PMC:7386785 / 142346-142914 JSONTXT 5 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1908 0-133 Sentence denotes JD, JDi, YT, CD, ML, RS, LH, AV, DE, and SD contributed clinical, methodological and/or technical expertise to drafting the protocol.
T1909 134-209 Sentence denotes JD co‐ordinated contributions from all co‐authors and drafted the protocol.
T1910 210-243 Sentence denotes ML drafted the QUADAS‐2 criteria.
T1911 244-371 Sentence denotes AVDB oversaw the overall progress of this review, drafted the manuscript and participated in the selection and data extraction.
T1912 372-452 Sentence denotes TS participated in the data extraction, analyses and drafting of the manuscript.
T1913 453-568 Sentence denotes JD and BH also participated in the data extraction, interpretation of the findings and commented on the manuscript.