markers and prognosis of severe COVID-19 patients (Wen et al., 2020).
T566 73972-74218 Sentence denotes Clinical research by Qi Fei et al. showed that, of 80 patients with severe pneumonia, those receiving a combination of XBJI and conventional treatment exhibited reduced levels of blood LDH, α1-acid glycoprotein (α1-AG) and α1-antitrypsin (α1-AT).
T567 74219-74332 Sentence denotes Body temperature was reduced significantly and secretion of TNF-α, IL-6, IL-8, and other cytokines was inhibited.
T568 74333-74436 Sentence denotes The total treatment efficiency was up to 80%, compared to 67.5% in the control group (Qi et al., 2011).
T569 74437-74746 Sentence denotes An RCT study comprised of 33 centers and 710 patients conducted by Yuanlin Song et al. showed that XBJI in combination with conventional treatment significantly improved the primary endpoint, pneumonia severity index, in patients with severe CAP (the control group vs XBJI Group, 46.33% vs 60.78%, p < 0.001).
T570 74747-74997 Sentence denotes There was also significantly reduced mortality in 28 days (24.65% vs 15.87%, p = 0.006), the duration of mechanical ventilation was shortened (11 vs 16.5 d, p = 0.012) and length of stay in ICU was reduced (12 vs 16 d, p = 0.004) (Song et al., 2019).
T571 74998-75253 Sentence denotes Mingjin Zhu et al. conducted a meta-analysis of 12 studies with a total of 860 patients and showed that XBJI in combination with conventional treatment was superior to the treatment group in improving total response rate in patients with severe pneumonia.
T572 75254-75434 Sentence denotes Infectious indicators (WBC, CRP, CPIS) and inflammatory cytokine (IL-6, IL-8, TNF-α) levels were reduced, and the average length of stay in hospital was reduced (Zhu et al., 2014).
T573 75435-75776 Sentence denotes Wei Zhao et al. studied 56 patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and found that after 7 d treatment with XBJI in combination with conventional treatment, body temperature, WBC, and acute physiology and chronic health evaluation II (APACHE-II) score improved more significantly compared to the control group (p < 0.05).
T574 75777-75995 Sentence denotes Expression of CD4+, CD4+/CD8+, CD14+/HLA-DR (human leukocyte antigen-DR) increased significantly, and the combination regulated the SIRS immune state and improved systemic status of the patients (Zhao W. et al., 2014).
T575 75996-76183 Sentence denotes Clinical research found that XBJI in combination with conventional treatment lowered TNF-α, CRP, and other inflammatory indicators in AECOPD patients and had a certain therapeutic effect.
T576 76184-76397 Sentence denotes In patients with accompanying SIRS, the combination significantly improved cough, expectoration, shortness of breath, and other clinical symptoms, and shortened hospital stay (Chen et al., 2011; Zhu et al., 2019).
T577 76398-76783 Sentence denotes Meta-analysis by Chengyu Li et al. included sepsis patients from 16 RCTs (total 1,144 cases), and evidence of moderate intensity showed that XBJI in combination with conventional treatment effectively reduced the mortality rate of sepsis patients over 28 d (934/1144, p < 0.00001), APACHE-II score (792/1144, p < 0.00001) and body temperature (362/1144, p < 0.00001) (Li et al., 2018).
T578 76785-76809 Sentence denotes Usage and Dosage of XBJI
T579 76810-76832 Sentence denotes Intravenous injection.
T580 76833-76876 Sentence denotes 1) Systemic inflammatory response syndrome:
T581 76877-76984 Sentence denotes 50 ml plus 100 ml 0.9% sodium chloride injection for intravenous drip, completed in 30–40 min, twice a day.
T582 76985-77023 Sentence denotes Three times a day for severe patients.
T583 77024-77063 Sentence denotes 2) Multiple-organ dysfunction syndrome:
T584 77064-77172 Sentence denotes 100 ml plus 100 ml 0.9% sodium chloride injection for intravenous drip, completed in 30–40 min, twice a day.
T585 77173-77219 Sentence denotes Three or four times a day for severe patients.
T586 77221-77246 Sentence denotes Adverse Reactions of XBJI
T587 77247-77355 Sentence denotes Allergic reactions: skin flush, rash, itching, palpitations, cyanosis, laryngeal edema, allergic shock, etc.
T588 77356-77455 Sentence denotes Cardiovascular system: palpitations, cyanosis, increase, or decrease of blood pressure, arrhythmia.
T589 77456-77492 Sentence denotes Nervous system: dizziness, headache.
T590 77493-77601 Sentence denotes Respiratory system: difficulty breathing, chest distress, labored breathing, shortness of breath, and cough.
T591 77602-77690 Sentence denotes Digestive system: nausea, vomiting, stomach ache, diarrhea, and abnormal liver function.
T592 77691-77803 Sentence denotes Others: facial edema, conjunctival congestion, abnormal tears, phlebitis, lumbago, backache, and local numbness.
T593 77805-77821 Sentence denotes XBJI Precautions
T594 77822-77902 Sentence denotes 1) Not for use in pregnant women and children under 14 (inclusive) years of age.
T595 77903-78006 Sentence denotes 2) The product must not be mixed with others, and must be used with caution in combination with others.
T596 78007-78114 Sentence denotes When used in combination with other drugs, 50 ml 0.9% sodium chloride injection must be used between doses.
T597 78115-78235 Sentence denotes 3) Allergic history, family allergic history and patient history of medications should be queried before administration.
T598 78236-78338 Sentence denotes 4) During administration, special attention should be given to the initial 30 min of intravenous drip.
T599 78339-78446 Sentence denotes In case of abnormality, the drug should be discontinued immediately and symptomatic treatment administered.
T600 78447-78575 Sentence denotes 5) Monitoring of administration should be enhanced in older patients and in patients receiving TCM injection for the first time.
T601 78577-78632 Sentence denotes Relevant Information on the Clinical Application of SFI
T602 78634-78666 Sentence denotes Recommended Therapeutic Regimens
T603 78667-78789 Sentence denotes SFI has been recommended in 19 therapeutic regimens of COVID-19 in China (see detailed information in Tables 1 and 2 ).
T604 78791-78809 Sentence denotes Ingredients of SFI
T605 78810-78884 Sentence denotes Panax ginseng C.A.Mey. (Hongshen) and Aconitum carmichaeli Debeaux (Fuzi).
T606 78885-78951 Sentence denotes Basic information on SFI is provided in the Supplementary Table .
T607 78953-79003 Sentence denotes Indications for the Treatment of COVID-19 With SFI
T608 79004-79115 Sentence denotes SFI is used for deliverance due to sudden yang deficiency in the progressive stage of COVID-19 (critical case).
T609 79116-79234 Sentence denotes Indicative symptoms are dyspnea, pale complexion, and severe symptoms are unconsciousness, drip sweat, and cold limbs.
T610 79236-79279 Sentence denotes Progress of Pharmacological Research on SFI
T611 79280-79416 Sentence denotes Modern pharmacological studies have shown that SFI has functions, including anti-shock, and protection from lung injury (see Table 3 ).
T612 79417-79520 Sentence denotes Yuhang Ai et al. explored the effects and mechanism of SFI in an LPS-induced lung injury model in rats.
T613 79521-79640 Sentence denotes The results indicated that SFI might protect the lung by reducing activation of NF-κB in lung tissue (Ai et al., 2006).
T614 79641-79865 Sentence denotes Research by Xia Liu et al. found that SFI improved the inflammatory response of rat lung tissue in an LPS shock model by reducing expression of p65 and p50 mRNA and protein in lung tissue and serum TNF-α (Liu et al., 2019a).
T615 79866-80103 Sentence denotes Li Lin et al. studied the impact of SFI on LPS acute lung injury in rats, and found that SFI significantly increased the wet/dry weight ratio (W/D) of lung tissue, neutrophil ratio in BALF, protein content, lung tissue MDA, and serum NO.
T616 80104-80280 Sentence denotes It significantly alleviated injury in lung tissue, indicating that SFI had an important preventive and therapeutic effect on LPS-induced acute lung injury (Lin and Zhan, 2010).
T617 80281-80382 Sentence denotes Xi Liu et al. used the LPS intravenous injection method to establish a septic shock model in rabbits.
T618 80383-80568 Sentence denotes Administration of SFI significantly improved mean arterial pressure (MAP), reduced LPS, LDH, and AST serum levels, and significantly improved the morphology of heart, liver, and kidney.
T619 80569-80732 Sentence denotes In addition, SFI increased levels of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and taurine in the heart, while reducing the level of adenosine monophosphate (AMP) in the heart.
T620 80733-80850 Sentence denotes The results showed that SFI had a significant protective effect against LPS-induced septic shock (Liu et al., 2019b).
T621 80852-80876 Sentence denotes Clinical Research on SFI
T622 80877-81075 Sentence denotes SFI is composed of Panax ginseng C.A.Mey. and Aconitum carmichaeli Debeaux, and has properties that include enhancing cardiac function, increasing blood pressure, and protecting ischemic myocardium.
T623 81076-81229 Sentence denotes It is widely used to rescue from shock (infectious or cardiogenic shock) caused by various reasons, cardiac failure, and arrhythmia in clinical practice.
T624 81230-81324 Sentence denotes Recent studies have shown that SFI significantly protects against lung injury (see Table 3 ).
T625 81325-81570 Sentence denotes SFI has been recommended in China’s SARS Diagnosis and Treatment Scheme (Version 2004), the MERS Diagnosis and Treatment Scheme (Version 2015), and the Diagnosis and Treatment Scheme for Human Infections with H7N9 Avian Influenza (Version 2017).
T626 81571-81718 Sentence denotes Qiu Z.L. et al. observed a therapeutic effect of SFI in patients with severe sepsis and an impact on the expression levels of serum IL-6 and IL-10.
T627 81719-81932 Sentence denotes They found that SFI significantly lowered IL-6 levels in patients with severe sepsis and regulated the balance between pro- and anti-inflammatory factors, thus, improving the therapeutic effect (Qiu et al., 2012).
T628 81933-82050 Sentence denotes Ning Zhang et al. randomized 160 patients with sepsis into an SFI treatment group and a conventional treatment group.
T629 82051-82177 Sentence denotes By collecting post-treatment immunological parameters, they conducted a comparative analysis of the impact on immune function.
T630 82178-82347 Sentence denotes The results showed that patients in the SFI treatment group had increased CD4+ and CD8+ T cell counts in peripheral blood and upregulated HLA-DR expression in monocytes.
T631 82348-82493 Sentence denotes In addition, the SFI treatment group had a better response than the control group for duration of vasopressor administration and APACHE-II score.
T632 82494-82676 Sentence denotes The results showed that SFI enhanced cellular immune function in patients with septic shock and might become an important adjunctive therapy for sepsis patients (Zhang et al., 2017).
T633 82677-82780 Sentence denotes Another study found that SFI played an active role in the treatment of severe pneumonia in the elderly.
T634 82781-83068 Sentence denotes Among 89 elderly patients with severe pneumonia, the SFI treatment group had significantly decreased levels of TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-8 7 days after administration, indicating that SFI effectively reduced inflammatory mediators, thus, playing an active therapeutic effect (Lv et al., 2017).
T635 83069-83386 Sentence denotes Min Ma et al. conducted clinical research on 80 patients with traumatic acute lung injury, and found that SFI significantly improved respiratory rate, improved the oxygen index, and reduced levels of intracellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1), endothelin-1 (ET-1), and NO, thus, improving prognosis of these patients.
T636 83387-83481 Sentence denotes This study provided a potential new therapy for traumatic acute lung injury (Ma et al., 2019).
T637 83482-83610 Sentence denotes Jie Li et al. observed an impact of SFI intervention on duration of mechanical ventilation in patients with respiratory failure.
T638 83611-83718 Sentence denotes The results showed that the total response rate in the SFI group was higher than that of the control group.
T639 83719-83932 Sentence denotes SFI significantly improved serum prealbumin and high-sensitivity CRP levels in patients with respiratory failure and improved their oxygen index, thus, shortening the duration of mechanical ventilation (Li, 2013).
T640 83934-83957 Sentence denotes Usage and Dosage of SFI
T641 83958-83978 Sentence denotes 1) Intravenous drip:
T642 83979-84040 Sentence denotes 20–100 ml, diluted in 250–500 ml of 5%–10% glucose injection.
T643 84041-84066 Sentence denotes 2) Intravenous injection:
T644 84067-84121 Sentence denotes 5–20 ml, diluted in 20 ml of 5%–10% glucose injection.
T645 84123-84147 Sentence denotes Adverse Reactions of SFI
T646 84148-84368 Sentence denotes Dizziness, headache, shivering, fever, palpitations, chest distress, chest pain, difficulty breathing, nausea, retching, abdominal pain, rash, itching, rash or swelling, pain, and other discomfort in local infusion site.
T647 84370-84385 Sentence denotes SFI Precautions
T648 84386-84431 Sentence denotes 1) To be used with caution in pregnant women.
T649 84432-84497 Sentence denotes 2) Avoid direct mixing with coenzyme A, VitK3, and aminophylline.
T650 84498-84541 Sentence denotes 3) Prepared drug should be used within 4 h.
T651 84543-84598 Sentence denotes Relevant Information on the Clinical Application of SMI
T652 84600-84632 Sentence denotes Recommended Therapeutic Regimens
T653 84633-84755 Sentence denotes SMI has been recommended in 18 therapeutic regimens of COVID-19 in China (see detailed information in Tables 1 and 2 ).
T654 84757-84775 Sentence denotes Ingredients of SMI
T655 84776-84864 Sentence denotes Panax ginseng C.A.Mey. (Hongshen) and Ophiopogon japonicus (Thunb.) Ker Gawl. (Maidong).
T656 84865-84931 Sentence denotes Basic information on SMI is provided in the Supplementary Table .
T657 84933-84983 Sentence denotes Indications for the Treatment of COVID-19 With SMI
T658 84984-85123 Sentence denotes SMI is used for the syndrome of deficiency of both qi and yin and deficiency of pulse in the progressive stage of COVID-19 (critical case).
T659 85124-85262 Sentence denotes Indicative symptoms are weakness and shortness of breath, tachypnea, palpitations, dry mouth, sweating, and even dysphoria and cold limbs.
T660 85264-85307 Sentence denotes Progress of Pharmacological Research on SMI
T661 85308-85498 Sentence denotes Modern pharmacological studies have shown that SMI has functions that include protection from inflammatory shock, protection of heart and lung function, and immunoregulation (see Table 3 ).
T662 85499-85501 Sentence denotes Y.
T663 85502-85504 Sentence denotes Z.
T664 85505-85707 Sentence denotes Zhang et al. observed that SMI had strong anti-shock and neuroprotective properties in LPS-induced shock, possibly due to inhibition of brain lipid peroxidation and improvement of SOD activity (Zhang Y.
T665 85708-85725 Sentence denotes Z. et al., 2010).
T666 85726-85987 Sentence denotes SMI suppressed apoptosis of lung tissue cells during pulmonary ischemia/reperfusion injury in rabbits, resulting in attenuation of pneumocyte injury by raising NO levels, lowering oxygen free radical levels, and decreasing lipid peroxidation (Lin et al., 2007).
T667 85988-86245 Sentence denotes It has also been reported that SMI reduced expression of NF-κB and activity of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in lung tissues of rats poisoned by paraquat, and significantly alleviated erythrocyte diapedesis in the alveolar space (Liu et al., 2009).
T668 86246-86386 Sentence denotes Research by Shuhua Xu et al. showed that SMI improved cardiac function and significantly improved hemodynamics in rats with cardiac failure.
T669 86387-86541 Sentence denotes In addition, it improved the oxygen supply to tissues and the capacity of the tissues to use oxygen, thus, improving oxygen metabolism (Xu and Liu, 2010).
T670 86542-86815 Sentence denotes SMI also inhibited expression of ICAM-1 and vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1) to alleviate inflammatory infiltration following ischemia/reperfusion, and alleviated myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury caused by multiple inflammatory responses (Liu et al., 2015).
T671 86816-87084 Sentence denotes It also inhibited generation of inflammatory cytokines in rats subjected to ischemia/reperfusion, reduced serum expression of TNF-α, IL-6, IL-8, etc., thus, alleviating inflammatory factor-induced cardiomyocyte injury and improving immune function (Wang et al., 2015).
T672 87085-87269 Sentence denotes Research by Xuan Liu et al. discovered that SMI inhibited MCP-1, which indicated that SMI might be important in the inhibition of monocyte and macrophage activation (Liu et al., 2015).
T673 87270-87510 Sentence denotes Lihua Du discovered that SMI significantly increased the weights of thymus and spleen in mice, raised serum IgG levels and the number of T cells, enhanced the phagocytic function of macrophages and had a significant immunomodulatory effect.
T674 87512-87536 Sentence denotes Clinical Research on SMI
T675 87537-87707 Sentence denotes SFI has often been used to treat shock caused by various factors, COPD, systematic inflammatory response syndrome and other diseases in clinical practice (see Table 3 ).
T676 87708-87850 Sentence denotes SMI has been recommended in China’s SARS Diagnosis and Treatment Scheme (Version 2004) and MERS Diagnosis and Treatment Scheme (Version 2015).
T677 87851-88123 Sentence denotes Biao Deng et al. studied 71 patients with shock and found that SMI in combination with conventional Western medicine had definite therapeutic efficacy, shortened the course of disease, reduced the length of hospital stay, and lowered the fatality rate (Deng et al., 2006).
T678 88124-88224 Sentence denotes Hefeng Qin observed 68 patients with infectious shock and found that SMI had good clinical efficacy.
T679 88225-88370 Sentence denotes It significantly improved CRP, PCT and TNF-α serum levels, and shortened the recovery time of vital signs with few adverse reactions (Qin, 2014).
T680 88371-88625 Sentence denotes Wang Xian’an et al. observed 80 patients treated for infectious shock, and discovered that SMI in combination with ulinastatin had a significant therapeutic effect, enhancing immune function, and alleviating the inflammatory response (Wang et al., 2017).
T681 88626-88628 Sentence denotes X.
T682 88629-88730 Sentence denotes Huang et al. evaluated 23 RCTs with a total of 1,804 participants to study the impact of SMI on COPD.
T683 88731-88933 Sentence denotes The results showed that SMI not only increased the total clinical response rate, but also improved pulmonary function, blood gas, and IgG indexes, and shortened the time for disappearance of lung rales.
T684 88934-89077 Sentence denotes The results indicated that SMI in combination with Western medicine might have a positive effect in the treatment of COPD (Huang et al., 2019).
T685 89078-89128 Sentence denotes Zongjun Fang et al. studied 38 patients with COPD.
T686 89129-89260 Sentence denotes The control group (18 cases) received conventional Western medicine, while 20 cases (the treatment group) received SMI in addition.
T687 89261-89581 Sentence denotes The results showed that patients in the treatment group had better vital capacity, forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1), maximal breathing capacity (MBC), maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP), load breathing time, arterial blood gas analysis, and Burp dyspnea scores than the control group or the pre-treatment patients.
T688 89582-89697 Sentence denotes The treatment group also had significantly improved respiratory function and clinical symptoms (Fang et al., 1998).
T689 89698-89901 Sentence denotes Changxing Guo et al. randomized 33 patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome into a conventional Western medicine treatment group (15 cases) and SMI + conventional treatment group (18 cases).
T690 89902-90104 Sentence denotes After treatment, patients in the SMI treatment group had increased prostacyclin PGI2 and PGI2/thromboxane A2 (TXA2) in blood to a certain extent compared to patients in the conventional treatment group.
T691 90105-90277 Sentence denotes Patients in the SMI group also had decreased levels of TXA2, atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and endothelin, and there were significant differences between the two groups.
T692 90278-90506 Sentence denotes The results indicated that SMI could play an active role in improving microcirculation, protecting organ functions, and preventing further occurrence and development of systemic inflammatory response syndrome (Guo et al., 2004).
T693 90508-90531 Sentence denotes Usage and Dosage of SMI
T694 90532-90607 Sentence denotes Intravenous drip, 20–60 ml diluted with 250–500 ml of 5% glucose injection.
T695 90609-90633 Sentence denotes Adverse Reactions of SMI
T696 90634-90971 Sentence denotes The adverse reactions mainly include immediate hypersensitivity, predominantly skin allergy manifested by itching, rash, systematic urticaria, and then allergic shock; there may also be serious abdominal distension, corneal edema, abnormal vision, hypotension, ascending vascular pain, acute hepatic damage, sinus arrest, and drug fever.
T697 90973-90988 Sentence denotes SMI Precautions
T698 90989-91084 Sentence denotes 1) Not to be used in newborns, infants, pregnant women, or those with an allergic constitution.
T699 91085-91136 Sentence denotes 2) Not for administration by intravenous injection.
T700 91137-91185 Sentence denotes The administration speed should not be too fast.
T701 91186-91298 Sentence denotes In those receiving the drug for the first time, the initial administration should be at 15 drips/min for 10 min.
T702 91299-91435 Sentence denotes If there are no abnormalities, the speed of administration can be increased to normal, which is generally controlled at 40–50 drips/min.
T703 91436-91537 Sentence denotes 3) This drug has a pressor response, and blood pressure should be monitored in hypertensive patients.
T704 91539-91596 Sentence denotes Relevant Information on the Clinical Application of AGNHP
T705 91598-91630 Sentence denotes Recommended Therapeutic Regimens
T706 91631-91755 Sentence denotes AGNHP has been recommended in 21 therapeutic regimens of COVID-19 in China (see detailed information in Tables 1 and 2 ).
T707 91757-91777 Sentence denotes Ingredients of AGNHP
T708 91778-92134 Sentence denotes Curcuma kwangsiensis S.G.Lee & C.F.Liang (Yujin), Calculus Bovis (Niuhuang), Cornu Bubali (Shuiniujiao), Coptis chinensis Franch. (Huanglian), Cinnabaris (Zhusha), Moschus (Shexiang), Margarita (Zhenzhu), Realgar (Xionghuang), Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi (Huangqin), Gardenia jasminoides J.Ellis (Zhizi), and Cinnamomum camphora (L.) J.Presl (Bingpian).
T709 92135-92203 Sentence denotes Basic information on AGNHP is provided in the Supplementary Table .
T710 92205-92257 Sentence denotes Indications for the Treatment of COVID-19 With AGNHP
T711 92258-92409 Sentence denotes AGNHP is used for the syndrome of epidemic toxin lung closure and inner blocking causing collapse in the progressive stage of COVID-19 (critical case).
T712 92410-92516 Sentence denotes Indicative symptoms are hyper-pyretic convulsions, coma and delirium, difficulty breathing, and dysphoria.
T713 92518-92563 Sentence denotes Progress of Pharmacological Research on AGNHP
T714 92564-92708 Sentence denotes Modern pharmacological studies have shown that AGNHP has antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective effects (see Table 3 ).
T715 92709-92940 Sentence denotes Zuguang Ye et al. discovered that AGNHP could significantly reduce the body temperature of hyperpyrexic rabbits in a fever model induced by intravenous injection of typhoid Vi polysaccharide vaccine in rabbit ear (Ye et al., 2003).
T716 92941-93201 Sentence denotes Feng Zhang, Kunjie Zhu et al. found in an LPS-induced intracerebral inflammation model that AGNHP antagonized the toxic effect of LPS on dopaminergic neurons, inhibited release of superoxide radical, and reverse changes in cortical monoamine neurotransmitters.
T717 93202-93408 Sentence denotes It was speculated that its impact on cortical monoamine neurotransmitters might be one of the mechanisms by which AGNHP promoted consciousness in LPS brain damage (Zhang F. et al., 2010; Zhu and Sun, 2014).
T718 93409-93558 Sentence denotes Research by Dan Zhang et al. showed that AGNHP lowered serum LPS and lung myeloperoxidase (MPO) levels in a rat model of sepsis (Zhang et al., 2009).
T719 93559-93768 Sentence denotes Yishan Tang et al. found that AGNHP lowered total LDH activity in serum and brain tissue, and changed the percentage of isomerase in a rat pertussis-induced infectious cerebral edema model (Tang et al., 2005).
T720 93769-93946 Sentence denotes Fan Q et al. discovered that AGNHP had anti-atherosclerotic effects in the high fat diet-induced ApoE−/− mouse model at early- and mid-stage via regulation of Th17/Treg balance.
T721 93947-94076 Sentence denotes It inhibited chronic inflammation, reduced plaque collagen fibers, and reduced inflammatory cell infiltration (Fan et al., 2020).
T722 94078-94104 Sentence denotes Clinical Research on AGNHP
T723 94105-94311 Sentence denotes Modern clinical studies have shown that AGNHP has therapeutic effects against hyperpyrexia, coma caused by severe infectious diseases, and viral encephalitis and severe pneumonia of infants (see Table 3 ).
T724 94312-94512 Sentence denotes Yueming Feng et al. conducted a systematic evaluation and found that AGNHP could be used to promote consciousness of coma patients with acute cerebral infarction (ACI) and improve neurologic function.
T725 94513-94682 Sentence denotes This may be due to the ability of AGNHP to alleviate the inflammatory response, reduce cerebral edema, and promote recovery of neurologic function (Feng and Yang, 2015).
T726 94683-94808 Sentence denotes Haijun Zhang et al. discovered through clinical observation that AGNHP could be used to treat viral encephalitis in children.
T727 94809-94971 Sentence denotes AGNHP rapidly reduced body temperature, prevented convulsions, promoted consciousness, and alleviated cerebral edema and brain cell damage (Zhang and Dong, 2014).
T728 94972-95186 Sentence denotes Research by Zhulin Zhuo et al. found that AGNHP with the adjuvant, Ribavirin was efficacious in acute severe viral pneumonia of children, significantly reduced PCT and improved immune function (Zhuo and Wen, 2017).
T729 95187-95405 Sentence denotes Yanling Shi discovered through clinical observation that AGNHP in combination with sodium phosphate improved anoxic conditions and myocardial damage in patients with neonatal asphyxia and myocardial damage (Shi, 2019).
T730 95406-95640 Sentence denotes Xie Long et al. in a study of 70 patients with ACI and central hyperpyrexia found that combined use of conventional Western medicine and AGNHP reduced the duration of fever and significantly improved the prognosis (Long and Wu, 2014).
T731 95641-95762 Sentence denotes Hanwei Liu et al. conducted a systematic review of relevant literature on AGNHP treatment of ACI and cerebral hemorrhage.
T732 95763-95977 Sentence denotes The results showed that adjuvant treatment with ANP (AGNHP) appeared to improve the total response rate and neurologic deficit score in patients with ACI and acute intracerebral hemorrhage (AIH) (Han et al., 2019).
T733 95978-96103 Sentence denotes Research by Ma et al. showed that ANP had a moderating effect on Th1/Th2 in cerebral infarction patients (Ma and Zhou, 2015).
T734 96105-96130 Sentence denotes Usage and Dosage of AGNHP
T735 96131-96151 Sentence denotes Oral administration.
T736 96152-96168 Sentence denotes 3 g, once a day.
T737 96170-96196 Sentence denotes Adverse Reactions of AGNHP
T738 96197-96302 Sentence denotes Overdose administration might cause mercurial nephrosis or allergic reaction and other adverse reactions.
T739 96303-96356 Sentence denotes Improper use of this product might cause hypothermia.
T740 96358-96375 Sentence denotes AGNHP Precautions
T741 96376-96483 Sentence denotes 1) Nasogastric administration can be used in patients unable to take orally because of high fever and coma.
T742 96484-96537 Sentence denotes The pills can be dissolved in warm but not hot water.
T743 96538-96620 Sentence denotes The water or decoction used to dissolve the pills should be controlled at 40–60°C.
T744 96621-96848 Sentence denotes The use of boiling water is forbidden for two reasons: first, to avoid increased decomposition of realgar and cinnabar by high temperature, and reduce generation of the highly toxic arsenic trioxide, free arsenium, and mercury.
T745 96849-96985 Sentence denotes Research has shown that arsenic trioxide in realgar preparations is not significantly changed below 60°C but begins to increase at 80°C.
T746 96986-97126 Sentence denotes The decoction used for dissolving AGNHP should therefore not exceed 60°C secondly, musk, borneol and other aromatic substances are volatile.
T747 97127-97204 Sentence denotes Boiling water could result in excess volatilization, thus, reducing efficacy.
T748 97205-97273 Sentence denotes 2) Must not be used with nitrate, nitrite, ferrite or sulfate drugs.
T749 97274-97307 Sentence denotes 3) Not for use in pregnant women.
T750 97308-97400 Sentence denotes 4) It contains cinnabar and realgar, and should not be taken at high doses for long periods.
T751 97401-97532 Sentence denotes Should be used with caution in those with hepatic and renal dysfunction. (5) It contains musk, so athletes should use with caution.
T752 97534-97560 Sentence denotes Discussion and Conclusions
T753 97561-97651 Sentence denotes It is a critical moment in the battle to defeat the current outbreak of novel coronavirus.
T754 97652-97748 Sentence denotes For this specific indication, rapid performance of TCM can contribute as an alternative measure.
T755 97749-97840 Sentence denotes TCM can effectively prevent the disease from transforming into severe and critical disease.
T756 97841-97989 Sentence denotes In severe cases, TCM has won time for recovery by improving symptoms (The State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China, 2020).
T757 97990-98193 Sentence denotes Treatment practice for COVID-19 has shown that early intervention with TCM is an important method to improve cure rate, shorten the course of disease, delay disease progression and reduce mortality rate.
T758 98194-98324 Sentence denotes For example, the total response rate of Qingfei Paidu Decoction was more than 90% in Shanxi and Hebei provinces (He et al., 2020).
T759 98325-98483 Sentence denotes CPMs have played an important role in preventing and treating epidemic diseases in China because they are convenient to use, easily stored and cost-effective.
T760 98484-98624 Sentence denotes The positive role of CPMs has been emphasized in the “Diagnosis and Treatment of COVID-19 (Trial Version 7)” and other therapeutic regimens.
T761 98625-98786 Sentence denotes During the medical observation period and early stage of COVID-19, HXZQC, LHQWC, SFJDC, and JHQGG can be selected according to different clinical manifestations.
T762 98787-98854 Sentence denotes At the same time, they can also promote immunity against the virus.
T763 98855-98972 Sentence denotes For severe and critical disease, the choice shall be made according to different syndromes during clinical treatment.
T764 98973-99301 Sentence denotes For viral infections combined with mild bacterial infections, XYPI and TRQI can be used; for high fever with disturbance of consciousness, AGNHP can be used; for systemic inflammatory response syndrome or multiple organ function failure, XBJI is recommended; SMI can be used for immunosuppression; and SFI can be used for shock.
T765 99302-99520 Sentence denotes Furthermore, the reason that TCM works is not only because it inhibits the virus, but also because it might block infection, regulate the immune response, inhibit the inflammatory storm, and promote repair of the body.
T766 99521-99650 Sentence denotes Moreover, the prevention and control measures of COVID-19 have fully reflected the ideology of “preventive treatment of disease”.
T767 99651-99739 Sentence denotes Physicians should pay attention to the reasonable application of CPMs to treat COVID-19.
T768 99740-99816 Sentence denotes Severe patients are prone to septic shock, and liver and kidney dysfunction.
T769 99817-99905 Sentence denotes In patients with related underlying diseases, drug metabolism and clearance are reduced.
T770 99906-100022 Sentence denotes Treatment options: hepato-renal toxic drugs should be avoided to reduce the risk of drug accumulation and poisoning.
T771 100023-100113 Sentence denotes For example, AGNHP contains cinnabar and realgar, and should not be taken for a long time.
T772 100114-100179 Sentence denotes People with liver and kidney dysfunction should use with caution.
T773 100180-100426 Sentence denotes TRQI should be carefully selected because it aggravates liver and kidney function; LHQWC and JHQGG contain ephedrae herba (Mahuang), and doctors need to monitor patients’ blood pressure, heart condition and combined use of antihypertensive drugs.
T774 100427-100617 Sentence denotes In clinical application of XBJI, SFI and other traditional Chinese medicine injections, attention should be paid to the choice of solvent and the interval between infusions with other drugs.
T775 100618-100696 Sentence denotes As is well known, clinicians use CPMs under the guidance of the theory of TCM.
T776 100697-100884 Sentence denotes Foreign doctors and patients wishing to use CPMs to treat COVID-19 should exercise caution, especially in countries where they may be used incorrectly without the knowledge of TCM theory.
T777 100885-100930 Sentence denotes There are some limitations within this paper.
T778 100931-101213 Sentence denotes First, as there is little direct clinical evidence for the prevention of COVID-19, the reported studies are from previous reports on the prevention of SARS, MERS, H7N9, and H1N1 influenza by CPMs, which can only be considered as indirect evidence in respect of the current outbreak.
T779 101214-101303 Sentence denotes Secondly, the programs for prevention of COVID-19 were issued shortly after the outbreak.
T780 101304-101506 Sentence denotes Chinese medicine experts suggested CPMs to treat COVID-19 based on their previous experience in the prevention and treatment of similar diseases combined with their initial understanding of the disease.
T781 101507-101668 Sentence denotes The actual effects of these programs need to be verified in clinical application, and updated and improved according to the evidence of new research on COVID-19.
T782 101669-101812 Sentence denotes For future studies, we recommend prospective cohort studies, RCTs or registry studies to evaluate the effect of CPMs in prevention of COVID-19.
T783 101813-101911 Sentence denotes Some clinical trial protocols to treat COVID-19 using the top 10 CPMs are ongoing (see Table 4 ).
T784 101912-102257 Sentence denotes At present, since COVID-19 has not yet been controlled, a series of prospective population studies with rigorous design and large sample should commence with protocol registration, and implementation in a timely manner, to produce reliable evidence for CM prevention of COVID-19 or similar emerging respiratory infectious diseases in the future.
T785 102258-102369 Sentence denotes Table 4 Registration information on clinical trial protocols for the top 10 CPMS in the treatment of COVID-19.
T786 102370-102459 Sentence denotes CPMS Registration Number Registration Date Clinical research unit  Registration title
T787 102460-102653 Sentence denotes XYPJ ChiCTR2000029756 2020/2/12 Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University (Wuhan, China) Clinical study of nebulized Xiyanping injection in the treatment of novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19)
T788 102654-102946 Sentence denotes ChiCTR2000030117 2020/2/23 Jiangxi Qingfeng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Ganzhou, China) A multicenter, randomized, open, parallel controlled trial for the evaluation of the effectiveness and safety of Xiyanping injection in the treatment of common type novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19)
T789 102947-103076 Sentence denotes ChiCTR2000030218 2020/2/25 Fifth People’s Hospital of Ganzhou (Ganzhou, China) Study of Pinavir/Ritonavir tablets (Trade Name:
T790 103077-103162 Sentence denotes Kelizhi) Combined with Xiyanping injection for novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19)
T791 103163-103450 Sentence denotes LHQWC ChiCTR2000029433 2020/2/1 Hebei Yiling Hospital (Shijiazhuang, China), Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University (Wuhan, China) A randomized, open-label, blank-controlled trial for Lian-Hua Qing-Wen Capsule/granule in the treatment of suspected novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19)
T792 103451-103721 Sentence denotes ChiCTR2000029434 2020/2/1 Hebei Yiling Hospital (Shijiazhuang, China), Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University (Wuhan, China) A randomized, open-label, blank-controlled trial for Lian-Hua Qing-Wen Capsule/granule in the treatment of novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19)
T793 103722-104003 Sentence denotes TRQI ChiCTR2000029432 2020/2/1 The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine (Guangzhou, China) A real world study for the efficacy and safety of large dose Tanreqing injection in the treatment of patients with novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19)
T794 104004-104187 Sentence denotes ChiCTR2000029813 2020/2/14 Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center (Shanghai, China) Clinical trial for Tanreqing capsules in the treatment of novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19)
T795 104188-104421 Sentence denotes XBJI ChiCTR2000029381 2020/1/27 The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University (Guangzhou, China) A prospective comparative study for Xue-Bi-Jing injection in the treatment of novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19)
T796 104422-104621 Sentence denotes ChiCTR2000030388 2020/3/1 Jingzhou First People’s Hospital (Jingzhou, China) Efficacy and safety of Xue-Bi-Jing injection in the treatment of severe cases of novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19)
T797 104622-104849 Sentence denotes SFJDC ChiCTR2000030043 2020/2/21 Peking University Third Hospital (Beijing, China) Shen-Fu injection in the treatment of severe novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19): a multicenter, randomized, open-label, controlled trial
T798 104851-104871 Sentence denotes Author Contributions
T799 104872-104903 Sentence denotes WZ and ZF wrote the manuscript.
T800 104904-104960 Sentence denotes HW, YY, LW, NS, GS and YS searched for related articles.
T801 104961-105001 Sentence denotes YC, XL, and GG proofread the manuscript.
T802 105002-105062 Sentence denotes SX guided the writing and critically revised the manuscript.
T803 105063-105113 Sentence denotes All authors have read and approved the manuscript.
T804 105115-105122 Sentence denotes Funding
T805 105123-105471 Sentence denotes This work was supported by the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine “twelfth five-year” key clinical pharmacy construction project (No.ZP0101YX001), the National of Traditional Chinese Medicine Innovative Talents Training Project of China and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China (No.20720200012).
T806 105473-105493 Sentence denotes Conflict of Interest
T807 105494-105666 Sentence denotes The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.